GASH HURTS CHANCES Ed Hal berg Injures Head * Oregon’s hopes for ;i week end cries sweep over the Ida ho Vandals were given a seri ous blow Monday afternoon when the Ducks’ star forward, . Kd Halhorg, received a had gash (.n his head that required several stitches to mend. Jlalberg collided with guard Harney Holland during a - scrimmage session as the two . players were rushing headlong tor a loose ball. At the present time it is not known for sure how much play NOKTHKKN DIVISION W L Pet. OREGON . 7 3 .700 OSC . 7 3 .700 Idaho 4 0 .400 Washington .3 5 3sr, W8C ... 2 8 .230 Weekend Games Oregon at Idaho Washington at OSC ing Halberg will be able to do this Friday and Saturday nights against Chuck Finley s powerful Vandals. He Is expected t,o see some actiort but his court skill will no doubt be affected by the mishap and the lay-off from practice which the Injury is caus ing will probably leave big Kd a Sigs, Phi Delts Set Alley Pace Sigma Chi and Phi Delta Theta continued to lead their respective leagues a« the Tuesday and Wed nesday night intramural bowling • leagues concluded their third week . of play. In thfc Tuesday night league the Sigs are still undefeated and now boast a record of 12 wins and no losses. In second place is Deita Upsiion with 10 wins and two losses and in the third spot is Hale Kane with an eight and four mark. High average for the league so far has been compiled by Sam Sor ensen of the fourth place Phi Kap pa Sigma team. Sorensen has a per game average of 172 in action to date. The Phi Dolts continued to hold a two game lead over Merrick hall m the Wednesday night league with a ten won and two lost rec ord. Merrick has won eight and lost four while Delta Tau Delta holds down the third spot with seven wins and five losses. CHamp Hunted of the mediocre Pi Kappa Alpha team is the load ing individual pointmaker in the league with an average per game score of 179. SPORTS FARE Wednesday. February 10, 1954 BASKETBALL 3:50. Court 40, Sigma Alpha Epsilon A vs Phi Sigma Kappa A. 4:35, Court 40, Merrick Hall A va. Stltier Hall A. 5:15, Court 40. Alpha Hall A vs. Tau appa Epsilon A Cant(/aq ft? SELL IT THRU THE WANTADS Don Wcnzl, Classified Advertising Mgr. Pianist wanted for 10 o'clock Monday, Wednesday, Friday dance class. Ex. 226. 2-10 Afternoon work for 3 men. Apply 1104 E. 21st. 7-9 p. m. Tues., Wed., Thurs. or call 3-2977. 2-11 IT PAYS TO PATRONIZE EMERALD ADVERTISERS little lg/w than In perfect physical condition for the tussles. Mopes That He’ll Start Coach Bill Borcher appeared to be hopeful that by Friday Halberg would be all right for action and is still planning to start the Port Angeles jump-shot expert if he is ready to go. Although Halberg was forced to watch from the sidelines with his bandaged head the rest of the Duck team went through an ex I tensive practice Tuesday after noon along with the Oregon F'rosh. Midget Five Borcher spent some time work ing with a team of little men which might indicate that the Oregon mentor Intends to attempt to run the Vandals to the limit. The midget five consisted of Ken Wegner, Barney Holland, Howard Page, Jerry Ross, and Bob Hawes. If Borcher does use this com bination at any one time it would | certainly make an interesting eve ning for the opposing team. Every j one of these boys is lightning fast 1 and is very adept at stealing the ball. Their only serious shortcom .ng would be in the rebounding de I partmenl. Varsity vs Frosh Most of the workout was spent in scrimmage periods between the varsity and the Frosh. Wegner looked particularly good with some hook shots with both his right and left hands and Ross made several spectacular one handed jump shots from the side. For the Frosh Darrell Tyberg and Richi Cost! kept the regulars from doing any loafing as they poured through many one-handerB from far out. Final Positions Drawings for positions In the Intramural basketball finals will be held this afternoon at 3:30 p. m. in the intramural office of Men’s gym, according to Karl Ferguson, assistant intramural director. Athletic managers from the organizations in the playoffs should be there from both ‘A’ and ‘B’ league teams, since both tournament brackets will be made up at one time. Desk Editor: Sam Vahey Staff: Bob Robinson Selected Sports Staff James, Theta Chi 5' Slither Past Sia Eds With only two more days of league competition scheduled, the , intramural basketball season is grinding to a close. Dick James, ex-froth hoopster, was a one man scoring gang Wed nesday as he lead his Theta Chi mates to a 25-23 decision over the Sig Eps. James potted 16 points to take the days high point hon ors. Other ‘A’ league games saw Delta Tau Delta win over the Fi jis, 30-22; and Chi Psi take a tight one from the Pi KA'a, 23-20. The other three games were in the 'B' bracket and the results were: French hall over Suzies, 33 14; Sig Eps over Chi Psi, 30-9; and Nestor hall over Sherry Ross, 31-27. Chi P-i A (23) l^vfll, 6 F | Peeves, 10 F Morris, 0 C Stoner oad, 6 G Marshall, 1 G Sub-.: Phi Kaps ~ Sentor B (31) Ramon, 5 i May. « i hng'.trom, % Sangren, 1 Starling, 9 Half: Senior Fiji A (22) flood win, 2 F Hoogs, 3 F Bogles, 7 C Miller, 1 G Zener, 9 G (20) Pi KA 6, Hample 3, Swenis 5, Bach 0, Hayden 0, Campbell Rines <>,). (30) Delts 7, Gustafson 6, Ricketts i 3, Olson *5. Peterson 2, Overholser (27) Shert-y Ross B F 2, Strau> F 0. Warren C 7, Stoner (7 3, Bond G 3 5, Davi 13, Sherry V.r10. French (3 3) Olsen, 6 Shepard, 2 Stamm, 8 Blue, /, Voung, 0 Subs: French — Suzies - Davenport Half: French 12, Chi Pm B r9) Casper, 0 Carnahan, 3 Dawson, 0 Hcttick, 0 Meredith, 6 Subs; Sig Eps - and Oppliger (3), Sig Eps A '22) lfuls, 5 Kupp, 0 Turby fill, 14 •Sullivan, 2 -MeMurry, 2 Sub*: Sig Ep< - Badorck (4). Half: Theta C>.i (14) Sti/i* *t 0, Brewii 2, Can no A' 4. B©**,n 1 , Selby, (' 3, StemT'’ 1 O'), Maddox (9)» M), Cilk*pie (4), Susan Campbell 8 OC) Sig Ep4 4, Bowden I, Cr-y 7, Boutwt 11 r; s; pr «► G 4, ffriiV, ; - Hogg 2), Olson (4). (.25) Theta Cbi A. 2, Kriegei* 14V, Jan-.'-t J, Scholia G ' 0, Kell-r G 0, JohnsoA — Xcne. Theta Chi — 11. Sig K; * 9. DIAMOND - WATCHES SILVERWARE HERBERT OLSON JEWELER 175 E. Broadway Eugene, Oregon Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Phone 4-5353 ootKfef smokes \ Mssfficsfer XomGa*113 -j^ornia UniversUyolC** Wher you ccmc right down Ic it. ycu smcke for cne simple rcascn . . . enjoy ment. And smoking enjoyment is ail a matter c< taste. Yes, taste is v.hat counts in a cigaiette. And Luckies taste better. Twc facts explain why Luckies taste better. First, L.S M.F.T. — Lucky Strike means fine tobacco . . . light, mild, gccd tasting tobacco Second, Luckies are ac tually made better to taste better . . . always round, firm, fully packed tc craw freely .and. smcke evenly. Sc, for the enjoyment you get from better taste, and only Ircm better taste, Be Happy—Go Lucky. Get a pack cr a carton o' better-tasting Luckies today. Where’s your {ingle? It's easier than you think to make $25 by writing a Lucky Strike jingle like those you see in this ad. Yes, we need jingles —and we pay $25 for every cne we use! So send as many as you like to: Happy-Go-Lucky, P. O. Box 67, New Tcrk 46, N. Y. I< «<»* >*•! 1hea %£&>***' f / COPR.. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY LUCKIES TASTE BETTER eLEAKlH, PRSSKER, SMOOTHIE* I