* Teams Vie in Hoop Murals Tuesdpy's intramural action saw four games, a pair of forfeits, and L a technical foul. It was all “B” r action for the entire schedule, I* Sigma Nu picked up a slow 20-15 _ decision over Chi Psi in the game i," that rated a technical foul. Merrick - downed Nestor in the closest game > of the day 23-30. Stitzer walked * away from Susan Cambpell 34-24. k Phi Delta Theta smeared Delta " Upsilon to the tunc of 50-11. \ Phi Delta Theta sported the * leading scorer for the day with Don Holt potting 11. He was close , ly followed by Davis of Stitzer . who garnered 11. Phi Kappa Sigma gained a nod -• over Delta Tau Delta via the for r feiture route. Barrister Inn drop - ped one to the Legal Eagles in a f like manner. * Boa score: \ Chi P»i (15) (20) Sigma Nu •vh»w 2) _. K (6) Bennett ' ( arnalian *6) H. . (4) Swalro * Ca»per (i> . C (2) Johnv.n , Lawson ID) G .. (0) Woodyard V Evans (4) . C (1) Rom Sut« : ( hi Psi Mrndrlh (2). Sigma ,\'u Net-on and Maktili*. Merritk Hall (20) (23) Nestor Hall _ Grave- <8> F (y) May . n»«hom (tj) F (.1) Sterling Anderson (5) ..... C (J) Ramin Tolm-on (0) G ((,) Sangren ' Kitn-ey (I) t; (0i Krmmrrrr «■ Sub»: Merrick England. Ne-Uir King , (2), and Flng-trom (2). Susan Campbell (24) (34) Stitaer Hal! i.uptr (.’) ... F.(101 Wood Cannon (2) F (11) Davis - liuggin- <2) C (0) Strau* . Strmprl (4) ...G._ (Si Bond - Notos (I).fi •... (1) Warren Subs - Susan Campbell Lovmcna 8), Nor tiniat (2), and Mainwaring (3). Stitaer— _ Ha-a-awa (2). Phi Delta Theta (50) (11) Delta Upsilon Holt (12) . F . .. (5) l-awrencr Williams (/) . F. . (0) Rtirchan Marlett (21 C . (0) Callow - Albright (1) C ... (0) Holt Schlo—tein (8). G (6J Geither - Sub-: Phi iJelt- Stiner (2). Zenger (10). Mundle (8), and Heath (2). Delts -- Schuck __ and Gregory. ' . SPORTS FARE „ SPORTS PARE Wadnasday. January 27. 1954 „ . BASKETBALL „ 3:5i, Court 40, Hala Kane B vs. Campbell Club B. “ 4:35, Court 49. Phi Delta Theta A vs. Beta *• Theta Pi A. • J: 15. Court 40, Chi Psi A vs. Pi Kappa Phi » HANDBALL ' 4 .00. Courts 42, 44, and 40, Campbell Club vt Sigma Nu. Saturday Brings Big Sports Day II* ottiuruay, January 30, will bo one of the biggest days of the year as far as sports are concerned on the University of Oregon campus. Starting with a freshman wres tling match, Saturday morning, athletic events will occupy all of sports fans’ free time until late Saturday night. At 10:30, Saturday morning, the Oregon Frosh wrestling team un der the coaching of Bill Hammer will take to the mats for a match with the Oregon State Rooks. The Frosh are eager to gamer a team win over their cross-state rivals and many thrills should be pro vided for interested spectators. The Varsity wrestling squad wii: get into action Saturday afternoon when they take on OSC in what beyond a doubt will turn into a grudge match of the highest spir its. This will mark the first wres tling competition in history be tween the two schools. The Bea vers are well known for their strong grappling squads and will probably give the Webfoots all the battle they are bargaining for on this particular occasion. The match will get underway at '2:30 p.m. at McArthur Court. At the same time that the wres tlers are throwing each other around, John Borchardt’s Webfoot swimming team will tangle with Multnomah Athletic Club in a dual meet slated for the Oregon pool. Then to top off the day full of sports thrills Bill Borcher’s Duck basketball team will play the Ore gon State Beavers at McArthur Court in an 8:00 p.m. Northern Division cage contest. All in all just about every ath lete on the University of Oregon campus will get into the act and when the day is completed- sports enthusiasts ought to be well satis fied that they have witnessed enough contests to last them awhile. Sports Staff Desk Editor: Bruce Tennant. Staff, Jim Sigpor, Bob Robinson. Students Advised To Obtain Ducats University of Oregon students are advised to purchase tickets for the Friday night Oregon State Oregon basketball game at Cor vallis at the special one dollar price this week for the Oregon reserved section at Gill Coliseum. These tickets are on sale at the McArthur Court athletic ticket of fice. As this section holds only 400 persons, the supply is limited and students should buy their tickets before the supply runs out. Ore gon students who do not pur chase their tickets in Eugene will not get the priviledge of pur chasing one dollar tickets for the fpecial section in Gill Coliseum. As all reserved seats are sold out, the only other ticket available is the $1.50 geneva! admission tic ket, 3000 of which will go on sale at 8:30 Friday morning at Cor vallis. University students expecting to "borrow” OSC student body cards are askfed to cease and desist, as special precautionary measures are being set up for the Friday night game in Corvallis. Turner Wins Ring Match UP) Hard punching Gil Turner pounded out an unanimous decision over Pierre Langlois in a ten pounds, was the heaviest of his day night. Turner, scaling 157 and one-half ponds, was the heaviest of his career. Langlois also carried the same weight. The Philadelphia negro concen trated his attack on the mid-sec tion and piled up enough points in the final stages of the battle to win his 42nd victory in 46 bouts. Although Turner was fighting in his home town the decision of the officials was not greeted with enthusiasm. The fans obviously thought the verdict should have gone the other way and showed their disgust by throwing papers and pounding their chairs on the floor. Ed Halberg Leads In Ducks Scoring Forward Ed Halberg continued to Jead his University of Oregon teammates in scoring, field goal percentage, and rebounding through last weekend’s games. Halberg, who is deadly with a one-handed Jump shot, maintained his hot shooting pace against the Washington Huskies and pushed home 28 points in the two game series. This gave the Port Angeles, Washington flash a total of 251 points for the season so far, an av erage of 14.8 points per game. Wegner Second Hal berg's nearest competitor in the pointmaking column is driv ing guard Ken Wegner, who has tallied 228 counters in the Ducks’ 17 tussles. Wegner has a per game average of 13.4. Center Max Anderson is in third place in the Webfoot scoring department with 199 and guard Barney Holland ranks fourth with 194. His continued scoring form has kept Halberg over the .500 mark in field goal percentages with a neat .514 average. Anderson is second with a very respectable •420 and reserve forward Bob Stout ranks third with .403. Top Rebounder On the backboards. Halberg is also the top man with a total of 184 grabbed rebounds. Anderson is the only other Duck player to snare more , than one hundred with i69: Barney Holland is the- leading fold shooter for the team with a record of 50 hits out of 65 at tempts. This gives the cool-headed guard a brilliant percentage of .769. Bob Hawes has connected on out or 33 shots, an average .758. Third place in this depart ment is held down by Halberg with 69 out of 93 or a percentage of .742. i ■■■■■■■■■HI ED IMLBK1M3, bulky Duck for wart, shows In the above picture the jump shot form that has been a Wg factor ia Oregon’s drive io the top of the Northern Division Standings. Halberg f... Wegner. g.ji. Anderson, c..... Holland, f__ _ Ha wee. g. P»»e. t... Stout, i..... Rose, f-g.. Bell i... Dorwin, >.... McManus, I........... Claves, c..... Sherman, f.. OREGON . Opponents ..:.... G FGA FG Tel. FTA FT Pet. Refc. PF XT 17 177 91 .514 92 69 .742. 184 55 23* 17 227 78 .344 99 72 .727 93 22* 17 138 - 58 .420 148 82 .56* 168 54 198 17 196 72 .367 65 50 769 16 124 41 .321' 32 25 -.758 22- 22 107 16 71 24 .338 20 14 .700 18" 15 (j 36 ' 62 23 . 402 l9" 8 .318 82 42 • 12 ■ 48 1# .375 31 13 .484 47 14‘ 3* 13 43 9 .209 41 20 .48* • 40 30 :•# 10 11 3 .272 11 7 .636 9 5 1» H 15 4 . 267 1 2 5 .417 1 2 »• 1> 11 9 2 .222 2 1 .500 8 36 - J 2 2 2 .500 0 0 .0(10 2 0 X ...—.-. Ul* .-.. H53 How the stars got started.... ♦ .WILLIAM HOIDIN sayc “My Dad, a chemist, wanted me to follow in the business. But T I got the play-acting bug in school and college. I was in a small part at the Pasadena - Playhouse when they picked me to test i_ for ‘Golden Boy’. I never worked so hard in my life. But the success of the picture made it worth it!” I I'M FOR CAMELS! i've found THEY GIVE ME EVERYTHING I LIKE IN A CIGARETTE_GENUINE MILDNESS, REAL FLAVOR. YOU'LL LIKE CAMELS,TOO! Star of "Forever Female’’ Start smoking Camels yourself! Make the 30-day Camel Mildness Test. Smoke only Camels for 30 days — se€l for yourself why Camels’ cool mildness and rich flavor agree with more people than any other cigarette! ■fit-Mildness W Flevot Camels aoree with more people • THAN ANY , OTHER . CIGARETTE *