Ducklings Stage lough Practice The Oregon Frosh, with three straight impressive wins added to their slate, were put through their paces Thursday afternoon by as sistant coach Keith Farnam. Far **am has taken over the reins temporarily from Don Kirsch, who «S head baseball coach, is directing the early season conditioning of his -diamond men. To keep the Frosh from becom ing stale from lack of competition, Farnam had his teafn scrimmage against Phi Delta Theta fraternity. The Phi Delts proved good competi tion too. dropping a 49-41 game to the speedy Ducklings. Farnam, substituting freely and forking with different combina tions, gave the entire Frosh squad a good workout, finishing up with Wind-sprints. The freshmen have two games left on their ten game schedule, both with the Oregon State Hooks. The Rooks and the Frosh have a split in their previous two meetings this season and will finish their series with games at McArthur Court Friday, February 26 and at Gill Coliseum the following night. Both games will precede the Ore gon-Oregon State varsity clashes to be played on the same nights. Waltzing to easy victories over the Linfield Frosh. the Grants Pass All-Stars, and the Reedsport All-Stars in their last three starts, the Ducklings have bolstered their record to five games won against three setbacks. Oregon Wrestlers Tangle with OSC The University of Oregon wrest ling team will tangle with the ©regon State Beavers in a return match at Corvallis Saturday after noon at 2:30 p.m. Bill Hammer's fast-improving grapplers will be looking for re venge against their favored oppon ents wrho downed them rather handily a few weeks back at Mc Arthur Court. After this match the Duck3 will travel to Klamath Falls for a dual with Oregon Tech on Monday af ternoon, February 15. /~VG0j WITH isjop,v\ 'and MEET THE PEOPLE OU MEXICO 16 weeks Summer Session at U. of Mexico . .. week end excursions. $S43 . . . See your travel agent.I STOP TOURS, Berkeley, Calif. Duck Tankers In Two Meets Oregon's swimming team left Thursday afternoon for the Inland Empire and a pair of very import ant dual swimming meets on the coming weekend. Despite their opening Northern Division loss to the University of Washington, the Duck tankers still have high hopes of picking up a second place finish in the confer ence this year. This weekend will go a long way in deciding just what their chances are for such a finish. On Friday afternoon John Bor chardt's team takes on the Wash ington State Cougars at Pullman and on Saturday they move over to Moscow, Idaho for a meet with the Idaho Vandals. Making the trip for the Ducks were Coach Borchardt, and swim mers John English, Jerry Froebe,1 Yogi Matsushima, Phil Lewis, Hen-, ry Kiuara, Orlando Mathias, Harry Fuller, and Bill Gass. Selvy Shoots For Records The National Collegiate Service Bureau has figured out that Frank Selvy of Furman, if he stays heal thy, will set five more major bas ketball scoring records before the season is over. Selvy already holds the record for most points scored by a major col lege player in a three-year span. With seven regular season games to go, these additional records are within Selvy's reach: all-time ca reer point total, scoring average for a single season, most points in one season, career scoring average, and largest two-year scoring total. Selvy's average for 19 games this season is 37.7 points. Bob Pettit of Louisiana State is second with a 32.5 average. Others in the top ten are Amie Short of Oklahoma City, Bob SChafer of Villanova, Buzz Wilkinson of Virginia, Johnny Kerr af Illinois, Tom Marshall of West ern Kentucky, Don Schlundt of In diana, Richie Guerin of Iona, and Togo Palazzi of Holy Cross. Determined Webfoot Five Faces Crucial Vandal Tilts The University of Oregon basketball team will face one of their most crucial series of the season Friday and Satur day nights when they take on the strong Idaho Vandals in a two game set scheduled for Moscow, Idaho. The Ducks, currently tied with Oregon State for first place in the Northern Division championship race, will have to ' vln at least one of the Vanda! ussles if they are to retain any lopes of winning the crown this eason. Two victories would be of remendous value to the Webfoot ause. Coach Bill Borcher's outfit will ;o into the series rated as about l toss-up with their opponent des >lte the fact that the Ducks have j l much better seasonal won-loss ecortl than Chuck Finley's five, j Phe Idahoans have been playing ■ery unpredictable ball as of late Duck Hustler r A JERKY ROSS, hustling Duck forward, will bo In the starting line-up tonight and Saturday when Oregon takes on Idaho In an important Northern Division series at Moscow, Idaho. Ross is a six-foot, one inch sophomore from I’oi'iland. Halberg Sets Webfoot Scoring Pace ifalberg .. Anderson - H olland Wegner ... Russ .. Hawes . Page . stout . Bell .. Others . OREGON Opponents VARSITY STATISTICS (through games of Feb. 3) FGA FG PCT. FTA FT PCT. KEH. PF TP AVF. 96 46 77 123 105 51 55 41 22 8 585 643 35 44 36 19 17 14 10 0 1 222 207 .479 57 .455 .358 .343 .373 .309 .341 .455 .000 94 33 34 28 14 14 10 18 .379 .322 306 324 40 49 28 23 17 9 11 1 7 3 188 179 .702 97 .521 .848 .676 .630 .643 .786 .100 .389 94 30 50 60 11 8 25 14 .610 .552 393 386 30 36 3! 34 12 17 10 17 19 209 202 132 119 116 95 55 43 39 21 5 633 593 13.2 11.9 11.6 9.5 5.5 4.T 7.9 2.1 0.7 63.2 59.3 n We Don't Like It! We have a fine stock of excellent records, all worth their regular price and we don't like to sell them at a reduced price, but what can we do. The record companies have started it and it's up to us to go along. So for the month of February: BUY 1 COLUMBIA Long Play Record and get the second record at Vi price. BUY 1 MERCURY Long Play Record and get the sec ond record at Vi price. BUY ANY RCA VICTOR Classical Long Play Record regularly $5.72 now $3.99 . . . regularly $4.67 now now $3.25. Of course we are still selling Hayden Society, Vox, Westminster, London, Capitol and other records at regular prices. At $5.95 this is the world's entertainment bargain. SAVE MONEY ON RECORDS IN FEBRUARY AT MUSIC 1235 Willamette Phone 4-9252 Sports Staff Sports Editor Bob Robinson Staff—Sam Vahey, Doug May, nnd because or this it is hard to tell just how they will play when they take the court against the Oregonn. Teams Split In their first pair of games at McArthur Court earlier this year the two teams split, the Ducks winning the first contest 81-63 und the Vandals coming back to take the second fray by a 60-53 score. Oregon chances for a sweep of the two games will depend on the Ducks ability to hit with a good percentage of their shots. Idaho will have a definite height advantage and will no doubt get more shots at the basket than the visiting Webfoots and, there fore, It will be necessary for Ore gon to outHhoot them if they arc to come out on top. Botcher has indicated that he will probably stick with the same starting line-up as he has used in the last few games. If he does the first five will consist of Ed Hal berg and Jerry Ross at the for ward spots; Max Anderson ut cen ter; and Barney Holland and Ken Wegner at the guard posts A iso due to sec some action will be Howard Huge, Hay Bell, and Bob Hawes, the DuckV first line sub stitutes. Finley Names Starter* A probable opening line-up for Idaho as named by coach Finley late in the week had Harlan Mel ton and Tommy Flynn at for wards; Dwight Morrison at cen ter; and Bob Falash and Bob Gar rison in the backcourt. 1 < i i 4 SWIM Winter Swim Schedule Afternoon* 2 to 6 Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Night* 7 to 10 Wednesday, Thur*., Frl., Rat, BENTON LANE NATATORIUM 4 ml. No. of Junction City on Highway 99 West Phone Junction City 8-28J8 You'll Be Contented —if you dine at (| the New Lynwood Cafe COMPLETE DINNERS SEAFOODS CHICKEN STEAKS 1.50 - $2.00 - $3.50 Quality Food at the lowest possible prices in the most modern of restaurants at the New Lynwood. the Gourmet's Delight . . . For Banquet or Party Reservations Phone 5-9064 New Lynwood Cafe V2 mile north of Overhead on 99N Open every day of the week