Oregon Throttles WSC by Jim While Emerald Sporti Writer Oregon and Washington State played a basketball game in Mc Arthur court last night. It wasn’t ns bad ns last year but it convinced everyone that WSC can't play an exciting game in the Wil lamette valley. Only the fabulous shooting of Oregon's ‘outside men’ kept the fans from sleeping through the affair. That and, of course the fact that they had to stay awake to "boo" every time , ,hf‘ referee blew the whistle. The final score was 68-51, I he Cougars ■ were completely outclassed by the Webfoof sharp shooters as the Ducks, finally ex ploded the theory that they can’t win against a zone. Oregon suc i cessfully combined the sharpshoot mg of Holland and Hawes with Wegner’s driving lay-ins and An derson's hook shots to prove quite definitely that they can’t be ! counted out of the title race. Defensively, Barney Holland was by far the greatest player on the Chi Psi Wins by Lopsided Score; Phi Kaps, Nestor Tod Mural Foes Chi Psl tumod in one of the moat lopsided scores in mural ac tion Tuesday afternoon by drub bing a four-man Delta Tau Delta squad, 48-8. Other ‘B’ game re sults were: Phi Kaps over .Sig Eps, 19-18; Nestor hall won from French, 38-26; Hale Kane over Legal Eagles by forfeit; Phi Delts took one from Sigma Chi, 27-14; and Merrick hall over Suzios 34 18. High scores for the day were turned in by Bob Shaw, Chi Psi, who garnered 14; and Doug Ba sham, Merrick; and Marvin May, Nestor; who each notched 13. Si« Ep (IS) Gray, . F OlfOft, 2 . ... f? P<*ilt well, 2 . l OppKftr, J . c Bradley, 0 .. ..G_ Suhs. Sig Kf> Bowben, 9. Half lime; Phi Kaj»*t 8 6. French (26) Olsen, ( (r Banker, j p (older sleeve, 6 . C Ry|Of I i; Shepard, 7 ... (', Siiha French Plate, 4; it. oru, 4. Halftime: Nestor, 19-10. Sigma Chi (H) Crceolcy, 0 . y ReinlaH, 2 I Hedgepeth, 0 ..... (' Waiberg(*0 . .. . t; Lundy, 4 . (; Sttbi : Sigs P.itrra, J , I>r t Albriflt, ( ; Williams, Halftime: Phi Orlt*. 12-8. (19) Phi Kaps I. WmkIrman - 3, Siren i*on 2, t hr is ten son •— 11, Waliyfr 2, Ebert (38) Nestor .. 13. May 6, Williams 8, Kamos - 7, Starling 0, Krromerer Nestor—Eng (27) Phi Delts 2. I! r.tth 0. Holt 6, Marlett . 6, Schlosstein 4, Mundle Sloan, 6; Phi 3. Dcit* rg) Juniper, 2. lJrnv»fjf 2 Ptrw, 0 . HaliteV, 4 Sub* : ('hi iNi C (48) Chi Psi J 1 0, I - A ( 4. Wright (1 Mer< nalian, 12. Merrick (34) • Johnson, 6 T 0 Craves, 10 V ... . Basham, 13 C Kintfcy, 2 <; Arvlrr^on, 3 .. (; Halftime: Chi P«*i, 22 2 . Halftime: Merick, 19 2. (IS) Suzies Montgomery . h, Stempel 0, Brown 4 ,Notos 8, N'jrquitt Theta Chi's Rally To Defeat Chi Psi Theta Chi rallied gamely Tues day afternoon to defeat Chi Psi, 2-1, in 111 handball action. As a result of their hard-earned win, Theta Chi advanced to the quarterfinals of the handball tournament. Tom Wrightson got the Chi Psis off to a fast start by downing Jim Johnson in the opening game 21-6 and 21-0 but his teammates couldn't keep up the pace. Dick Hamilton of Theta Chi won over George Marshall 21-2 and 21-4 to even the match and then Dick James and Bruce Koppe of the victors scored the crucial w-in over Bob Morris and John Marshall of Chi Psi in the doubles battle. floor. Holland held WSC’s big gun, Ron Bennir.k, to exactly one point in the first half. The Cou gar deadeye came alive in the second half to pot 13 for the losers. Ken Wegner dumped in a long one-hander after almost three min utes had elapsed to begin the scoring. Oregon quickly built up a 14-13 lead at the end of the quarter, Wegner leading the way. In the second quarter, after Ore gon had built up a 26-8 lead, the Cougars started gaining with sev en straight points, and it looked for a minute like WSC might come alive; but Bob Hawes put an end to the foolishness with two quick baskets a free throw to give the Ducks a 31-16 halftime lead. The Webfoots spent the third quarter building up the lead with Wegner and Holland leading the scoring. With the third quarter score standing at 48-27, many fans started for the exits. Boreher cleared the bench in the last peri od in order to give the subs a little practice and Washington State managed to chop a few points off the lead but never pre sented any kind of a threat to the league leading Ducks. Oregon shot .431 in the first half and .381 in the second half to round out the game with a very nice .406 average. WSC managed an even .300 percentage after a lather poor .186 in the first half. The win tightened Oregon’s hold on first place with a record of seven wins against two losses. The same two teams meet Wednesday night at 8:00 p. m. Oregon (66) Ross, f Halberg, f Andr*n, c Wegner, g Holand, g Stout, f Bell, i Dorwin. f McManus, c Sherman, t Wthfrd, c Hawes, g Bage, g Davis, g (51) Washington St. U ft pi tp fg ft pf 5 Perry, f 2 0 1 7 Rennink. f 4 5 1 12 Rehder, c 3 7 1 16 Swanson, g 1 1 2 11 Klock, g 0 0 0 0Lodge, f 0 McCants.c 0 Foisy, g 2 Hanks, g OKeen, g oUndrwd, g 0 9 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 5 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 26 14 20 66 18 15 13 51 OREGON .... 14 31 48 66 WSC .. 3 15 27 51 Ducks, Cougars Battle Today in Mat Action Oregon s varsity wrestling team , meets the Washington State wrest ling squad at 4:00 p. m. in Mc Arthur court this afternoon. The Cougars were last year's Pacific Coast Intercollegiate champions: anr] have won the championship four out of the last five years. The Cougars have won two and lost none in competition up to date, while Oregon squad has one win and two losses. The WSC i team will be as follows: 123 — Rich Gibson, PCI champ; 130 — Alden Peppel; 137 — Danny Dib ble; 147 — Byron Nelson, PCI and NW AAU king; 357 — Don Parachini; 167 — Del McGhee, PCI champ; 177 — Joe Hunt; !&i — Vaughan Hitchcock; Unlimited ' —Skip Pixley. The Webfoot squad will ho counting heavily on wins by Eot» Shirley, Walt Gaffney, and Dick Barker. Last week Shirley turned the trick against BUI Geister of OSC, Gaffney upset John Hestoe. !anc* Dick Barker lost a. close one*, i *° Lev/ Williams. The probable ; lineup for Oregon will be Dar rell Klampe, Bob Williams, Boise Beid, Roland Vvilsc.i, Shirley, , Gaffney, Barker. Hey Gents! Want something nice for a nicegirf? Don’t make your best girl’s heart throb just once—make it palpitate four times with a swell four-in-one Valentine’s day gift. It’s economical*it’s feminine, it’s delightful. For $3.00 you can buy a set of Wardrobe De Corday toilet wa ter from Tiffany-Davis. i Buy some today from either store—she’ll love you for it. Only 11 more days to Valentine’s day. 1950 Franklin Elvd.—9th & Willamette HOW THE STARS GOT STARTED... > i. lAJ < MAUREEN O'HARA say-: “My fir-t stag*- appearance was at ape 5 —between acts in a school play —reading a poem. I've literally lived acting ever since! First, in clubs, churches, amateur theatricals. I was on the radio at 12; in the Abbey Theatre at 14 — had my first screen test at 17. Acting is hard work — but I love it!” "WHEN I CHANGED 70 CAMELS, I FOUND I WAS ENJOYING SMOKING MORE THAN EVER ! CAMELS HAVE A WONDERFUL FLAVOR... AND JUST THE RIGHT MILDNESS . Lovely Hollywood Star t it START SMOKING CAMELS YOURSELF! Make the 30-day Camel Mildness Test. j Smoke only Camels for 30 days. See for yourself why C amels cool mildness and rich flavor agree with more people than t any other cigarette! ! ^Mi/dhess oncf Ffevorj