.Hale Kane Courtmen tWin Tournament Tilt Intramural basketball action - Monday saw three playoffs, one Jn the "B” League between Sigma I'hi Kpsilon and Sigma Nu, and | two In the "A" League between While Kane and Northwest Chris tian College and Sigma Alpha Ep *yion and Susan Campbell. In the first game of the day Hale tana edged out NCC by a 41 [4.1 margin in a game which showed the upmost In action for the day. Hale Kane led all the way and waa not seriously pressed until the fourth quarter, but then the fire works began. NCC put on a full court press and the Hale Kane boys had some difficulty In moving the ball over the ten second line. NCC players poured in six straight ’ points and moved within four ’ points of Hale Kane. On two fouls NCC (41) (45) Hale Kane Blankenship, 6 F 7, Coley % Jim Piper, 10 F 18, O'Brien Smith, 4 C 19, Barnes toriarlty, 6 G Mathias t)ay, 15 G Johnson Subs: NCC, Kcngaegger, Brud ord, How'ell, John Piper. Hale Kane: Watanabe, Miura (1), Kan aoa. Sigma Nu (211 L Bennett, 2 F P.osc, 5 Johnson, 6 1 Woodyard, 2 Markalis, 0 F F C G a (12) Slg Kps Gray 1, Oppligcr 4, Boutwell Bradley 1, Bowden Subs: Sigma Nu; Nelson, War nock. Sig Kps: Bell (4), Olson (2). S.A E. (34) . Tennyson, 3 , Savage, 7 - Moss, 11 l Krieger, 7 Brittain. 2 (48) S. Campbell F 3, Carpenter F 5, Crabtree C 20, Jones G 10, Lehl G 5, Lane Subs: S.A K.: Talbot (4). Susie: • Luber. Bell (2). Norqulst (1), Bick * (21. r Campbell Club Scores Upset ^ The biggest upset of the season occurred in intramural bowling ac • tion last Thursday evening when - an underdog Campbell Club team scored a 3-1 win over highly favor L c-d Theta Chi. ? Theta Chi had previously been p undefeated in Thursday night league play and now have a 13 won, three lost record which is still good enough for first place. The - Campbell Clubbers, by virtue of their upset wdn. moved into the second spot with a 12 and four mark. Leading the victors in their sur | prise win was Lowry Hoyer who I sported a 183 average for the \ night. Hoyer rolled up a very neat | 210 tally in the final line of the t evening. SPORTS FARE SPORTS FARE Tuetday, February 16, 1954 BASKETBALL PLAY-OFFS 4:00. Sigma Chi A v*. Alpha Tau Omega A. 4 ;00, Hale Kane B va. Nestor Hall B. Sports Staff Sports Editor: Bob Robinson Staff: Bruce Tennant SWIM Winter Swim Schedule Afternoons 2 to 8 Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Nights 7 to 10 Wednesday, Thurs., Frl., Sat. BENTON LANE NATATORIUM 4 mi. No. of Junction City on Highway 99 West Phone Junction City 8-2838 they had the chance to tie up the | ball name, but, blew It as they only made one for four. Sigma Nu coasted to an easy win over the Htg Eps by a 21-12 count. Neither team played hard as the score shows and the scoring1 was very slow. Sigma Nn had the | advantage from the start and was never thwarted in their scoring, i holding a 18-0 halftime edge. Susan Campbell continued on in j its bid for the I. M. basketball! trophy by beating SAE 48-34. ! Susan Campbell had no trouble at all In beating SAE with towering Bill Jones pouring through 20; points for the winners. Moss was I high point man for the losers with 11 counters. Pitchers Begin Diamond Drills With the end of basketball sea- [ son Just arouijd the corner and J spring approaching, baseball coach Don Klrsch h^s begun working out his pitchers for the coming dia mond season. Klrsch hopes that by getting an early start with the chuckers he will be able to have them in tip top shape for the opening game of the season. The Ducks have severat prom ising pitchers back from last I year's Northern Division cham pionship nine. Norm Forbes, Trent' Huls, and Bill Blodgett are the j best known of the veterans. All I of these men saw much action last | year. Betas Score Victory In I.M. Handball Final oel* ineia. Pi won the intra mural handball championship Monday afternoon after a thrill ng too to toe battle with Alpha ran Omega in which the Betas iame out victorious by a 2-1 score. The winners were forced to put heir all into the match and had :o make a comeback to win out ifter the ATO's had won the open ng game of the series. Paul Hawkins of ATO started be day off right for his team *hen he scored a hard earned vin over Ken Reiser. Reiser won .he first game 21-6 but Hawkins ■allied gamely and won the final :wo and the match 21-6 and 21 10. [ Tom Lyon of the Betas evened i things tip when he rolled over Ron Lhei.-ter 21-4 and 21-7 m t vrtr i straight games. This made the score 1-1 am> left, it up to the doubles teams t'