Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 09, 1954, Page Four, Image 4

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    ExDert on
Near East To Speak Next Week
The president of the American
University in Cairo from 1945 to
1953 and the current president of
the Near East foundation, John
Badeau will address a University
assembly Feb. 18 on the topic
"What Is at Stake in the Near
Badeau’s association with the
Near East started in 1928 when
he was a member of the United
Mission in Mesopotamia. He joined
the staff of the American uni
versity in 1930, when he was ap
pointed associate professor of phil-1
osophy and religron. He became
dean of the college of arts anil
sciences in 1938.
During the war he served with
the United States office of War
information as the chief regional
specialist for the Middle East.
In addition to his university du
ties. Badeau has served on the
Egyptian government's committee
for private schools and commit
tee to review university studies.
He was also a member of the
Egyptian Association for Social
Studies, associate editor of the
Jottrnal of Modern Education, oc
casional examine!' for Egyptian
university anil chairman of the
Near Epst Christian Council's
committee on education.
When he left Egypt to accept
the position as head of the Near
East foundation he was awarded
the Order of the Nile by Egyptian
leader Gen. Mohammed Naguib in
appreciation of his services to
This is Logical?
Ily A»aoclmrd
A former president of the United
Nations general assembly, General
Carlos Itomulo of tfic Philippines,
says Adam and Kve were probnhly
Russians. In a Pittsburgh speech,
Komulo explained that slnee Adam
and Kve were cold and mlaernblc,
unsheltered, hungry and misled by
a serpent tln-y must huve been
, .
Picture of a man changing his motor oil
It’s hard to believe now, we know.
But several years back—before you could buy Royal
Triton in most any city—some people who had dis
covered the amazing purple motor oil on a visit to
California were in the habit of ordering it by mail
after their return home.
When a product earns this kind of loyalty you think
twice before you do anything to it, even to improve it.
Yet we have just announced Royal Triton motor oil
in two new all-weather, all-climate grades: Royal Triton
5-20 and Royal Triton 10-30. They lubricate with the
thoroughness of a lightweight winter oil, protect with
the toughness of a heavyweight summer oil.
This is only one of hundreds of times since the end
of World War II that we have improved a product
you, the customer, were more than happy to keep right
on buying as it was.
Why don’t we wait until you demand these new and
better things? Because we can’t afford to. We are com
peting for your business, and if we don’t constantly
better our products our competitors will better us.
Obviously, no matter which one of the oil companies
comes in first in this race, the real winner is.. .you.
Buy American and protect your standard of living