Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 19, 1954, Page Four, Image 4

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    Phi Delts Roll to Win
Over Susie Courtmen
The “Tall Kincaider's” of Phi
Delta Theta loomed down and
plucked the intramural "A” bas
ketball championship from the
.grasp of Susan Campbell Hall ns
the Phi Delts downed the Susie
basketball quintet 45-29 in the fi
nal game of the intramural basket
ball play-offs, Thursday afternoon.
Opening the championship game
With a perfect undefeated record,
the Phi Delts and the Susies
fought “tooth and toenail” for the
first eight minute quarter and
Lutheran Five
Wins Playoffs
The “rags-to-riches” Lutheran
Student House basketball five
.Stormed the championship heights
last weekend and carried off two
trophies in four games.
After a mediocre regular season
in which they barely clinched
eighth place and a playoff slot in
the YMCA-Church League tourna
ment, the Lutheran Student House
caught fire and swept through to
the Eugene-Springfield area
In the quarter-finals they
knocked off the second place team
in the league, followed that up
with a victory in the semis, and
then astounded the hundreds of
spectators at Eugene High school
gym last Thursday night with an
upset win over previously unde
feated St. Mary's for the title.
Tip until that game St. Mary’s had j
-carved out a victory string of 20
straight games and had twice de
feated Lutheran House during the
ixgular season.
It was big Jack Heacock, for
mer Springfield high star, who
was the hammer in the Luther'
House offense. Big Jack poured
in 30 points, 14 points, 22 points,
and' 28 points in the four game
tournament run. Backing up Hea
<ock in the scoring department;
was Dick Schlosstein, who, to-!
gether with Jack, monopolized the
backboards as well as the scoring
column. Bud Backen, freshman
V.Testler from Roseburg, and Jim
my Johnson, second baseman on
the Oregon baseball team round
ed out the starting five along with
Arnie Levin.
Seattle U. Enters
N.C.A.A. Tourney
Seattle university’s high-flying
Chieftains became the first at
large team to be selected for this
..year's National Collegiate Athletic
^Association Basketball Tourna
It was announced Wednesday
efternoon that the Chiefs would
~*i)ay a first round game, March 8
9, against the Rocky Mountain
■Conference champion, Idaho State.
-•The winner of this game will earn
the right to enter the N.C.A.A.
_JWestem Regional play-offs, sched
uled for Corvallis’ Gill Coliseum
on March 12-13.
! r f-wwi., ,mrni
Winter Swim Schedule
Afternoons 2 to 6
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Nights 7 to 10
Wednesday, Thurs., Fit., "Bat.
'! 4 mi. No. of Junction City
on Highway 99 West
Phone Junction City 8-2S36
emerged in a 6-6 deadlock. In the j
second quarter the Phi Delta open
ed the quarter on a fast breaking
lay-in to take a commanding lead
of the scoring which they never
relinquished. Led by the towering
Bob Wagner, who was high scorer
for the contest with fourteen
counters, the Phi Delta widened
the gap to a 20-15 half-time lead.
The opening of the third quart
er and the halftime break had
little if any effect on the Phi Delt
five as they continued their scoring
spree, outscoring the Susies twelve
to eight in that quarter to hold a
32-23 third quarter margin.
In the fourth period with the
Phi Delts still in command, scoring
was at a minimum for Susan
Campbell, as they were able to
collect but six points, four of these
from the free throw lane. The Phi
Delts however collected thirteen
with Wagner and Lewis Harvey
providing the main scoring punch.
Much of the credit for the Phi
Delt victory should go to guard
Gene Lewis who did a remarkable
defensive job in holding the Susie's
high-scoring Tom Crabtree to a
mere five points. Crabtree had
caged 21 counters in the Susan
Campbell semi-final tilt with Hale
Phi Delt A (45) (29) Sus. Cam. A
Hastings (8) ....F.... (4) Carpenter
Wagner (14) ....F. (6) Crabtree
Johnson (9) .C. (5) Jones
Harvey (10) ...,G. (3) Lane
Ham'rquist (2) G. (9) J^ehi
Substitutes—Phi Delts: Hibbard
(2); Susan Campbell: Bick (2).
DU s, Phi Delts,
Theta Chi Lead
'Mural Bowling
Delta Upsilon, Phi Delta Theta,
and Theta Chi continued to lead
their respective leagues as the
intramural bowling program
neared its conclusion.
The DU'S are currently out In
front in the Tuesday night league
with a won-loss record of 16 and
four. Hale Kane is second with
14 wins and five losses and Sigma
Chi, the league’s early pace-setter
is resting in -the third slot with
a 13-7 mark.
Sam Sorenson of Phi Kappa
Sigma is the circuit's leading
pointgetter with a per game aver
age of 170.
In the Wednesday evening
league the Phi Delts have a full
two game lead over the second
place team. They have wqn 16 of
their 20 games and are trailed by
Delta Tau Delta, 14-6, and Pi Kap
pa Alpha, 12-8.
Champ Husted of the Pi Kaps is
out in front*- in the individual
scoring race with a per game av
erage of 175. Husted's mark is
also top one for all three leagues
Theta Chi. undefeated until last
week when they lost three out of
four matches to Campbell Club,
are still in front in the Thursday
night league with 13 wins and
three losses. The Campbell Club
bers are pressing them for the top
spot with a 12 and four slate.
Third place is at present held
down by Alpha Tau Omega with
a 10 won and six lost standing.
Hale Kane Humiliated
In B' Tourney Final
The Phi Delta Theta "B" team,
within minutes after their big
brothers hail won the Intramural
"A” title, won the intramural “B"
basketball crown by defeating the
Hale Kane basketball juintet 51
The Hale Kane five, completely
; baffled by the * Phi Delta tight
zone defense, could not hold the
strong scoring punch of the Phi
; Delts as they submitted the crown.
The Phi Delta, led by Pete VVll
j Hams with ten points, built a com
Frosh Scrimmage
The Oregon Frosh basketball
team held a full game scrimmage ;
with Northwest Christian college
Thursday afternoon and came out I
victorious in the tussle by a 90
58 score.
The Ducklings are practicing
this week and will continue work
; outs next week for their final ser
ies of the season against the Ore
gon State Rooks, February 20-27
mandlng 13-3 firm quarter lead
and went on in the second quarter
to build thlH lead to a commanding
2.1 - 11 mark. The third quarter
showed the score as 11-16 with the
Phi Dells holding a strong com
Phi Delt B (51) (18) Halo Kane B
Albright (8) ...F . (7) White
Schlost'n (4) ... F . (2) Chaney
Marlett (8) .C .. (5) Mlchlnato
Mundle (4) .F. (2) Kajloka
Williams (10) ..G. (1) Ikea
Say Dad—Those
Phi Delts are
the most!
Seems as if the Ducks have
here an organization that really
lays golden eggs when It comes
to intrumuruls. The other eggs
ire all right, hut they don't seem
to get In the baskets.
Speaking of eggs und athletes,
you get some good hard boiled
eggs with all the "trimmings”
served by some uthletes—de
pending on the hours I,en Barrie
and John Heed are on duty at
On The Glenwood Strip
/tb 6eauti/ui/ /tbpwe/fbo//\/tb a//my//
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w/ty Me year'# 6r/gt)teot new idea in interiors! /
This Delray Club Coupe combines all the colorful
smartness of a sport model with an interior thut’s
designed for everyday family use. Seats, sidewalls, even the
headlining, are all of soft, lustrous vinyl in color treatments
that harmonize with the exterior color of your choice.
And this new interior is just as durable and practical as it is
beautiful. The vinyl is easily washable and amazingly resist
ant to scuffing and wear. You don’t have to worry about
little feet on the seats or the things that little hands might
spill. And for grown-ups, here at last is a coupe that pro
vides all the between-seat knee-room of a 2-door sedan!
The Delray Club Coupe is only one of the wonderful new
Chevrolet models that make up the lowest-priced line in
the low-price field. Come in and look them over.
Conveniently listed under "Automobiles” in your local classified telephone directory