Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 12, 1954, Page Six, Image 6

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    Religious JNotes
by Mitzi Asai
Wesley House
Sunday at 9:45 a.m., the college
age'Koinonia Klass will learn of
the teachings of the prophet Isa
iah. Rides to the First Methodist
church are furnished from Ger
linger hall at 9:30. The sermon by
Rev. Berlyn Farris at 9:45 and
11 a.m. will be “Belief in Forgive
ness." At 6 p.m. there will be a
light supper at Wesley house, fol
lowed by a worship workshop, led
by Rev. Bob Burtner of Trinity
Methodist church. “The Place of
Public PraJ’er" will be discussed.
Byron Turner is in charge of the
worship service for the evening.
Tuesday evening in the Gerlin
ger hall sunporch, there will be j
n potluck dinner followed by a •
panel discussion of “Understand-.
ing Our World Community,” at
C:15. Education will be the focal
point of the panel members who
ere Husam Al-Dahi, Iraq: Ephra
im Layode. Nigeria: Mitsugu Sak-1
ihara, Okinawa; and Paul ten
Hove. The Netherlands. Crystal
Hecker, freshman in liberal arts,'
Will serve as worship leader.
Wednesday at 12:30, Merilyn i
Fullerton, sophomore in education. |
will lead the Wesley chapel serv
Wesley choir will rehearse from !
0:30 to 7:30 Thursday. These prae- i
tices are open to anyone who wish
es to sing.
Next Friday, there will be a
skating and swimming party at
Benton Lane park. The group will
leave Gerlinger hall at 7 p.m.
Christian House
Tonight there will be an infor
mal “Hearts” party at Christian
) iouse.
Donut hour at 9:15 a.m. Sunday
Will be followed by two study
classes. Victor P. Morris, acting
president of the University, will
leach the regular college class and
Clarence Elliott, dormitory foods
Lstorekeeper, will teach the class
for married and graduate students.,
At the evening fellowship hour
beginning at 5:30, Charles Black-:
burn, a freshman in liberal arts,;
will show colored slides of his j
trip to Greece and Palestine. The.
international fireside at 9 p.m. i
will feature as its guest Agnes!
Weitz from Germany. Wednesday
at 6:30 p.m. the executive council
Will meet.
The annual Valentine formal
banquet is scheduled for Saturday, j
Fleb. 20. It will take place in the
Osburn hotel, with tickets avail
able for $2. Ticket chairman is
A1 Busby; general chairman, Lyle
Spears and publicity chairman,
Tan Milton. The theme for the ban
quet is “Singing in the Rain.”
Newman Club
“The Natural Law and Man’s
Happiness,” will be the topic of |
discussion -at the Sunday meeting
of Newman club, which will meet
at 7 p.m. in the chapel, of Sacred
Heart hospital, to begin with Ben
ediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
A social hour in the recreation
room will follow the meeting.
Newmanites are urged to attend
and are also reminded of the
7 a.m. Mass held for their benefit
each morning in the chapel. Con
fession is heard between 4:45 p.m.
and 5:30 p.m. Saturdays.
Canterbury Club
Sunday, at St. Mary’s Episcopal
church, Thirteenth and Pearl
streets, the inquirer’s forum will
feature Lansing E. Kempton, rec
tor of Trinity church in Portland,
who will report on his recent Eur
opean tour. Kempton, a member
of the board of examining chap
lains of the Oregon diocese, is a
examiner of church history in this
diocese. At 6 p. m. there will be
a service of evening prayer and an
informal supper will precede the
Westminster Foundation
Tonight at 8 p. m. a Valentine’
dance will be held at Westminster.
Otherwise known as the “Blood
Pump Jump," games dancing, and
refreshments will be provided.
At 9 a. m. Sunday, a coffee
hour will precede the Bible class,
which is continuing a study of
Christian doctrine, led by Rev.
Thom Hunter. At 6 p. m. the ves
per service will begin, followed by
an exposition entitled “Your God
Is Too Small," given by Hunter.
A discussion session and social
hour with refreshments will fol
Wednesday at 12:30 p. m. the
chapel service will be led by
Chuck Arnold, senior in general
science. At the fellowship supper
at 5:30 p. m., the guest speaker
will be Kenneth L. Holmes, grad
uate student in journalism, who
will speak on “How to Recognize
Formal Pledging Rites
Held by Music Group
Ten girls went through formal
pledging rites in Phi Beta, national
professional fraternity for women
in music and speech, Thursday
night, in the Gerlinger alumni
According to Pat Hartley, pres
ident, the new pledges include
speech students Laura Harper and
Donna Ruth Joseph. From the
school of music, Donna McQueen,
Shirley Tobey, Helen Johnson,
Donna Brewer, Frances Kasper,
Jean Badorek and Glenna Pearl
were pledged.
Amphibians Stage Annual Water Show
'Under the Big Top' Theme of Pageant
Circus clowns, trapeze artists,
monkeys and elephants will cavort
on campus next Thursday and Fri
day night, when Amphibians, wo
men’s swimming honorary, stages
its annual water pageant, accord
ing to Sally Stadelman, Amphib
ian president.
The pageant is slated both
nights for 8 p. m. at the Men’s
pool. Tickets are 80 cents and
may be obtained from any Am
phibian member who is in the pa
geant or before the show at the
booth outside the pool.
Red Cross Drive
Slated For March
Each living organization should
select a representative for the
Red Cross fund drive, Co-chair
men Carol Huggins and Cynthia
Long have urged. The represen
tatives are to attend a meeting
Feb. 27.
The drive will be held on campus
from March 1 to 6. Goals will be
set for each of the campus living
j organizations, the chairmen have
announced. Donors of $1 or more
' will receive membership cards.
Campus Calendar
8:00 OSBA Registration
Lobby 2nd FI SU
Noon Italian Tbl 114 SU
12:15 OSBA Lunch .110 SU
4:00 Fri at 4 Fishbowl SU
7:30 FacultyDance . Ger Anx
7:45 Fri Eve Cof Hr Brs Rra SU
The ten act production will cen
ter around the theme if “Under
the Big Top,” portraying various
aspects of a circus. Special fea
tures will be a merry-go-round,
clowns for the Intermission act,
and the use of black light In sev
eral of the numbers, said Miss
The accredited bilingual summer
school sponsored hv the Universidad
Autdnoina tie Guadalajara and mem
bers of the Stanford University fac
ulty will he offeretl in (iuatlalajara.
Mexico, June 27-August 7, 1054.
Offerings include art, creative writ
ing, folklore, geography, history,
language and literature courses.
$225 covers six-weeks tuition,
Imard and room. Write I'rof. Juan
TV Kael, Box K, Stanford Univer
sity, Calif.
For a speedy settlement,
' invite your girl out for
a treat
Ford's Drive-In
We are at your service for the best in
Delicious Eats or Drinks.
Stop in anytime for a snack in a sack. Efficient,
friendly service.
Located below the campus on
Highway 99 Ph.5-9043
Student Church Directory
First Congregational Church
490 13th Avenue East
Identical Services — 9:30 and 11:30 a.m.
Dr. Nicholson will give the sermon at both services
Wesley Good son Nicholson
Weston H. Brockway
Director of Music
Sunday Service—8:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Sermon: "God's Payday"
Bible Class: 10 a.m. Dr. E. S. Wengert, Leader
Welcome I
Grace Lutheran Church
East 11th Avenue at Ferry Street
W. B. Maier, Pastor Arthur Wright, Assistant
First Assembly of God
710 W. 13th St. (about 1V2 miles west of the university)
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. Divine Worship Service
6:30 p.m. C.A."s Youth Service
7:45 p.m. Evangelistic Service
E. Elsworth Krogstad, Pastor Norman Campbell, Assistant
First Church of Christ, Scientist
A Branch of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ,
Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts
14th and Pear!
Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Sunday School 11 a.m.
Sermon: "Soul"
Nursery Facilities During All Services . . . Reading Room 86
West Broadway . . . Organization at University of Oregon
Tuesday 7 p.m. First Floor Gerlinger
9:45 a m. University Class
11:00 a m. "Jesus Only"
Broadcast over KASH
7:30 p.m. Choir request program
Sermon "A Glad Welcome For Jesus"
First Baptist Church
Dr. Vance H. Webster, Pastor Brdwy. at High
First Methodist Church
1185 Willamette
Sermon: "Belief in Forgiveness"
Ministers: Berlyn V. Farris, S. Raynor Smith, Dorothy Harding,
Kenneth W. Peterson
First Christian Church
1166 Oak Phone 4-1425
James Edwards as Minister
TWO SERVICES 10:50 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
"Christ Commands It" by Dr .Carroll Roberts
5:30 Snack Lunch
Family World Friendship Service
Students are invited to sing in our Student Choir
on Sunday evenings
cjCet 3 (jo to (Lliurch