Tweedell, Adams, Named New Journalism Instructors uated from the University of Ore gon journalism school in 1950. The advanced reporting class was formerly taught by Paul Deutschmann, assistant professor of journalism, who is now studying at Stanford. The new instructor for princi ples of advertising, Roy Adams, has a retail advertising agency in downtown Eugene. Adams has held positions on the advertising staffs of the Pontiac Illinois Daily Leader, the Grants Pass Courier, and the Valley Times in North Hollywood, Calif ornia. He received his bachelor's degree from the University of Ill inois in 1946 and his master's de gree here. All Visitors Barred By Campus Hospital The infirmary was closed Wed nesday morning to all visitors be cause it was filled to capacity, it was announced Wednesday after noon. Length of the ban on visitors is uncertain. The number of cases of infecti ous diseases in the infirmary prompted the closure when capa city was reached Wednesday. Paintings Of Congo Displayed In Library Scenes of the Belgian Congo painted during the 1870’s by Lie van Van de Velde are now on dis play in the circulation lobby of the library. The material for the exhibit came from the special col lections division of the library. The watercolors were painted by Van de Velde, an officer in the Belgian army, when he was sta tioned on the lower Congo at Viri. A bound volume of letters from Henry M. Stanley, African explor er, to the artist is also on dis play. Registration Drops For Current Term Enrollment at the University of Oregon at the end of the first week of winter term was down 354 from the fall term registra tion figure, according to figures of the registrar's office made available to the Emerald Wednes day by the University News Bu reau. The winter term figure of 3659 is an 8.8 per cent drop from the fall term enrollment of 4013. It is also 4.4 per cent lower than the 3830 registered winter term, 1953. Last fall term's registration dropped 4.3 per cent from the 4231 who registered fall term, 1952. The enrollment drop between fall and winter term last year was 401, or 9.4 per cent. Of the total number who drop ped from fall term, five per cent were men and three per cent were women. IT PAYS TO PATRONIZE EMERALD ADVERTISERS The Last Pair Dad s J>>v NCHEON* TICKETS | }N SALE HERE Barbara Riddles, Dads’ day luncheon chairman, gleefully unloads the ladt pair of luncheon tickets to Mary Wtison and Phil Lewis, co-chairmen of the weekend. The tickets for Saturday’s luncheon were all sold by Wednesday. SELL IT THRU THE WANTADS Four cents a word for the first insertion, 2 cents a word thereafter. • Place them at the S.U. Main Desk —or— • Call university extension 219 in the afternoon —or— • Come to the Emerald Shack in the afternoon IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE Oregon Daily Emerald CAMPUS BRIEFS 0 “The Home Place,” sound movie concerning architectural history, will be shown at 9 and 11 a. m. Friday, Jan. 22, in Ar chitecture 107. Visitors and non majors are welcomed. 0 The Alpine club will meet today at 4 p. m. in the Student Union. 0 “Jazz: Dixieland” will be the topic of David Hatch, instructor in art, at a coffee hour to be held at 7:45 p. m. Friday in the Stu dent Union browsing room. 9 All graduate students and faculty members and their wives or husbands will be honored at the annual tea for graduate students sponsored by the Faculty Women’s club from 3 to 5 p. m. Sunday in Gerlinger hall. Nursery facilities for small children will be provid ed. 0 The cabinet of Phi Beta, na tional professional fraternity of women in music and speech, will meet at noon today in the Student Union, according to Pat Hartley, president. Photographs taken dur ing army tours last spring will be distributed. 0 All students must pick up their winter term athletic cards by 5 p. m. Friday, the athletic business office has announced. The cards, which may be picked up at the office in McArthur court, will not be issued at the game. Those students not presenting ath letic cards will be charged regu lar admission prices. 0 Skull and Dagger, sopho more men’s service honorary, will meet at 7 p. m. today at Phi'Kap pa Psi, according to Vice-Pres. Bob Maier. 0 Deadline for petitions for all Student Union committee posts are due today at 5 p. m., accord ing to John Shaffer, personnel chairman. Petitions are to be turn ed in on the third floor of the SU. 0 House managers will meet at 6:30 this evening in the Student Union. Election of officers will be on the agenda, according to Gerry Bowden, president. Campus Calendar 7:30 8:00 9:00 11:45 Noon 3:00 4:00 6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45 7:00 '7:30 8:00 RE wk info dk Lobby 2nd fl SU RE Pastors - Fac 110 SU. RE Spkrs & Com 112 SU Dad Day Hsts Vt Ckrm SU Phi Beta Cab ' Com Inch AAA Journ Fac Drama Stf Christian Sci RE Wk Com Alpn Cl Sr Ball Com Ch HS Col Rel Com Phi Delt Phi Hse Mgrs Ski Quacks IFC ASUO Sen HS Col Rel Com Brbrsp Qrt Meet 112 SU 113 SU 114 SU 334 SU 110 SU 113 SU 315 SU 113 SU 112 SU 213 SU 214 SU 215 SU 334 SU 315 SU 111 SU Mu Phi Eps Pt Ger 2nd fl Phi Delt Phi Ger 3rd fl Budapest Str Qrtet Bllrm TV Housewarming Scheduled March 3 In Villard Studio “TV Housewarming,” a sneak preview of television facilities in the Villard studios, has been scheduled for March 3. Kappa Rho Omicron, radio honorary, is spon soring the event. Campus entertainers will per form for the first time before new Dage cameras. Demonstrations of 6:00 p. m. Sign On 6:03 Piano Moods 6:15 Four for a Quarter 6:30 News Till Now 6:45 Sports Shots 7:00 University Hour 8:00 Patrioscript 8:15 UN Story 8:30 Serenade to the Student 9:00 Kwaxworks 10:00 The SU and You 10:30 Kwaxworks 10:50 News Headlines 10:55 Tune to Say Goodnight 11:00 Sign Off Story by James Hall To Be in Prize Group A short story, "Estates and Trespasses” which originally ap peared in Epoch, by James B. Hall, assistant professor of Eng lish, has been selected for inclus ion in “Prize Stories 1954: The O. Henry Awards,” which is sched uled for publication today. The 23 prize - winning stories included were selected from 14 magazines, including the New Yorker and Harpers. The 1954 edition is the first pub lication of the series in two years. The two-year lapse followed the death of Herschell Brickell, former editor. New co-editors of the series are Paul Engle and Hansford Martin, both of the State University of Iowa. televising tricks and tours of the KWAX studios are other features of the "housewarming.” Although the University has had possession of two cameras since early fall, actual closed curcuit operations'-were delayed pending arrival of additional equipment. “This two-hour housewarming is designed for all students and in structors, whether or not they share a professional interest in the field,” said Gordon Rennie, president of Kappa Rho Omicron. The following committee chair men were assigned at Monday’s meeting: engineering, Ken Whit tle; entertainment, Paul McMul len, Dick Hiatt and Loann Mor gan; hospitality, Mary Wilson and publicity, M: yn Patterson. LOST: One Shaffer pen and pencil set in or near library. Ph. 4-1557 1-21 LOST: Friday, somewhere on cam pus — black rimmed glasses. Phone 5-5672. 1-21 ; FOR SALE: Siamese kittens, also j bred cat. Ph. 4-0659 or 5-7383. ROOMS — Clean, warm, quiet. | 1263 Patterson. Ph. 3-2003. FOR SALE”—"2 1-7 x 3 i-4~Speed Graphic, various accessories. Ni- ■ • kor cut film tank. 1618 Colum bia. 1-22 ' - Waldo can’t read — but you can! Find him a happy home thru Emerald WANT ADS. Phone ' Ext. 219 and ask for our special Waldo rate. FOUND: Green Shaffer pen on campus Dec. 19. Ph. 4-6369 eve nings. 1-22 LOST: Grey Parker '51, name en graved. Between 13th and Hen- . WANTADS 1-21 dricks. Call Ext. 489 1-28 Fellows, girls f will whistle at your ankles, now! Who said girls have a monopoly on trim ankles? Not so long as we have boxes full of Allen-A quality hose for men! Boxes? Counters! Genuine argyles, genuine 6x3 ribs, stripes, solids, half-hose and anklets. All color-fast to wash and wash . . . and comfortably elastic. We have your size in your favorite style. So get your Allen-A hose today! underwear We give Gold Arrow Stamps | mu; tm UTI-ITTlUiS 61 E. Broadway We Redeem (■old Arrow Stamps Two new faculty members have been added to the University of Oregon school of journalism this term. They are Robert Tweedell and Roy Adams, instructors in journalism. Tweedell, who teaches advanced reporting, came here from Den ver Post where he held the po sition of make-up editor. He grad