Campus Tttenny-tya- IRotatU At Alpha Chi Omega ... Alma Owen is the newly-elected president of Alpha Chi. Other of ficers elected for the next year include Virginia Johnson, first vice president; Cynthia Long, second vice-president; Lucia Knepper, cor responding secretary; Donna Trebbe, treasurer; Phyllis Pearson, rush ing chairman; Elaine Long, scholarship chairman, and Robin Rum- j ery, social chairman. Latest to join the ranks of the pinned is Nancy Septka, pinned to Amos Bowles, Kappa 3igma. At Alpha Delta Pi... Mary Louise Hudson has taken over the prexy position at ADPi. Gail West is the new vice-president; Darlene Crawley, recording secretary; Jean Smith, corresponding secretary; Jean Sandine, treasurer; Jane Cotton, rush chairman; Hanna Sue Hansen, scholarship chairman, and Barbara Johnson, social chairman. At Alpha Xi Delta . . . Two Pi Kppa Alpha engagements have stolen the spotlight at Alpha Xi. Carolyn Ruth Keith recently announced her engagement to PiKA Robert Rounds. JoAr.n Sabin has announced her engagement to Glenn Shieman, a PiKa now in the Army. A recent pinning is that of Diana Skidmore to Raleigh Meyer, Sigma N. At Kappa Alpha Theta ... Cupid has been busy at the KAT house, with four engagements an nouced recently. Jo Hayes is wearing the ring of Neil Dwyer, Phi Psi. Also engaged to a Phi Psi is Bev Moore, to Jerry Anderson. Florence Wright's engagement to Larry Wolfard, Beta, was announced early in the term. Latest of the announcements is that of the engagement of Paula Curry to Nick Marineau. Phi Delt at Oregon State. Pinned Thetas include Connie Seymour to Dave Wells, Fiji; Ann Johnston to Stan Savage, SAE, and Suzi Robertson to Jack Peterson. SAE. At Orides . . Recent marriages of Orides members were Janet Loupson to Ray Packwood, ATO; Dixie Lucas to Ward Sherman, Phi Sig from OSC; Adriana Jaunlins to Carlyle Darby. Teke, and Dagmara Grisle to Bob Hill. Janice- Hollister has announced her engagement to Dave Same, Teke now with the Army. Winter term initiates include Gloria Lane, Judith Pederson. Sa’ly Barnum, Connie Drury, Lillian Houstan, Wilma Woodford, Rita Gris lis, Winona Fishback, Evelyn Studenicka and Roseland Lowrance. New pledges of the group are Marilyn Knox and Delores Schleichert. Phi Thetas Sell Labels Today Campus sales of return address labels begin today at booths in the co-op and Student Union. Members of Phi Theta Upsilon, junior women’s honorary, are handling the sales. The gummed labels, with name, address and a border printed on them, come in small pads of 30 labels each. Price is 300 labels for SI.25. Phi Theta Upsilon members will take orders for the labels and the printing firm will deliver the fin ished labels within three weeks. The honorary will continue its house sales next week. Another campus sale will be held next Saturday at a booth in Gerlinger hall during women’s elections. Opening Announcement! Seymour’s Riviera Room Cocktails and Dinners A smart new dining room with Continental decora tion, designed to please discriminating college students. Delicious steak, chicken and sea food dinners and many other interesting food choices await you at Sey mour's Riviera Room. Best of all, prices are reason able. Also open for luncheons. Make a date to come to Seymour's Riviera Room this weekend for something new in dining room atmosphere. DIOGENES?? mm—mmmmum—mmmbbii Search On for 5 c Coffee. By Larry Guinn Emerald Feature Writer "Where are you going, youth?” the man asked. "Sir,” he replied, “I’m searching for the fabled -five cent cup of coffee. I have travelled many a veary block down to the ‘quad but seem unable to find it." The man bowed his head and wept silent tears for a moment, then he said to the Oregon student, "Come with me.” They journeyed into a place called the "Side.” The man pointed to the wall behind the coffee bar, where a sign was displayed. It read: OBITUARY On January 30, after a lingering illness, the 5-cent cup of coffee died. Interment will take place im mediately in its own grounds. NEW PRICE Ten cents Then the man led him across thr* street to "Taylor's.” There he learned to his increasing sorrow that nickel coffee had departed on Jan. 15. Down the way they found the "Rush Inn” where five cent coffee had reigned throughout the month of January as a special feature. It had come and gone with Groundhog day. They stood on the street, the man and the student. "You see,” the man said, "its all over with nickel coffee." "But why did it have to go? It was so good.” "Consider this,” replied the man kindly. “According to the National Restaurant asrociation it co;ts six to seven cents to brew a cup of coffee. The restaurant owner must figure In his overhead expenses, such ns labor, heat and utilities. When coffee si>’ ^present as much as eighty cent of the total amount of tue revenue, the AFROTC Group Elects Officers Jerry Farrow, sophomore in bus iness, was elected president of the Air Command Squadron recently. The group is a newly-organized basic Air Force honorary com posed of the top 20 sophomores in AFKOTC. Farrow has announ ced plans for the selection of the top 20 freshmen in AFKOTC for pledging later in the term. Designed primarily as an honor ary organization, the group will serve the campus in a limited ca pacity, Farrow said. Other officers of the honorary president; Timothy James, secre tary; Buzz Nelson, treasurer; Tom Stamper, operations, and N. N. Mihailov, adviser. Sophomores named for member ship in the group are Merle At v.-ood, Richard Bach. Otto Crum roy, Doyle Higdon, Lynn Husband, Dick Lundy, Robert Meador, Ro bert Ransom, James Richey, How* ard Sussman, Samuel Yfahcy. Ar thur Weber and Bob Wallberg. management ran t afford to lose two cents on every cup It sells." | "Remember," the man caution led, “It hin t the retailer's fault that coffee prices are so high. Frost ami Insects In have done much damage to coffee crops. j Consequently, the supply is short, I forcing higher prices.” "Besides,” he continued, “refills are still only five cents around campus. If you drink more than one cup, your marginal cost for the succeeding cups is it nickel. The more cups you drink the low er your nverage cost becomes, drawn down by the marginal cost. Therefore " "Thank you for your comforting words,' he broke in. "They will help so much." "Think nothing of it.” said the man. "By the way. have you heard that by putting a nickel Into a juke box you can get "Forty Cups of Coffee" ? The student shuddered. That's terrible,’ "I'm hurt.” the man said, and they parted. ISth ANNUAL SUMMIS ADVINIUM CtUISI TOUA ... A until credit, S. F. rtot*. S.S. Pruiidant CUv aland, June H-iqpt. A. L«« your travel aganf. TOUS*, AprkpUf. Calif. STOP i Valentine Blouses A dainty feminine blouse is sure to make a hit with her . . . Rayons, Nylons, Batistes, and Organdies. 6.95 «o 12.95 Sketched, right: Nylon tricot with pleated nylon yoke trimmed with rhinestones. Hand detailed finish and rhinestones on the collar. White only. 12.95 Sketched, left: Organdy blouse with embroidered yoke and Peter Pan collar. In pink or v/hite. 8.95 WINSUM SHOP . . . MAIN FLOOR >