0Dctc&*7nac6& By Bob Robinson Emerald $ parti Editor A press release from the University of Washington, Wednesday, revealed something to us that seemed quite interested. The eye catching news was about the Washington Frosh team and the progress of seven foot center, Gary Nelson, from Elina, Washington. Nelson, who came very close to enrolling here at Oregon before fin ally deciding to join the Huskies, is having a great season so far. In the Pups’ five games to date Nelson has connected on 39 field goal attempts and has hit 24 times from the free throw line for a grand total of 102 points or an everage of 20.4 per game. His average would have probably been even better if he hadn't missed most of one of the games because of a bad cose of the flu. From this report it appears that next season ought to produce one of the biggest battles of the century when Nelson steps onto the court to match talents with the incomparable “Swede” Halbrook of Oregon State. People all over the state of Oregon have been wondering if another man, the same size as Halbrook, would be able to put the stopper to his scoring antics. Next basketball season ought to give the answer. TOOLE VS. WEGNER ? We arc quite curious to see the first Oregon-Oregon State cage battle this Friday for many obvious reasons and one other one that is not scrobvious. Probably only a few rabid basketball fans will remem ber many of the details of last year’s Duck-Iieaver games but those fans who are able to think back into the past will recall the tremendous individual dual that occurred between two of the opposing cagers. These two players of course were speedy Kenny Wegner of the Webfoots and even speedier Bill Toole of OSC. Wegner and Toole displayed one of the most spirited rivalries that we have ever seen between two opponents on a basketball court. Both boys gave their very licst to outplay the other and those spectators who witnessed any of the games will remember that the crowd at times was almost as in terested in who would win the Toole-Wegner contest as they were in who was winning the game. We may be wrong in assuming this, but it is our belief that when Bill Borcher’s Ducks go into action against Slats Gills’ Beavers this Friday evening Wegner and Toole will start right where they left oft last year. If they do, those viewing the game will be treated to an individual struggle of the calibre they have never witnessed before. A SALUTE TO HAMMER ' Those people who witnessed last Saturday’s wrestling match be tween the University of Oregon and Multnomah Athletic Club were well agreed at its conclusion that Coach Bill Hammer has done a great job in this, the first year of wrestling at the University. Despite their obvious lack of experience the Webfoot grapplers all are showing a lot of spirit and enthusiasm and by the end of the season will be a pushover for absolutely no one. Looking especially good among the matmen were Bob Williams and Bob Shirley, who both did a fine job in pinning their opponents. In both cases the MAC wrestler was a veteran at the grunt and groan game and seemed quite surprised that he had been beaten by a Duck wrestler who was completely unheralded. EROSH SHOW POSSIBILITIES The Oregon Erosh basketball team got their season underway last weekend with a pair of games and some of the Duckling courtsters flashed form that may be a big aid to Duck basketball quintets in the next few years. Looking the best for Don Kirsch’s lads were center Frank Werner, forward Bill Moore, and guard Bob Anderson. The first two named athletes seemed especially adept at snaring rebounds and Anderson demonstrated all kinds of sj>eed and shooting ability. He reminded many people of Ken Wegner, when the latter was a Frosh. Campbell Club Loses Match • Sigma Nu moved into the sec ond round of the intramural hand ball tournament Wednesday by shutting - out Campbell Club’s handball squad, 3-0. t In singles play, Gent defeated Jacobson, 21-11, 14-21, 21-20 and JHeppner downed Young, 21-15 and r>21-19. The Sigma Nu doubles team, composed of Moran and .Hunter, completed the shutout match by drubbing Kahalekolo and Vahey, 21-2 and 21-10. Sports Staff Desk Editor: Don Kupp. Staff: Bob Robinson. SWIM Winter Swim Schedule Afternoons 2 to 6 Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Nights 7 to 10 Wednesday, Thurs., FrI., Sat. BENTON LANE NATATORIUM 4 mi. No. of Junction City on Highway 99 West Phone Junction City 8-2836 Mr. Hook Shot TONY VLASTELICA, Oregon State hook shot artist will be one of the men to watch this Friday and Saturday nights when the Beavers take on the Oregon Docks in a two game series. Duck Cagers to Meet Tall OSC Hoop Quint wnen Oregon’s basketball team moves into Gill Coliseum Friday night for their basketball game with the Oregon State Beavers they will be facing probably the two best big players they have played against this season. These two of course are seven foot, f*ree-inch Wade Halbrook and six-foot, five-inch Tony Vlas telica. Halbrook and Vlastelica have been leading Slats Gill’s quin tet in scoring all season long and will no doubt be very instrumental in the Beaver attack against the Ducks. In Oregon State's six Northern Division games to date Halbrook has dunked in 48 field goals and 49 free throws for a total of 145 points, an average of 24.3 per game. Vlastelica, playing in only fi^g tussles, has hit for 26 field goals and four free throws for league total of 56 markers. This gives big Tony a per game av erage of 11.2. From these statistics it is quite apparent that if Bill Borcher's Duck five is going to come out on top in this particular contest SELL IT THRU THE WANT ADS ROOMS — Clean, warm, quiet. 1263 Patterson, Ph. 3-2003. LOST: Grey Parker ’51, name en graved. Between 13th and Hen dricks. Call Ext. 489 1-28 WANTED: College students for National Educational Sales Or ganization. Average earnings $75 a week. Contact the Student Employment Office to arrange for personal interviews which will be held 10-12 a. m. daily this I week only. LOST—British Prose and Poetry Jan. 25, 6 p.m., in Straub dining hall. Please return to John Bu chanan, 302 Susan Campbell. FOR RENT: One vacant garage 75 East 16th Ave. 1-29 Men's heavy, grey overcoat, size 34-36. Price new $100. Sell for $35. 794 E. 11th, Apt. 3. Mehta. mey are going to have to devise some plan of strategy to at least slow up the pointmaking abilities of the Beavers’ "big berthas" who seem to mark up points with the persistance of an adding ma chine. Not only have Halbrook and Vlastelica been hot in division play but they are also the top two OSC pointmakers lor the en tire season. Halbrook has a big lead over all his teammates in the total scoring department with 3S2 counters for the season. This gives "Swede"’ an average of 23.9 points per game at present. Although far behind Halbrook's output, Vlastelica ranks second with 143 points or an average of 10.2 per game. As a team the Beavers have not scored nearly as heavily as the Ducks this season but on the other hand their defense has been superior to the Webfoots.’ ENDS SUNDAY ‘TAKE THE HIGH GROUND’’ with Richard Widmark 7fo Grvssfoaskitf KLWStD THW UWTtB WDSTS JMOWlMMElTt Worn 4.4152 Phi Delts Score IM Cage Victory Over Beta Foes Phi Delta Theta’s A basketball quintet continued its winning ways by downing Beta Theta Pi, 38-10, in Wednesday’s crucial intramural >tilt. Other victors were Hale Kane’s cage five in B action an£ Pi Kappa Phi’s A squad, v Both the Phi Delts and the $etas were undefeated in intra mural .warfare an dthe stage wad set for the important clash. The contest started out like it was going to be close all of the way with Phi Delta Theta taking a slim lead 6-5 lead at the end of tha first five minute session. - But midway through the second quarter, with the score tied at 8-0 the roof fell in for the Betas; Two consecutive fast-break layios by Larry Hibbard and Stan Lewis broke Beta Theta Pi’s defense. Big Bob Wagner continued to pone on the pressure with two perfect push-shots from the corner to give the Phi Delts a commanding 16-0. margin which they never relin quished throughout the remainder of the battle. In the initial game, Hale Kane’s B team completely dominated play by drubbing Campbell Club, 51-14. Hale Kane took command from the start and built up quarter leads of 10-3, 20-7 and 38-13 i* route to its impressive triumph. The winners were sparked by Sam Duncan who poured 22 point a through the basket with a variety of hookshots and driving layina. Pi Kappa Phi rolled over Ch* Psi, 33-13, in the final A contest of the afternoon. A third period point drought by the Chi Psis saw the Pi Kaps pull away to a 24-7 lead at the end of the third quar ter. Pete Tyerman grabbed 13 ! points for the winners with Bob Morris collecting 11 for the losers i Hale Kane B (51) (14) Campbell Club B 1 Campbel 1(9) ..F... (2) AId.lv I White (t) ..F.. (0) Munjr | Duncan (22) ..C. (0) Ma,mr Takano CO) .G........ . (4) Ccw> I? i Michinoto (3) ..G. (2) R-tch*^ i Subs—Hale Kane: Chaney (1), P'eWa. ; Campbell Club: Mishima (2), Refers (2). Michaels (2). Phi Delta Theta A (38) (16) Beta Theta Pi K Johnson (10) . F (1) Ganw. Wagner (14) .F. 14) Fcntcn Hiobard (4) .C. (4) Alw Hammermhit (4) .... G (5) Fcrt*« Lewis (4) f; . (C) Dahlqu.st Subs I hi Delts: Reneberg (2), Hastings. Ketas: Jefferies <2). Chi Psi A (13) (33) Pi Kappa Phi A Rtteves •„) ..F. (0) Stewait Pragg (C) .F . (4) Lm!.» StOTiercarl (0) .C .. . (2) Andrew* Morris (11) .G ..... (13) Tyerman Le-veil (0) .G. (1C) Henderson Subs—Pi Kaps : Parker (4). ---- UO Bowlers Face Beaver Opponents The University of Oregon var sity bowling team and women's team will take on Oregon State | in a home and home series tbi» Friday and Saturday, announces Lou Bellisimo, Oregon bowling coach. Friday afternoon at 3:00 p. m. the Ducks will move into the Bea vers’ home alley for a dual meet. Then on Saturday afternoon at the same starting time Oregon twill play host to OSC in a return match on the Student Union bowling lanes. Bellisimo announced that he would take his strongest team te Corvallis on Friday in hopes ot scoring a decisive win. If the Ducks can do this, then Bellisimo plans to play his second team >a the Saturday match. On the other hand, if OSC should prove tough in the first contest, the Dick fnt*t team may be used over again cn Saturday. I SPORTS FARE f -—--1- I Thursday, January 28, 1954 * BASKETBALL 3:50; Court 40, Alpha Tau Omega A vs. Lambda Chi Alpha A. 3 :50. Court 43, Phi Gamma Delta A vs. Delta Upsilon A. 4:35, Court 40, Sigma Chi A vs. Sigma Nu A. 4:35, Court 43, Sigma Phi Epsilon A vs. Sig ma Alpha Mu A. 5:15, Court 40, Kappa Sigma A vs. Phi Kap pa Sigma A. 5:15, Court 43, Sigma Alpha Epsilon A vs. Phi Kappa Psi A. HANDBALL 4 :00, Courts 42, 44, and 40, Hale Kane vs. Phi Kappa Psi.