Halberg, Anderson Top UO Scoring Holland Ranks 3rd • V Forward Ed Halberg continued to lead University of Oregon's bas ketball scorers In games to date according to statistics released by the Oregon athletic news office. Hal berg has pushed home 10 field goals and added 40 free throws for a total of 132 points in Northern Division play, an av erage of 13.2 markers per game. Following Halberg in the polnt .inaklng department are center Max Anderson with 11?) points and guard Barney Holland with 116 counters. Holland made a big gain on the leaders with his big 43 point series against Washington 8tnt<* lftwt week. Halberg uIko leads the team in field goal percentage with a .479 percentage by virtue of 40 baskets In fk? tries at the hoop. Second place in this department Is held Jointly by Anderson and Hob Stout who both have a .435 average. An derson has connected on 35 of shots and Stout has hit with 10 of 22. Most accurate from the free i throw line has been Holland who 1 ha« cut the net with an amazing 28 out of 33 tosses for a apectac- j uiar average of 848. Howard Page ha.s hit 11 of 14 for second place with a mark of .783 and Halberg Is next in line with 40 out of 57 and a percentage of .702. And<*rson and Halberg are stag ing a two-way battle for the j team rebound title. At the present time Anderson Is trailing Halberg by three grabs with 94 to Kd's 97. Anderson has the dubious dis tinction of being ' the “hatchet" man of the squad with a total of 3fl personal fouls. Guard Ken Weg | ner, traditionally high in this de partment, is second with 34 in fractions. As a team the Ducks in their; | ten division games have piled up a total of 632 points for an aver | Of 63.2 per game. Their op ponents have scored 593 tallies forj an average of 59.3 per tussle. Playoff Confesfs Commence Mon. For IM Champs Alpha Tau Omega will take to the court against sigma Chi In what ahuiiM be the tup “A" tour nament basketball game next week na the intramural playoofs get underway. The ATO's and the Rigs, both undefeated ho far this season, will match baskets Tuesday nfternoon at 4:00 p. m. In the feature tus sle of first round action. In other first round games Hale Kane will open tournament play Monday afternoon at 4:00 p. m. when they take on Northwest Christian College. Susan Campbell hall will play Sigma Alpha Ep silon in a 5:00 p. m. fracas the same day. Phi Delta Theta, which will go into the single elimination playoff as the favorite to carry off all the marbles, will be idle during the first round. The Phi Deltas drew a bye and will play the winner of the ATO-Sigma Chi battle on Wednesday afternoon. In the *-B" team tourney the only first round game will pit Nes tor Hall against Hale Kane on Tuesday afternoon at 4:00 p. m. The other three playoff teams will rest until Wednesday when the Phi Deltas take on Theta Chi and the winner or League three, still undecided, will play the winner of the Nestor-Hale Kane game. Tournament action will continue through Thursday afternoon when the championship games in both the "A” and eB” tourneys will be played. MJMO SELL IT THRU THE WANTADS Don Wrnzl, Classified Advertising Mgr. Afternoon work for 3 men. Apply 1404 E. 21st. 7-9 p. m. Tues., Wed., Thurs. or call 3-2977. 2-11 WANTED: For University Thea ter presentation of “One Touch Of Venus’’ ... 12 and 12 women for chorus. Need not be pro fessional singers. . . just want to sing. Call speech office Ext. 411. First Meeting, Tuesday Feb. 16th 7:00. Gerlinger An nex 2-15 2 Bedroom contemporary home. View over Laurelwood Golf course. $9,950. 2740 Division. Ph. 5-6717. Braves Sell Vern Bickford ‘.'P> The Milwaukee Braves sold pitcher Vern Bickford to the Balti more Orioles of the American League Wednesday tor an un known price. Bickford is €3 years old and joined the Braves in 1948. He had a won-lost record of two and five last year. His major league rec ord Is 66 victories and 56 setbacks. As 'a part of the deal, the Ori oles sent catcher Charley White from their .San Antonio farm to the Braves. White hit .274 during the last season. General Manager John Quinn said both the New York Yankees and Boston Bed Sox wanted Bick ford but offered only cash. SPORTS FARE SPORTS PARK Thursday. February li, 1954 BASKETBAI.L 3:50, Court 40. Phi Kappa Psi B vs. Kappa Sigma B. 3:50. Court 43. Sigma Chi vs. Delta Upsi lon B, ^;35. Court 40, Delta Tau Delta B vs. Sigma Nu B. 4 3 V Court 4t Mctrirk B ys Stitzer Hall B. Sports Staff Desk editor: Don Kupp : Staff: Bob Robinson STANDS OUT in play • Harder Smashes • Better Cut and Spin STANDS UP in your raeket ( • Moisture Immune ^ • Lasting Liveliness COSTS LESS than gut APPROX. STRINGING COST: Pro*F«ct«d Braid....$6.00 Multi-Ply Braid.$5.00 At tennis shops and sporting goods stores. ASHAWAY BRAIDED RACKET STRING Choice fit The Champions, Rebound Artist MAX ANDERSON Duck Ontfr r SAE, Stitzer Smash Intramural Caae Foes Intramural cage victories were scored by Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Stitzer hall and Tau Kappa Ep silon in Wednesday's slate of A court action. The SAE’s built up a command ing 20-9 lead by the end of the first half and coasted to its tri umph. Only two points, a free throw by each team, were scored in the entire third quarter as Phi Sigma Kappa could not penetrate j SAE's zone defense. Center Stan Savage led the winners with 10 counters while Miller garnered 9 for the losers. Stitzer hall put on a second quarter spurt to overcome Mer Box scores: MAE A (29) Tenneson (6) Talbot (3) Savage (10) Brittan (5) Kreiger 15) Subs None. (13) Phi Sigs A E <4) Enright (0) Williams (9) Miller (0) Ross (0) Beeman Mer. Hall A (32) Laughton (8) E Butler (3) Cutsforth (0) Gibson 17) O'Harra (11) (44) Stitzer A *10) Chase (5) Williams (20) Halverson (4) Brown (2) Savio Subs - Merrick: McDonald (3). Stitzer: Sherrel (1), Stanton (2), Volonte (0), Harris (0), Hankin 1 son (0). rick hall's slim 12-11 first period leaf! to down the Merrick haliers, 44-32, in a high scoring and fast moving contest. In that second live minute session, Stitzer pour ed 19 points through the hoop to ft for Merrick. Cliff Halverson grab bed high point honors with a total of 20 with Merrick's Mike O Harm potting 11. In the final fracas of the day. Tail Kappa Epsilon won a 30-14 victory over Alpha hall. swim! i Winter Swim Schedule j Afternoons 2 to 6 Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Nights 7 to 10 Wednesday, Thurs., Fri., Sat. i BENTON LANE NATATORIUM 4 mi. No. of Junction City on Highway 99 West Phene Junction City 8-2836 Come see our large assortment Today! Choose your Valentine's Day cards from our large supply STORE No. V, 8th & WILLAMETTE — STORE No. 2, 1950 FRANKUN BLV[ PRESCRIPTIONS — DRUGS — COSMETICS — GIFTS — Sc and 1C