THURSDAY— 6:00 p. m. Sign On 6:03 Piano Moods 6:15 Four for a Quarter 6:30 News Till Now 6:45 Sports Shots 7:00 University Hour 8:00 Patrioscript 8:15 UN Story 8:30 Serenade to the Student 9:00 Kwaxworks 10:00 The SU and You 10:30 News Headlines 10:55 Tune to Say Goodnight 11:00 Sign Off ^ The Student Union publicity committee will meet tonight at 6:30 in the SU, according to Ted Goh, publicity committee chair man. Traffic Deaths Cut in Oregon hy I no Associaiea t ress The National Safety council has advised Oregon officials that the state’s 19 per cent reduction in traffic deaths last year was the best in the nation. Utah was second with a 15 per' cent reduction. Washington cut j its traffic deaths 14 per cent, Cali fornia 4 per cent and Idaho 9 per cent. On the other side of the j ledger, Oregon had a two per cent increase in the number of traffic injuries. Oregon's highway death rate last year was 5.5 persons killed for each 100 million miles of trav el, compared with a rate of 6.2 in 1952. Sherman county was the only one of Oregon's 36 counties which had a death-free traffic record in 1953. There were 391 Come See Our New Baby so so so Round, Firm and Fully Packed A Real Bundle of Goodness OUR NEW "TORRID PUPPY" That We're So Proud of "Our Original Coney Island" A select juicy frankfurter of highest quality served nestled in fresh, toasted buttered bun with a generous portion of lusci ous "chili meat" sauce — tangy mustard, served with or with out fine chopped Bermuda onions. Buy One - - - Get One FREE with this ad Boys! BRING YOUR GIRL FRIEND WITH YOU!! HER "CONEY" IS ON THE HOUSE IF YOU TURN IN THIS AD! Girls! BRING YOUR GAL CHUM AND YOU CAN "MATCH" TO SEE WHICH ONE IS FREE WITH THIS AD! 60c value for 3 dimes OFFER GOOD 'TIL MARCH 10 ONLY Let's Go To C^able A 2)rii/e-^)n Highway 99 and Coburg Overpass year. CAMPUS BRIEFS Deadline (or items (or this column is tit 4 p.m. the day prior to publication. 0 The Alpine club will meet to day at 4 p. m. in the Student Un ion, vice-president John Vazbys has announced. 9 Three movies, “Medieval Ar chitecture,” "Medieval Castles’' and "Medieval Monasteries" will be shown Friday at 9 and 11a. m. in Architecture 107. • The YWCA International Af fairs commission will meet Friday noon in the YWCA offices in Ger iinger hall, according to Germaine LaMarche, chairman. ^ House managers will meet at 6:30 ttjnight in the Student Union. The agenda includes dis cussion of financial matters and nominations for president, accord ing to Gerry Bowden, president. Campus Calendar 9:00 11:00 11:45 Noon 1:15 2:00 4:00“ 4:30 6:00 6:30 Christian Sci 111 SU Stu Bus Conf 138 CW AFROTC 113 SU Stu Bus Conf 110 SU Speech Dept 111 SU Journ Fac 112 SU Gam Delta 114 SU Stu Bus Conf Info Lobby 2nd fl Inter-Faith T Ger 2nd fl Alpine Cl 110 SU SHSBBT 111 SU Frosh Snbal And blrm SU, IRL Regis Lby 2nd fl Pi Lbda Thta Ger 2nd fl 7:00 8:00 ASUO Sen IFC SU Pub Hse Mgr.? IRL Regis IVCF Psi Chi Mt. Angel Chr 112 SU 114 SU 313 SU 315 SU 110 SU Com Lnch 334 SU blrm SU Classifieds Don Wcnzl, Classified Advertising Mgr. FOR SALE — Electric stove, $65. Sectional, 3 pieces, $85. Ph. 4 2939. tf FOR MONEY SAVING — Trade at The Bargain House, new and used men's women's clothing exchanges. 39 E? 7th Ave. 2-26 LOST: Gallet Man’s Wrist watch, stainless steel case, expandable band. Reward. Call 5-6293. WANTED — Man with car and without 11:00 a. m. class to be Emerald circulation manager. $1.00 per day. Call Dick Carter ext. 219 afternoons. tf STROBE Flash unit—hardly used, compact dry cell. $45. Art Mid dleton, 4-8381. 2-25 FOR SALE — '50 Ford convertible customized, Edelbrock heads, dual carbs, R & H, many extras. 454 Mill, Springfield, after 5 p. m. $1,000. 2-26 103 Years Young But 43 Years Late By Associated Press Judge Hugh Rossellini 1ms told Benjamin (Dad) Trimble to forget all about his jury summons. Trim ble was advised to stay home, rend his Bible and relax. You see, Trimble is 103 years old — just 43 years past the age limit for jurors. The gray-haired former slave put on a little show to prove to the Judge that he Is almost a« good a man ns over. Ho sang a song and did li brief buck and-wlng dance. • The Air Force ROTC and Army ROTC drill teams will com pete in a military drill team com petition at 1 p. in. today at Hay ward field. The public has been invited to ultend the annual com petition. it's the wedge collar — chic, cool, correct! This Shapely Classic is fashioned of Avondale sanforized cotton chambray STRIPE. ... the lilt that gives your personality a lift! In blue, red, gray, gold ... w ith short sleeves. Sizes 12 to IS $2.95 As featured in Mademoiselle and "Seventeen'’ Magazines spcprs+sop / QUALITY SPORTSWEAR f FOR WOMEN & MISSES 187 E. BROADWAY PH. 4-5612 it you don get it now you'll wish you had . . . I his is your last chance to buy a 1954 OREGANA ( Now Selling at $6.25 Booth Sales in the S.U. Today and Tomorrow Afternoons Ten years from now you’ll be really glad! You can also . . contact the Oregana representative in your living organization, or come to the Oregana office in the S. U. HURRY! % This Week Is the Pre-Deadline Sale for Your 1954 OREGANA