0DuC&(fMCwA\ By Bob Robinson Emerald Sports Editor For the first time since he enrolled at the University of Washington nearly three years ago, Dean Parsons, six foot seven inch Husky center, received an enthusiastic cheer as he left the playing floor late in the final quarter of -Saturday night’s Washington-Oregon hoop contest. Parsons has been very unpopular with Duck students and rooters in the past because of the fact that he left his home town here in Eugene in favor of a college education at the U. of W. But after his great playing exhibition against the Ducks in their recently completed series, everyone present couldn't help but give big Dean a hearty ovation. Parsons really showed much improvement over his appearances of last year. He tallied 32 points in the two games despite a rugged Oregon defense and was a tiger on the backboards. Anchored by Parsons at the center spot, the Huskies should be a tough outfit to handle next year. Also, returning next season will be such stalwarts as Karl Voegtlin and Bob Bryan, forwards; and Jerry Johnson and Ron Patnoe, guards. All these lads showed tremendous possibilities in their games against the Ducks and should be ev.en better next season. Ross Looks Good * One of the brightest lights for the Ducks in their successful conquest of Tippy Dye’s quintet was the sparkling perform ance of sophomore forward, Jerry Ross. Ross, a small man in the cage game of this day and age, rebounded magnificently against his much taller opponents and what he lacked in size he made up for with sheer hustle. Ross also displayed much scoring potential as he dumped in 17 big points in the Friday contest to lead all scorers. Coach Bill Borcher of the Ducks has been working with Jerry all season long in hopes that he would develop into a consistent starter for the Webfoots and last weekend Ross showed that he is definitely ready for the job. Think Before You Holler! Saturday night at McArthur Court we witnessed something that amused us very much. When the final score of the Oregon State-Idaho contest came over the loudspeaker almost the en tire Duck rooting section let out with a loud groan. Under most circumstances this would have been understandable, being that the Aggies had won out, 69-53, but, in this particular instance it was downright foolish. At least we think so. If you Oregon rooters will stop and think a minute we believe you will see our point. Since Idaho is still very much in the running for the Northern Division basketball crown and has already beaten the Aggies twice before, it would have been a shame from the Oregon point of view if the Vandals had scored their third win over the Beavers. Idaho has completed its sui cide trip to Oregon and now have mostly home games left to play. If they had won both the Oregon State contests it would have made them definitely in the drivers’ seat as far as the league championship is concerned. On the other hand, since OSC did manage to gain a split with their opponents it left Oregon very much the commanding team with their five won and one loss record. To us this seems much more important than seeing our cross-state rivals take it on the chin. Now, if Borcher’s team can just gain a split with Slats Gill’s Beavers the Ducks will still be on top in the league standings and will be mighty hard to remove from their perch. emtMt? SELL IT THRU THE WANTADS ROOMS — Clean, warm, quiet. 1263 Patterson, Ph. 3-2003. LOST: Grey Parker ’51, name en graved. Between 13th and Hen +. dricks. Call Ext. 489 1-28 WANTED: College students for National Educational Sales Or ganization. Average earnings $75 a week. Contact the Student Employment Office to arrange for personal interviews which will be held 10-12 a. m. daily this FOUND — billfold during Christ mas vacation. Call 44672 or go to 1450 Walnut. 1-27 FOR RENT — one vacant garage. 750 E. 16th. 1-27 SPORTS STAFF Desk Editor: Buzz Nelson Staff: Bruce Tennant, Buzz Nel son. The New York Yankees were originally called the Highlanders, but the nickname was changed to Yankees by Sportswriters Mark Roth and Sam Crane as Highland ers was too long to fit into news paper headlines. DIAMOND-WATCHES SILVERWARE HERBERT OLSON JEWELER 175 E. Broadway Eugene, Oregon Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Phone 4-5353 Theta Chirsr Sigs, Phi Psi's Take Basketball Wins Monday’s IM calendar consisted of only three basketball games, all In the ”B” team bracket. The Phi Kappa Psi “B” team rolled over Phi Gamma Delta “B’s”, 35-11, Theta Chi snowed the Kap pa Sif^a* five by a whopping 41 12 margin, and Sigma Chi beat A.T.O., 23-16. High Point honors for the day went to Bill Haney of Phi Psi who dumped in a total of 21 counters. Phi Kappa Psi (3S) (11) Phi Gamma Delta Haney, B (21) .F. (1) Lloyd Mickelwaite ..F. (8) Stevens White .C. (2) Brinton Haney. Bob (4) .G..« Macklem Baker (6) .G. Buff Subs: Phi Psi; Bob Kubes (4), Hunger. Fijis; Kellogg, Karr, Lally. Theta Chi (41) (12) Kappa Sigma Flaucher (11) .F. Steel Jones (11) .F. Hooker Muray (9) .C. (2) Shanahan Phillips (6) .G. (1) ('a»*ova Hamilton (4) .G. (1) Carcillo Subs: Theta Chi; Naapi, Hutchinson. Kappa Sigma; Angle (6), Bowles (2). Sigma Chi (23) (16) ATO Subs: Greenley (4) .F . (4) Hamilton Remhart (1) .F. (2) Kilkenny Hedgepeth .C. Phiester Sloan (2) .G./. Moriarty Lundy (2) . G. (5) Du botch ATO; Spreen 3), Hart. Page (2). Sigma Chi; Patera (4), Walberg (4), Weber, Hink son (6). Layne Kayoed In Comeback BROOKLYN CP> —- Young Tom my Jackson of Far Rockaway, New York, stopped former heavy weight contender Rex Layne of Lewiston, Utah, tonight in the sixth round in their scheduled ten rounder at Brooklyn's Eastern Parkway arena. It was the 22 year-old Jackson’s first main event and he came through in great fashion against the comeback minded Layne. Referee Mark Conn stopped the bout after one minute and 44 sec onds of the sixth round after Layne had twice been knocked down. Giants Add Pounds; Sign Big Linemen NEW YORK iJP) — The New York football Giants added 545 pounds to their line today, al though they signed only two play, ers. Joe Springer and Bob Hengart ner, both tackles, signed for next fall. Springer stands 6-2 and weighs 280 pounds, Hengartner 6-5 and weighs 265. They join a 276-pound former Alabama tack ie, Billy Shipp, who was signed last week. Springer attended Han over College and Hengartner went to Miami of Ohio. Oregon OSC Series To Determine ND Lead The current Northern division kingpins — Oregon’s Ducks — ran through basketball practice Mon day afternoon with high hopes of maintaining or even increasing their lead when they face the challenging OSC Beavers in a home-and-home series this week end. OSC Forward REGGIE H VLLIGAN, hard work ing OSC forward, has shown lots of fire in Beaver games to date and is expected to give the Oregon cagers some anxious moments this weekend. ATO's Annex Handball Win Alpha Tau Omega won all three of their handball matches with Susan Campbell Monday, and all of the mby a good lead. ATO didn't have to revert to a third game to win any of their matches, as the game, but ^inexperienced, frosh were no match. Box Scores: tMogtw'r tfflwfciits defeated Hundly 21-2, 2 in*. ** * • • "