Trojan Trouble TONY VLASTELICA, Oregon State reserve center, will be an im portant cog in the Beaver attack when the Gillmen take on the Southern California Trojans in a two out of three playoff for the PCC crown this weekend. Orangemen, USC Set Court Battles For PCC Crown Oregon State's rangy Beav ers will tangle with the South ern California Trojans in a cru cial two of three series for the Pacific Coast basketball cham pionship this weekend. The games will be played in the Long Beach city college gym at 8:30 on Friday and Satur day nights. If a third game is necessary it will be played at the tame time Monday evening. Slats Gill’s Orangemen, winners of the Northern Division crown, de parted Thursday morning by air plane for their all-important play off with USC. To the winner will Two Eugene radio stations wall carry the games—KASH Friday and Monday and KERG Saturday. Game time will be 8:30 p.m. go the right to enter the Western Regional N.C.A.A. tourney Friday and Saturday nights, March 12 13 at Corvallis. HOME TEAM ADVANTAGE The Beavers and Trojans will probably go into the games rated as even-stephen with the scales tipping slightly in the Californians’ favor because of the fact that they are playing in front of a home crowd. In the 29 playoffs of the past between the Southern and Northern Division winners, the home team has come out victorious QaX 22 occasions. f.JSoth teams have played rather unpredictable ball duj-ing their sea con so far and both had to come from behind in their league races tp earn the playoff berth. The Bea vers trailed the Oregon Ducks tlifough half the schedule before finally taking over the N.D. lead and the Trojans lagged behind UCLA and California until the last eefies of the season when they downed the Bruins twice to win the title by one game over their surprised rivals. OSC TALLER Oregon State will floor a much taller team than their opponents but the host team w-ill have a defi nite speed advantage. Two of the key players in the series will be the two opposing centers, Swede Halbrook of OSC and Roy Irvin of Southern Cal. Halbrook, with a 20 point plus per game average, was picked as a Northern Division all star. Irvin, with an average only slightly less than Halbrook's, was picked as a member of the South ern Division star team. All this points to tremendous battle of two of the best pivot men in the busi ness. Coach Gill of the Beavers an I nounced Thursday that he intended I to start Tex Whiteman and Jay i Dean at the forward posts; Hal brook at center; and Bill Toole and Ron Fundingsland at the guard spots. Senate Approves Casaba Awards The ASUO senate Thursday night approved the recommenda tion of the University Athletic de partment to award letters to 11 members of the varsity basketball team and 12 members of the Frosh, Varsity letters winners are Max Anderson, Ray Bell, Bob Hawes, Ed Halberg, Barney Holland, How ard Page, Jerry Ross, Bob Stout and Ken Wegner. Tom Stamper and Jim Fraser, managers, were also recommended for awards. Frosh basketeers who have earn ed awards are Spence Anderson, Berge Borrevick, Larry Barnes, Richie Costi, John Lundell, Don McClain, Jack McClenahan, Phil McHugh, Bill Moore, Jerry Poole, Darrell Tyberg and Frank Wer ner. Barney Holland Gains Spot on All-Star Five Oregon State's Wade II al brook and Washington State's Ron Rennink were unanimous choices for the Northern Divi sion all-star basketball team selected Wednesday. The coast commissioner’s of fice also announced that the other three positions on the team went to Dean Parsons of Washington, Bob Garrison of Ida ho, and Barney Holland of Oregon. For a second team the Northern Division coaches picked Ed Hal- j berg of Oregon and Karl Voegtlin of Washington at the forward posi tions; Dwight Morrison of Idaho at center; and Ken Wegner of Oregon | and Tom Flynn of Idaho at the guard posts. Ron Robins and Jay Dean of Oregon State were both given honorable mention honors. ALL HAVE GOOD AVERAGES 1 Of the five men named to the first team every one of them aver aged more than ten points per; game with Halbrook leading the way with an average of 20.8 in the Beavers 16 Northern Division games. Southern Division coaches an-' nounced their all-star team also, Wednesday. It included, on the first team, Roy Irvin of Southern 1 Cal and Bob McKeen of California at forwards; Russ Lawler of Stan ford at center; and Ron Living ston and Don Bragg of UCLA in Wash., Cougars Schedule Series The Northern Division basket ball race will come to a close this weekend at Seattle when the Washington Huskies and the Washington State Cougars tangle in a two game series. When the Huskies of coach Tip py Dye take to the maple boards to oppose Jack Friel's Cougars the two fives will be battling to see which one ends up in the di-1 vision cellar. At the present time WSC Is in | last place with four wins and ten defeats. Washington isn't far ahead with five wins and nine losses. One win for the Huskies will assure them of not ending up in the conference basement but two straight wins for the visiting Cougars would give the Pullman hoopsters the fourth place spot ahead of their cros3-state rivals. In their first series of the season ! at Pullman, WSC won the first game 56-48 but lost the second fray to the Huskies 54-44. The Cougars will bank most of their hopes for a sweep of the two games on the shoulders of their high-scoring forward, Ron Ben- i nink, who will be out to continue his scoring antics in the season finals. Bennink has a per game av erage of more than 18 points. To counter Bennink, Washing ton has two outstanding perform ers in the persons of Dean Parsons and Karl Voegtlin who will at tempt to squelch the visitors’ hopes. Both teams have very poor rec ords for the season as a whole and it is certain that both of them will be out to salvage some blaze of glory in their final two con tests. A double victory for either quintet would ease the sting of past defeats for that team. Tennis Call All those Interested in play ing varsity or freshmen tennis spring term are asked to meet in room 2 of the ROTC building at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, ac ordlng to Capt. Robert La Tence, coach. BARNEY MOLL A N I), rool headed Oregon guard, wan voted to a position on the Northern Division eoaehes all-star team selected Wednesday. Holland 1<* a 5-11 senior front Coon Bay, Oregon. the backcourt. Of these only Law ler was a unanimous choice. S. D. SECOND TEAM For a second team they named Bob Albo of California and Dick Welsh of Southern Gal at for wards; John Moore of UCLA at center; and Bob Matheny of Cali fornia and George Sellick of Stan ford at guards. Honorable mention went to Tony Psaltis of Southern Cal. Oleg Suzdaleff of Stanford, and Dick Tamberg of California. Duck Eggs FOR SALE Some Ducks arc good when roasted, others are fun to pet, and some lay eggs. Of course there are othftr birds who ley eggs, but the Ducks seem to be overproductive. Oh well, you can't win them all. Per haps with a new drake in the pond there will be some changes made in the various nests—but quack-quack, what do Ducks know about politics. For some meaty subjects it is always best to discuss them in a good atmos phere. There is lots of atmosphere for sale at ROD TAYLOR'S On The Glenwood Strip Grid Meeting Head football ooanb, I^'ti Casanova, hitM announced that thorn will Im> an Important mooting of all those follows In terested In playing varsfty foot ball noxt yoar at McArthur Court noxt Thursday aftornoon, March It, at 4:15 p.m. CONTINENTAL TRAILWAYS 5* f There Are MO LOWER FARES Yen, compare rail anil air (are*, ami figure the cost of driving your own car . . . then see for yourself how ... much you save on Continental Trail wayt! Medford $3.95 .... One Way Sacramento $9.40 .... One Way Oklahoma City $37.55 . . . One Way • All farci }i!u» fr«J. Tan THRU-BUS SERVICE nu., NO CHANGE OF BUS OR BAGGAGE TRAIL WAYS Ciiwuy-t fjciHy ittiy For Rotorvotiont Mrs. K. Downing, Agtnl 959 Poor* St. Ph. 4-4253 Speciall Close Out of Weber Pipes Special 3.50 Values Now Just 2.50! Student Lucky Number 1001 If you have this student registration card, drop in for a gift necktie! Watch our ads for future lucky numbers! FENNELLS 860 E. 13th