Standard Oil Man Assembly Speaker The president and director of the Standard Oil Company of Califor nia, T. S. Petersen, will speak on ■‘Bin Business Meets the Chal lenge of Change," at 1 p. m. Tues day in the Student Union ballroom In the third University assembly of winter term. An informal discussion period Will be held for Petersen at 4 p. m. Tuesday in the SU Dad's lounge under the sponsorship of the SU coffee hour forum committee, i Petersen, who is appearing on campus under the auspices of the University assembly and lecture committee, first joined Standard Oil in 1922 as a service station salesman in Portland. Born in Lo En, Utah, in 1896, Petersen moved Portland in 1912 and gradua I from Washington high school 1916. r Since joining the firm, Petersen lias held a variety of positions Within the Standard Oil organiza tion in seven western states. He was elected president of the com pany In January, 1948. ar positions now held by * Iefson was admitted to the Sacred Heart hospital last Monday. Dr. F. N. Miller, director of the' student health service, was in formed that the suspected diagno sis of her death was polio. Addi tional microscopic tests, requiring three or four days, will have to I'd made before a definite statement as to cause of death can be made,, he said Sunday evening. Saturday, members of Miss Et* lefson’s sorority, Alpha Gamma Delta, were given shots of gamma globulin, advised for those who have had intimate contact with a, polio victim. The gamma globuhiV, administered at the infirrrtary, was provided by the Lane County. Health department. The daughter of Mr. and Mr a. Floyd Ellefson of Springfield, Mi- e Ellefson was a member of Alpha Gamma Delta. She was active ia the University Theater and Phi. Beta, honorary for music and.* speech. Her sophomore year she was a member of Kwama, sopho more women's service honoiary..