Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 11, 1954, Page Four, Image 4

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    If lies the apple
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Why not call Western Union now
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Valentines Day
Sunday, Feb. 14
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CcimpuA (fences
0 The Alpine club will meet at
4 p. m. today in the Student Un
ion, according to John Vazbys,
0 Petition deadline for ehair
manships of the WRA carnival
to be held Feb. 26 is 5 p. m. Fri
day, according to Co-chairmen j
Sylvia Wingard and Kay Partch.
The petitions may be turned in at
the Student Union petition box on
the third floor of tire SU or at,
Alpha Phi.
^ A short French film dealing
with the modern painter Braque
will be presented at 8 p. m. today
in the Audio-Visual department
of the Library by the depar tment |
of foreign languages.
0 Architecture students apply
ing for Ellen M. Pennell tuition
scholarships for spring term must
file their applications with the
secretary of the architecture
school by Tuesday. #
0 Phi Theta Upsilon, junior
women’s service honorary, will
meet at 6:30 p. m. today in the
Student Union, according to Pres
ident Janet Wick. All members
are required to attend and wear
their official blue uniforms. Miss
Wick said. Pictures for the Ore
g&na will be taken.
0 Chi Delta Phi, women’s liter
ary honorary, will meet at 7 p.m.'
today in the Student Union to hear
Gwendolen Lampshire Hayden,
Eugene writer, discuss her "Ex
periences in Writing.”
0 Ski Quacks, University ski
club, will not meet tonight, as was
previously announced, according
to Sonny Stoyanov, president.
jOutenintf. On
...On KWAX
6:00 p. m. Sign On
6:03 Piano Moods
6:15 Four for a Quarter
6:30 News Till Now
6:45 Sports Shots
7:00 University Hour
8:00 Patrioscript
8":15 UN Story
8:30 Serenade to the Student
9:00 Kwaxworks
10:00 The SU and You
10:30 News Headlines
10:55 Tune to Say Goodnight
11:00 Sign Off
Seymour’s Riviera Room
Cocktails and Dinners
A smart new dining room with Continental decora
tion, designed to piease discriminating college
Delicious steak, chicken and sea food dinners and
many other interesting food choices await you at Sey
mour's Riviera Room. Best of all, prices are reason
able. Also open for luncheons. Make a date to come
to Seymour's Riviera Room this weekend for something
new in dining room atmosphere.
0 Gamma Alpha ('hi, national
professional women’s advertising
honorary, will meet today at 6:30
p. m. in the Student Union, ac
cording to Edna Humiston, sec
0 All of those Interested In
forming an all-campus photo club
have been requested to meet in
the Tom Taylor lounge of the
Student Union at 1:30 p. m. Sat
urday. Those interested should
call Russ Walker, director of the
YMCA, at the YMCA office in
the SU.
Hg Plans for the current year,
including the May primaries and
the state convention, will be dis
cussed at the Young Democrats
meeting at 6:30 this evening in the
Student Union. Acting-president
Hank Orner has urged all mem
bers of the group to attend the
0 A discussion of “Present In
dustrial Development in the Pa
cific Northwest,’’ will be led by
Alfred Lomax, professor of busi
ness administration at the coffee
hour to be held in the Student
Union browsing room at 7:45 p. m.
Socolofsky Urges Students
To Enter Billiards Tourney
The Intercollegiate Billiards
tournament will be held Feb. 23
through March 10, Jack Socolof
eky, chairman, has announced.
National college team champions
will be those producing the high
est team scores in each of the four
tournaments: pockets, straight
rail, three-cushion and co-ed poc
kets. Awards will be presented to
the winners.
Last year the University of
Oregon placed third in the nation
behind the University of Wyoming
and the University of Washington.
Frank Tilly, a member of Oregon's
team, was second in thtf nation
in the 1953 Intercollegiate Tele
phonic billiards tournament.
The matches will be held in the
Student Union under the direction
of Lou Bellisimo, SU recreational
director. The Scores will be for
warded to Chicago where results
are compared. The matches are
sponsored jointly by the Billiards
| Congress of America and the As
sociation of College Unions.
Those students interested in en
tering the coming pocket billiard
tournament as well as any of the
others, should sign up in the base
mcnt of the SU Immediately, ac
cording to Socolofsky.
Campus Calendar
9:00 Heart Hop Tkt 1st fl SU
Christian Scl 110 SU
Noon Journ Fac 110 SU
Speech Staff 111 SU
Gamma Delta 112 SU
Biol Stafr 114 SU
2:00 Journ Conf 112 SU
Sch Psy Comm 315 SU
3:00 Adm Com 313 SU
Pi Lambda Theta Cof Hr
Dadrm SU
4:00 Alpine Cl 113 SU
6:30 Chaplains 110 SU
Gam Alpha Chi 112 SU
Phi Theta 114 SU
Yng Demos 213 SU
Phi Beta Ger 2nd fl
Scab & Blade 214 SU
Senate 337 SU
7:00 Chi Delt Phi 315 SU
7:30 Delta Nu A1 113 SU
8:00 Buchsbaum Lect Blrm SU
!&"■ 'i
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Anchor Jack, nickel anchor
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