Coed Candidates For 1 U O Groups MARY WILSON CAMILLE WOLD SALLY STADELMAN NIKKI TRUMP by Mary Egan Emerald Reporter Sketches of the six candidates ' for the presidencies of - Oregon's - top three womens organizations are presented here. —, Voting for the Associated Wora _en Students, Women’s Recreation al association and Young Women’s i IChristian association officers will -take place from 12:30 to 6 this Zafternoon in the lobby of Gerlinger -hall. Rosemary Hampton ; A candidate for president of Did You Know? DAIRY .QUEEN, is now_open and serving- those delicious sun daes', malts and cones? Dairy Queen 13 & Hllyard AWS is Rosemary Hampton, jun ior in speech from Longview Sh< is currently AWS Intercollegiat< representative on the AWS cabi net Past AWS activities of Mis: Hampton include work as chair man of the collections commute* for the Bunion Derby and invita Lions committee for the AWE Christmas tea. She also has work ed on the AWS auction and rum mage sale. ; Miss Hampton is a member oi Phi Theta Upsilon, junior women'! service honorary, and the Associ ated Greek Students council. Dur ing her sophomore year she wai a member of Kwama, sophomor* women's service honorary. Janet Wick Second Qf the t*vo candidates foi AWS prexy is Janet Wick, a junioi in history from Portland. Miss Wick has been busy at Orgon as Starts Friday, Feb. 19 1 : r - I3 9:30 AM '/3 off Ski Clothes by White Stag —Jackets —Ski Pants —Caps —Sox Also Short .Sleeve Cashmere Cashmere Cardigan Long^Sleeve Cashmere Reg. 18.95 Sale 11.95 Reg. 22.95 Sale 14.95 Reg. 24.95 Sale 16.95 QUALITY SPORTSWEAR FOR WOMEN & MISSES 187 E. BROADWAY PH. 4-5612 Not open Friday Evening During Month of Feb. t secretary of AWS, president of Plii Theta, chairman of the Com munity Chest drive, public rela tions chairman of the YWCA, and general secretary of Homecoming in 1953. In addition to serving on the worked on the Christmas tea, AWS cabinet, Miss Wick has work ed on Women's day and the trans fer tea. Mary Wilson A native of Portland and Lincoln i j high school, Mary Wilson is a can • | didate for president of the YWCA. ■ A junior in speech, Miss Wilson’s i j YW activities include president of •; a freshman commission, vice-presi dent of the sophomore cabinet, sophomore adviser. Y delegate, and a member of the executive council •; of the group, » rj To add to her busy schedule, i Miss Wilson is vice-president of ■ the WRA and president of the Red Cross Board. A member of Phi Theta, she was active in Kwama' her sophomore year. She is also a member of Gamma Alpha Chi and Kappa Rho Omicron. Miss Wilson was co-chairman of Dad's I day this yea?. Camille Wold A transfer to Oregon as a soph Chicago Man Slates Religious Lecture The former vice-president and general manager of an engineering firm will deliver a public lecture on Christian Science at 8 p.m. today on the second floor of Gerlinger ; Hall. John S. Sammons, Chicago, will speak on "Christian Science: The Science That Meets the Human Need.’’ Sammons resigned from his business position in 1931 and is currently a member of the Chris tian Science board of lectureship. A wartime minister at military j posts in Wyoming and Colorado, | Sammons served in the air corps during World War I. SELL IT THRU TH^ WANTAES Don Wenzl, Classified Advertising Mgr. WANTED — Ride to Portland, Sunday February 21. Don Wenzl phone 3-1321 2-20 ___| FOR SALE — Electric stove, $65. Sectional, 3 pieces, $85. Ph. 4-' 2039. tf FOUND — Money in Emerald Shack. Will return to identifier, j FOR MONEY SAVING — Trade' at The Bargain House, new and . used men's women’s clothing | exchanges. 39 E. 7th Ave. 2-26 j OH MY, PAPA! FOR SALE: One blond birchwood six year crib; one wooden high chair, training chair, child’s little wicker rocker, child’s hard wood rocker, metal utility tablor Ph. 3-3196. 2-22 LOST: Gallet Man’s Wrist watch, stainless steel case, expandable band. Reward. Call 5-6293. omore, Camille Wokl is now a candidate for the Y presidency. An English major, she has worked an the public affairs commission, the Religious Evaluation week fireside committee and the Skip worth house project. She is cur rently a junior adviser. Previously Miss Wold was sec retary of the Christian Science or ganization and a member of the National Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People. Sally Stadelman First of the nominees for presi lency of WRA is Sally Stadelman, tophomore in sociology front the Dalles. Miss' Stadelman is presi dent of the rally board, president of Amphibians, co-chairman of oublicity in the YWCA sophomore cabinet, WRA publicity chairman, •hairman of hospitality for Dad’s lay and a member of Kwama, Nikki Trump Nikki Trump, junior in business 'rom Honolulu, Hawaii, completes he slate of presidential candi dates.. She is vice-president of Amphibians, WRA treasurer, WS- 1 ■5F treasurer and chairman of IVRA on Parade. CAMPUS BRIEFS 0 Thi> Alpine club will meet in the Student Union at 4 p. m. today, it was announced by John Vazbys, vlcc-p mildent, Room number will be posted. 0 The Student Union publicity committee will hold a general meeting tonight at 6:30 In the HU, according to Ted Ooh, chairman. 0 Ski Quacks will meet at 6:30 p. m. today in the Student Union, according to Milan Stoyanov, prea ident. 0 The regular weekly meeting of the ASUO senate will not bo held this week, according to ASUO President Tom Wrightson. The senate will meet next Thursday. 0 All house managers will meet at 6:30 p. m. today In the Student Union, according to Gerry Bow I den. president. _t__ . ope Steamship FREQUENT SAILINGS in '54 } Round Trip via *280., Tourist Rooii Trip Air *36511 nl $433.80 ™ Choice el Over 100 STIOEIT CLASS TOURS $C J A TRAVEL STUDY TOURS CONDUCTED TOURS Up University Travel Co., official bonded agenti lor oil I met, hoi rendered elhcienl travel iervice on a batmen bath nnce 1926. Sea your locM IrE^rel ogenl for folder* and deloilt or write u». UNIVERSITY TRAVEL CO. Horvard Sq., Cambridge, Mot*. V a S S blouse at home anywhere — i the pretty cuff-link shirt! In the news — short hair, short hemlines, now & the short-cufl sleeve! M bmr n shore links it to match the rich pearl buttons... fashions a collar to wear high or low. The lovely-lustre fabric: combed cotton broadcloth... whites, tender pastels, bright-light colors that launder perfectly. Sizes 30 to 40.