Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 01, 1954, Page Four, Image 4

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UO Assembly Has
Trials, .Tribulations
By Pat McCann
Emerald Feature Writer
When you, the audience, see
“Show Business — U. of O.” at
8 p. m. Wednesday in McArthur
court, you'll see a smooth running,
enjoyable show that won't reveal
the hours of work and the trials
and tribulations that went into it
For example, at last Tuesday
night’s rehearsal before the show
went to Corvallis on Wednesday,
if was discovered that the sets
were missing. Janitor, thinking the
sets were part of the Senior ball
decorations, had burned them!
After the shock had worn off,
Pat Henry, Keith Cameron, Don
Foss, Scott Lehner and Don Fin
lay started to build new ones.
They worked from 10 that night
until 5:30 Wednesday morning, us
ing any kind of scrap they could
get. “The results were ultimately
better,” according to Henry.
This year's exchange assembly
Business Machine
On Display Today
An exhibition of business ma
chines, held by the National Cash
Register Co. will open in the old
University high school building to
day. Company representatives will
also lecture to business school
classes. Students who wish to at
tend the exhibit during class hours
must sign up at the school of bus
iness administration in Common
wealth hall or in room 127 of the
old high school building.
According to A. B. Stillman, act
ing dean of the school, the exhibi
tion will be open to the public from
1 to 3 p. m. today, at 1 p m. Tues
day and 3 p. hi. Thursday.
Job Interviews
May be Slated Now
Representatives of General Mills
Inc., will be on campus Tuesday
seeking men with sound business
education rather than specialized
training for varied jobs in adver
tising, comptroller activities, pro
duction, production control, pur
chasing and sales in their firm.
On Wednesday recruiters from
E. I. DuPont de Nemours and Co.
will be interviewing doctoral can
didates in chemistry and physics.
Prospects for salesmen, ac
countants, auditors and chemists
will be interviewed by Barney
Mullaney and H. R. Seeds of
Crown-Zellerbach Co. on next
Representatives of Firestone
Tire and Rubber Co. will inter
view graduates interested in sales,
credit, sales accounting, and man
agement, while they are on cam
pus March 5.
Appointments for interviews are
made through the office of Karl
W. Onthank, Emerald hall. Any
additional information may also
be obtained there.
^ Joann* Woodruff, freshman
in liberal arts, has pledged Alpha
Chi Omega during winter term
women’s open rush, according to
the off ice of Mrs. Golda Wickham,
dean of women.
I is a survey of show business. Us
ing songs, dances, skits, magic
and dialogues, the cast shows its
audience scenes from the night
club, the theater, radio, TV and the
‘Girl Hunt’ Planned
Girl Hunt is a take-off num
ber on Man Hunt from the movie
“Band Wagon." The milsic for
this dance number was arranged
especially by Rodger Middleton
to fit the movements and dialogue.
For the radio sequence, sections
from “The Hour of Zorch,” pro
duced over KWAX last term were
used. One of the most hilarious
numbers is the parody on Ebb
Magician to Perform
Magician Don Finlay takes over
part of the night club sequence
to amuse and amaze his audience
with feats of magic.
Donna Maulding uses another
type of magic, woman’s intuition
i and knowledge of her husband,
| played by Scott Lehner. Without
| ever looking at him she knows
: exactly what he is doing through
; out their skit.
These and the other scenes in
the assembly are integrated by
the patter of master of ceremonies
Jim Jones. Co-directors of the as
| sembly are Gloria Lee, junior in
speech, and Pat Henry, sophomore
I in speech.
Debate Team Goes
To Linfield Tourney
Members of the Oregon speech
squad will participate in the Lin
| field Debate tournament in Mc
Minnville Thursday through Sat
urday. They will compete with
teams from 11 western states in
the annual tournament, the larg
est west of the Mississippi.
Competition is divided into jun
ior and senior divisions with tro
phies awarded first place winners.
The team will compete in debate,
oratory, extemporaneous speaking
and other forms of speech divi
i sions.
At last year's tournament, Ore
gon placed first in debate, second
in impromptu and tied for second
in senior women’s debate.
Campus Calendar
Noon Yeomen 110 SU
Span Tbl 111 SU
NW Proj Meet 112 SU
4:00 Snoball Decor 111 SU
WUS Educ Com 319 SU
7:30 Co-ed Housing* 112 SU
Pub Adm Grp 113 SU
Math Senior Indicted
On Charge of Extortion
The Lane County grand jury
Friday indicted John Daily, sen
ior in mathematics, on a charge
of extortion.
Daily is accused of telling a Eu
gene woman he had pictures of
her in embarrassing circum
i stances. He is purported to have
offered the pictures to her for
1 $250 and later for $200.
Sett, Seed, and Stecduf
Travel • Study Credit • Fun
1954 Scattnten Seteion
(/cate 23 (a s4ocyu&t 3
The UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII, located where East meets West,
announces a full curriculum of graduate and undergraduate
courses in 29 fields of study. Special regional programs, edu
cation workshops, and art courses will be featured. Distin
guished resident and visiting faculty. Enjoy a summer of fun
and study just a textbook's throw from famous Waikiki Beach.
ASUO to Study
Game Card Issue
by Jarry Harrell
Emerald Reporter
'‘YVe wish there was a better
means of identifying students at
athletic events,” Athletic Director
Leo Harris told the ASUO senate
at its kast meeting. "But pictures
on athletic cards are not satis
factory," he added.
Because of the frequent checks
of athletic cards this year, the
senate has established a commit
tee to determine _ better means
of identification.
Harris told the senate that the
150 athletic cards picked up at the
Indiana basketball game Dec. 22
represented a potential $240 loss
to the athletic department in ad
mission prices. He said that the
student pays $13.50 a year for his
athletic card, a greatly reduced
rate, and if he transfers his ath
letic card he is avoiding a tax.
Revenue Lost
Harris pointed out that it would
he impossible to schedule top
flight teams unless a high guar
antee could be made. When towns
people and students from other
schools enter contests on borrowed
Deadline (or item* (or this column ia at A
pm. the day prior to publication.
0 The Student I'nion dance
! committee will meet in the Stu
. dent Union at 4 p.m. today, Phyl
lis Pearson, chairman, has an
• Meta Jean Frink, sopho
more in business, has been ap
pointed assistant treasurer of the
YWCA. Her name was omitted
from the list of appointive YW
officers which ran in Thursday's
• Petitions for Mother’s Day
! chairmanship are now being called
for by ASUO President Torn
Wrightson. The petitions are due
in the ASUO petition box by 4:00
p.m. Thursday.
0 Pet'tion deadline for Junior
I Weekend committee chairmen is
5 p.m. Tuesday, according to Gen
| eral Chairman Jim Light. All pc
■ titions are to be turned in at the
ASUO petition box on the third
■ floor of the Student Union.
• The World University Serv
i ice executive committee will meet
j at 4 p.m. today f in the Student
; Union, Sue Shreve, general proj
I ect chairman, has announced.
£ Members of the Red Cross
board are to meet in the Student
j Union commuter’s lunch room at 4
p.m. today, according to Mary
1 Wilson, president.
in play
• Harder Smashes
• Better Cut and Spin
in your racket
• Moisture Immune
• Lasting Liveliness
than gut
Pro-Fectsd Braid....$6.00
Multi-Ply Braid.$5.00
At tennis shops and
sporting goods stores.
Choice of The Championt
| cards, this represents a loss in
; revenue. It hurts the students as
much as the athletic department,
since the department functions for
'tthe students, Harris said.
The senate Thursday received
a report of the constitutional com
mittee, which stated that under
the ASUO constitution, the dele
gation of power to the student
traffic court was perfectly legal,
but that the J. Kelly Farris case
is beyond the jurisdiction of the
committee. The committee, head
ed by K. J. O’Connell, professor
of law, has the authority to pass
on constitutional matters only.
Power Delegated
Director of Student Affairs Don
ald DuShane told the senate that
Farris had overlooked the fact
that a student comes to the uni
versity under his own volition, and
is subject to the rules set up by
the University under the power
delegated by the state board of
higher education.
The state board has specifically
delegated the power to rule on
automobile parking to the admin
istration, who lias in turn dele
gated the authority to the student
court, DuShane added.
Jlule+UrUf. 9n
...0* KWAX
6:00 p. m. Sign On
6:03 Piano Moods
6:15 Guest Star
6:30 Guest Star
6:30 News Till Now
6:45 Four for a Quarter
7:00 Showtime
7:30 Chicago Roundtable
8:00 Campus Recital
8:30 University Radio Forum
9:00 Kwaxworks
10:50 News Headlines
10:55 Tune to Say Goodnight
11:00 Sign Off
Don Wend, Cla»lf!cd Advcrtlulng Mgr.
LOST: (iullct Man's Wrist watch,
stainless steel case, expandable
band. Reward. Cull 5-0293.
LOST White gold Hamilton
ladles wrist watch between
parking lot on 15th and McArthur
court Friday night. Reward. Rh.
4-2304. * 3-2
FOR SALK '50 Ford convertible
customized, Kdcl brock heads,
dual carbs, R & H, many extras.
454 Mill, Springfield, after 5
p. m. $1,000. 2-20
Wcstlnghous, late model, Healed
unit 1109.05. Kelvin* tor,
email size, newly painted - -
$59 50. Kelvlnntor, (reposses
sion) 1 yr. old, full width freez
er chewt and automatic defrost
ing — $199.95. Servel, (kero
sene refrigerator) excellent con
dition - $99.95.
Estate, 4 burner — $59.95.
IVetfClnghouse, all rod style
units $79.95. ilotpoint, 2 new
unite, deep well — $89.95.
IVedgewood combination ga >
and wood $89.95. Kelvlnator
late model — $779.95.
Maying, round tub, late model
$99.95. ItlaekHtone, fully au
tomatic $99.50. (4) Bendlv
super Agitator, fully automatic,
(three demonstrator* and one
floor sample) $119,95. IJen
dlx Duomatic (floor sample) -
$449.95. Mechanic* Special, au
matlc washers, take aa is -—
Portable Mewing Machine —
$99.95. Maytag t'prlght f reez
er (18 cu. ft.) floor sample —•
$459.95. Super Flame Oil Heat
er (deluxe model) 5 room size -
70 W. loth, I'h. 4-8297
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