Webfoots Begin Drills For Oregon State Tilts After splitting a pair of games with the Washington Huskies last Weekend, the Oregon Ducks began workouts Monday afternoon for their final series of the season J with the Oregon Stutc Heavers. When the Oregon eourtsters j take to the maple boards this Fri day and Saturday nights against their cross-state rivals it will mnrk the most crucial basketball aeries the two teams have played In many years, Oregon State needs only one win J in the two game set to cinch the i Northern Division championship! while two Oregon victories would result in the Webfoots and Bea vers ending in a tic for the title and would make a play-off nec essary to see which team would j represent the league In the N. C. I A. A. playoffs next month. In preparation for the all-im portant tussles coach Bill Borcher of the Ducks ran his team through an extensive workout Monday in hopes he. can get the Oregons in I tip top shape, both physically and j mentally, before Friday evening. The team spent much of the evening in planning offensive and defensive maneuvers, which it is hoped will baffle Slats Gill's giant; hoopers into making some costly mistakes. Also occupying some of theI practice time was a full court scrimmage which gave the Ducks a chance to work on their fast break. Both games this weekend are sell-outs and have been for quite some time. ItlU. BOKCHKK, Or^fon lm«krthaU roach. In working hit* tram rxtrfc hart! thin week In preparation for its final series of the season against Oregon State Friday and Saturday nights. The Ducks must win both game* to gain u 'tie for the N. D. championship. Duck Grapplers Absorb Beating in Duel Match Portland State's powerful Vik ings bowled over the University of Oregon’s inexperienced wrest ling squad 31-2 in McArthur Court last Saturday afternoon. The Viking's Lee Allen, runner up in the National AAU champion ships last year, proved his form by pinning Darrell Klampe in the first round, while Buz Wheatly, the Northwest’s AAU champ, do cisioned Roland Wilson of the Ducks 13-2. Leroy Russell won a close match from Bob Williams 8-5, Earl Nutt decisioned Bob Reid 2-1, and Don York decisioned John Woyat to give the Vikings their remaining points. The Webfoots’ only points came ! from a draw between Joe Casale ] of the Viks and Bob Shirley of the i Ducks. Although the Ducks lost by ! quite a margin'they are improving. ! Three of the matches were very close decisions. In a preliminary match the Uni versity of Oregon Frosh mat squad v/as pushed over by Roseburg high school 26-10 Winners for the Frosh were Ken Keaey and Dave Newland, while Dick Nice gained a draw. Tuesday aftejmoon the! Ducklings travel to Corvallis to! take on the OSC Rook squad. Sports Staff Sports Editor: Bob Robinson Staff: Don Lovett Pacific Coast Wrestle Planned at Cal Poly Over 100 wrestlers, from 14 west :oa«t colleges and universities, are xpected to compete in the Pacific -oast Intercollegiate Wrestling tournament at California -State Polytechnic college, March 12 and 13, officials announced today. Held at Cal Poly for the third consecutive year, the meet will attract teams from Oregon State, Washington State, University of Oregon, San Jose State, Portland State, University of California at L