All-Star Selection KENNY W EG NEK, who alternates from the forward to guard posi tion. la the only returning player from the f952-5S Northern Division All-Star team. He is captain for the Wobfoot quint, and leads the Ducks’ famous fast break. He is a senior from Portland. • * * Duck Wrestlers Vie With MAC Saturday Oregon’s varsity wrestling team, enthusiastic after last week’s win over Lewis and Clark, are finish ing their final drills before tack ling the Multmomah Athletic club this Saturday at 2:30 at McAr thur Court. Dads are cordially in vited to witness these matches as they will prove interesting and enjoyable. The Multnomah Club boasts a fine previous record and will field a few of last year’s Far Western champions. Herb Haberlach, MA C'S heavyweight, is one of the na ! tion’s top wrestlers; two years I ago he appeared »n the Olympic I championships in Europe. Paul I Buhler and Lloyd Mendenhall are ! also outstanding wrestlers on j MAC’S wrestling team. The probable lineup for the MA C will be 130 lb. — Art Solum; 137 — Larry Day; 157 — Lane Goodell; 167 — Art Whitbeck; 177 — Paul Buhler or Lloyd Men denhall; 191 — Bill Mosby; and heavyweight — Herb Haberlach. The Oregon grappiers have been going through rugged drills all week and will undoubtedly want to win this match. Oregon’s ten tative men will be: 130 lb. _ Klampe; 137 — Bob Williams; 147 — Bob Shirley; 157 — Roland Wil son; 167 — John Woyat; and Heavyweight — Dick Barker. Next week the Oregon varsity and freshmen will meet the Ore gon State mat team in Mac Court. : Oregon, Huskies Set for Contest (Continued from page four) Holland has often been called the bread and butter man of the Oregon team. One of the coolest players on the Pacific Coast, Hol land is also a great competitor. He shoots well both from a distance and close in and many times this season he has walked off with high point honors for his team. Barney is one of the best defen sive men on the team and to him will probably go the tough as signment of guarding Washington Captain, Don Tripp. Other Oregon players who will no doubt see much action this weekend and will be counted on for added scoring punch are for wards Bob Stout, Kent Dorwin, and Ray Bell; center Bob Glaves; and guards Howard Page, Jerry Ross, and Bob Hawes. After the Washington series the Ducks will be idle until Friday and Saturday nights, January 29 and 30, when they play their tra ditional rival, O. S. C., in a two game set. “GREETINGS, DAD”! said the Duck as he held out his wing for a fin. “It’s swell that you could visit our pond. You’ll find that we hate to splash around going to classes but we sure get a charge out of tlying around to our var ious extra-curricular activities.” Among these activities there is one unscheduled but partici pated in by all the* Ducks in the know. It’s a jaunt out to ROD TAYLOR'S On the Glenwood strip Dead Eye Ha I berg M (JO Ad Groups Plan Promotion A county-wide promotion of Na tional Advertising Recognition week is being planned by members of Alpha Delta Sigma, men’s profes sional advertising fraternity, and Gamma Alpha Chi, women’s pro fessional advertising sorority. Gordon Rennie, president of ADS, reports that plans include radio an nouncements, newspaper advertise ments, billboard displays, advertis ing cards in the local buses, and downtown store window displays. Cooperation is expected from local service clubs where speakers from ADS and GAX will give talks on the importance of advertising in our society. A- ■ : Web foots Swim Next Saturday University of Oregon’s swim* ming team under Coach John Bor chardt continue their splashfng antics as they ready for their dual meet with the Multnomah Ath letic club here in Eugene, Janu ary 30. . The swimming team, dropping down to seven members, consists of Harry Fuller, Henry Kaiura, Phil Lewis, John English, Jerry Froebe, Yogi Matsushima, and Or lando Mathias. Froebe and Mat sushima are the only two up from last years Frosh squad. The other five, although lettermen last year, lack the conference experience that some of the past Oregon teams have had. Coach Borchardt exclaimed “This is a build-up year for Oregon.” In individual placement, Fuller, Lewis and Mathias head in the sprint events; English and Kaiura in the individual medley events; English, converted from back stroke to breast stroke, and Fuller in the distance events. Although eligibility and personal showing have yet to prevail, these will be the probable events in which these swimmers will be seen in the com ing meet. Welcome DADS! Dad ate here ... for 32 years College Side has been the college meet ing place. Extra — Value . Special Lunches Every Day! ■ 1 4 rob ^ w yoo’ll pt pul ^snaps of your holiday week end with the 5.*,„ .. v • BROWNIE HMHX[y[ CAMERA •>*y.v. * * \ ' -r\ * v(^ It s just load, aim, and shoot for blacl:-and-white eolor snapshots. For indoor shots, you merely attach the Kodalite rlasholder. Takes 12 pictures per roll. Camera, $7.20, including Federal Tax; Flasholder, $3.39. Cl8 WILLAMETTE PHONE 4-8241 IM Office Says Eagles are Illegal Legal Eagles, intramural bas ketball team, made up of law stu dents, has been playing illegally in intramural action. They have been playing the same team in “A” games as jr.i their “B” games, ex cept in the latter contests the hoopers play under an assumed name. The names they are using are the names of the law profes sors. Last Tuesday's game between the Eagles’ "B" squad and Camp bell Club, played under protest, is where the IM department finally caught up with them. Fine Dining for Dad (Mom, Students, and Professors too!) Fried Chicken, Prime Rib Steaks, and Burger Baskets SUPERIOR fountain drinks and prompt service— Anything we have packed to go. For Good Listening—Tune in on GREGG'S PRIVATE LINE Over KORE-1450 Kcs. 11:30 to 12:30 a.m.—Thur., Fri., & Sat. Gregg's Drive-In On the Glenwood Strip