Ducks Lose Two As Beavers Split The Oregon State I’.cavers moved into first place in the Northern Division through the back door over the past week end as they split a pair of tus sles with the University of Washington Huskies. The Beavers were allowed to gain supremacy by a badly fal tering Oregon Duck quintet which went down to defeat twice at the tuindH of the Idaho Vandals at Moscow. With only four games remaining Northern Division Standing* W L Pet. Oregon State . 8 4 067 OREGON . 7 5 .583 1(laho . 6 fl .500! Washington \ 6 .400 Washington State .... 3 7 .300 on their conference schedule the i < agers of Slats Gill now hold a I full one game lead over the second ! place We'nfootK. The Ducks, who needed to win at least one from Chuck Finley's hoopers, were completely snowed under by a hard working Vandal crew which was bound and deter mined to redeem themselves for j their two losses to Washington one week ago. After two swamp ing* of the Ducks the Idahoans are definitely on the upgrade again. Idaho .Start* Fast In the Friday night encounter the Vandals took the lead from the very beginning and Bill Bor rher's Webfoots were unable to threaten the aggressors the rest of the way as they went down to a 68-54 defeat. Usually a hot shooting team, the Ducks were far from warm in this one as they connected for only 14 buckets in the entire ball game. Max An derson and Bob Stout were the! leading scorers for the Orogons! with 15 and 11 respectively. Half time score favored the winners 31-24. The Saturday night tussle was! more of the same thing as the j Ducks were outclassed most of the way. After a clone first quar ter In which the Vandals only led by an 18-18 count the game began to take the same kind of tinge as the previous encounter and when the final buzzer sounded to end proceedings the Ducks were on the short end of a 79-85 score. Although most of the Oregon players were having another poor night with their shooting eye*, one Duck gunner was tremendously torrid. Guard Howard “Lefty” I’age managed to hit the hoop; t'orn Just about every spot on the floor and wound up with 10 field j goals in 13 attempts. Added to j four free throws this gave Page a fat 24 point total, high for both teams. If it hadn't been for Page's phenomenal scoring spree it is; hard to tell just how bad the Van- > dais would have beaten the via-; Iting Ducks. / Big Upset At Corvallis, Washington made a terrific second game comeback to pull one of the biggest sur-' prises of the season as they down- ] ed favored OSC, 51-47. The Bea-, vers went into the game with three straight victories over Tippy Dye's quintet and only Friday night had completely smothered the Wash ingtons by a 70-47 score. Big Night HOWARD PAGE, Jert-handed Durk guard, had a hot night at Moscow Saturday evening as he bucketed 24 points. Oregon Paddlers Fall To Cougars, Vandals The-University of Oregon swim ming team lost all chances for a high finish in Northern Division competition this season as they were defeated twice last weekend on their invasion of the Inland Empire. Friday afternoon John Bor chardt’s tankers were completely outclassed by a surprisingly pow erful Washington State team, 52 24. On Saturday at Moscow the i WeWoots had little better luck as they lost by a close 43-34 score. Although as a team they didn't have much success Oregon did show some outstanding individual performances. Against Idaho, fre- : styler Orlando Mathias set a new: meet record when he swam the 50 yard free-style event in the very i fast time of :24.8 seconds. Ma- ! thias record was seven seconds better than the previous best in competition between the two schools. The other bright light for the Webfoots was free-styler Harry j Fuller who won both the 220 and 400 yard free-style races. • 50-yard free-style — Mathias j(O), Jones (I), Lewis (O). Time: : :24.8. (new record). 150-yard individual medley — Kaiura (O). Medley (I), Buckley (I). Time: 1:46.5. 300-yard medley relay — Won by Idaho (Bradbury, Light, and Lewis). Time: 4:05. * 220-yard free-style — Fuller (O), Holz (I), Froebc (O). Tim; : 2: 26.5. Wvinsr — Bell (I), Ri, hards t«» second consecutive match to the OSC matmen by a score of 32-0 in Gill Coliseum at Corvailis, Sato tv day afternoon. The Beavers had previously trounced the Webfoots 28-6 in the* match at Eugene. The Orango squad piled up points by gaining three falls, four decisions, and a iorfeit. Jim Heston, Bill Gets tor, and Ben Shephard gained fail'* over John Woyat, Bob Reid, aprl Darrel Klampe respectively. Ait Keith decisioned Bob Shirley 8-V Orville Swindler decisioned Bob Williams, and Don Shull decisioned Dick Barker. ^fARLttt^OiDICK fey AL capf mpf'y >1 ^v-f* 1 IT'S WORSCff- ITS "AMY FACE MASTER OF disguise rr, I M MOTAWVrACE.’r I'M AN L HONEST-TO-OOODNESS LAW ABlDlNG LION.7’ IN PACT I'M PRESIDENT OT THE UONS CLUB OP Buff, NEW YOCK If Bps: **4l**«un VOU CAN'T FOOL 1-, / BUT, WHERE FOSDlCK.T-NOSELF- tAcANAPOOfi RESPECTING LION WOULD HELPLESS EVER HAVE SUCH ") LION r~ MESSV HAIRff-HE'D l KEEP IT MUX BUT NOTcnt all my spare time playing with local hands. l nail a lot to learn belore I could lead my own band. I studied singing; eventually did the vocals — and found that the colleges kind of liked my recordings. < Been performing for ’em ever since!” St- Mildness Qhd flavor I STARTED SMOKING CAMELS O.Q. YEARS AGO. TWEyVE ALWAYS TASTED BEST, ALWAYS SEEMED MILDEST. I THINK CAMELS GIVE ANY SMOKER MORE START SMOKING CAMELS YOURSELF! 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