Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 21, 1954, Page Three, Image 3

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    Oregon's Halberg
Tops in Shooting;
Ducks Rate High
Ron Eennink, Washington’s
State’s high-geared point produc
er, and Oregon's Ed Halberg, who
connects with the accuracy of a
top secret bomb sight, have taken
the spotlight from Oregon State
center Wade Halbrook in the hec
tic Northern Division race, it was
disclosed today by figures from
the Pacific Coast Conference Com
missioner's office.
The statistics for games through
January 16 showed Eennink had
taken over the scoring lead with
a 21 point average after four
games, to 20.6 for the 7-foot 3-inch
Ralbrook. Eennink had 20 field
goals and 26 free throws in his
point total. Halberg ranked third
with a 16.8 uverage while Dwight
Morrison, Idaho, had 15.8 and
Tony Vlastellca, Oregon State 13.3.
New Record
Halberg set a new Division
game record last weekend when
he dropped 9 of 11 floor shots for
Oregon _ .Y \ p7y0
Oregon Stale 3 1 .755
Idaho .. 3 2 .000
Waahinglon . 13 .250
Washington Slate 1 4 200
Washington at OREGON
Oregon Stale at Idaho
81.8 per cent and the feat showed
up In field goal percentages where
he leads the pack with a blistering
61 per cent. The lanky forward
has taken 41 shots and connected
on 25. Ranked second and third
are teammates, Max Anderson, 52
per cent, and Bob Stout, 50 per
Halberg also sets the pace from
the free throw line with 86.4 per
cent, getting 19 points on 22 tries.
Harlan MHton, Idaho, has 81.3
per cent and Barney Holland, Ore
gon, 80 per cent. Halbrook is the
No. 1 rebounder, but by a narrow
margin with an average of 12.5
per game to 12.3 for Anderson.
Both are sophomores.
Oregon Leads Shooters
As a team Oregon leads in
shooting with a deadly 43 per cent
from the floor, followed by Ore
gon State with 39.3 per cent.
Washington State has the top free
throw mark, 61.7 per cent, while
Oregon has the best point aver
age, 68.5. Oregon State's rebound
ing game is the best, with 145 re
bounds to their opponents 118,
while Washington has exhibited
the best defense, holding foes to
03.8 points a game.
This weekend Oregon State
Theta Chi Takes
IM Handball Meet
Theta Chi moved into the second
round of the intramural handball
tournament by defeating Pi Kappa
Phi, 2-1 in Wednesday's court ac
Pete Tyerman salvaged the Pi
Kap’s only victory by downing
John Johnson in straight Sets, 21
12 and 21-8. In the other singles
match, Dick Hamilton of Theta
Chi scored 21-3 and 21-1 wins over
Rick Pittman. The Theta Chi’s
doubles team, composed of Bruce
Hoppe and Dick James, railed over
David Stewart and Charles Park
er, 21-6 and 21-2.
Thursday. Jan. 21
3:50, Court 40, Phi Gamma Delta A vs
Lambda Chi Alpha A
4:35, Court 40, Sigma Phi Epsilon A vs
Sigma Nu A
5:15, Court 40 ,Sigma Alpha Epsilon A vs
Phi Kappa Sigma A
Court 43, Phi Kappa Psi A vs Phi Sigma
Kappa A
4:00, Court 42, 44, 46, Phi Kappa Sigma
vs Chi Psi
Sports Staff
Desk Editor: Don Kupp.
Staff: Mort Harkins, Doug May,
Sam Vahey.
Journeys to Moscow for a show
down series Friday and Saturday
night with Idaho, while Oregon,
tied for the lead with the Beavers]
entertains Washington in Eugene.
Four Among Top 12
Other Oregon players among the
top 12 scorers are Anderson, sixth
with 12.3; Holland, ninth with 11;
and Ken Wegner, 11th with 10.3.
In other departments, Howard
Page is fifth and Wegner seventh
in free throw percentages; and
Halberg is fourth among the re
Northern Diviaioif through January 16
Hennink, VVS
Halbrook, OS
1!albtrg, O .
M orriion, I
Vla telica, OS
Anderson, O
i'arwni, W ...
Mellon, J .
Holland, O ...
Kchder, \VS .
Wegner, O .
• 4 29 26 84 21.0
* 28 27 83 20.8
.4 25 19 67 16.8
4 21 21 63 15.8
•3 19 2 40 13.3
4 13 23 49 12.3
•4 11 24 46 11.5
- 4 16 13 45 11.3
4 18 8 44 1 1.0
4 14 16 44 1 1.0
• 4 16 9 41 10.3
Field Goals
Halberg, O .
Anderson, O ...
Stout, O.
Vlastclica, OS
Olien, W ..^r,4.
-. 25 13 .520
. 20 10 .500
42 14
20 9
Sherries, PiKAs, Beta Theta Pi
Score Intramural Cage Victories
8 intramural basket
ball results saw Sherry Roes hall
B, Beta Theta Pi A and PI Kappa
Alpha A cage quintets roll up vic
tories over French hall B, Chi
Psi A and Pi Kappa Phi A, res
Bill Stoner and Jim Davis led
Sherry Ross to a 30-22 triumph
over the French haliers in the only
tied at 11-11 at the end of the
Free Toss Marks
Fall to WSC Man
Two free throw records of for
mer Oregon basketball players
were broken Tuesday night when
Bill Rehder of WSC took 26 shots
at the hoop from the free throw
line and connected on 3 6 of them.
The record for most free throws
attempted by any Northern Divis
ion player in one game used to be
held by Oregon’s Chet Noe, who
set the mark in 1953.
The record for most free throws
made in one contest was held
jointly by Oregon's Bob Peterson,
(1951) and OSC's Roy Pflugrad
The new record came about as
a result of Washington State’s
screening offense which was sup
posed to have protected high scor
ing Ron Bennink.
first half but Sherry Ross grab
B game of the day. The score was
bed a slim one-point lead by the
finish of the third five-minute can
to. At ths: point, Stoner and Da
vis, together, poured ten of Sher
ry Rose's twelve last quarter
points through the hoop to pull
away from their rivals.
Beta Theta Pi’s A squad grab
bed its second straight victory by
dumping Chi Psi, 37-21. Chi Psi
scored first but after that it was
all Beta the rest of the way in a
walk-a-way contest which was
marred by numerous fouls. Gordon
Dahlquist, the Beta's speed mer
chant guard, poured 11 points
through the hoop and was follow
ed by teammates Norm Fenton
and Norm Forbes, both collecting
10 counters.
In the final clash of the day. Pj
Kappa Alpha A downed Pi Kappa
Phi, 28-25 in a tight ball game
which saw the lead change hands
several times. High point man for
the contest was Rines of the Pi
KA’s, with 11 while Pete Tyerman
potted 11 for the losers.
Pi Kappa Alpha A (28) (25) Pi Kappa Phi A
Box scores:
Hunter (4) .F . (2) Stewart
03) . F. (2) Andrews
Rounds (6) .C. (2) Randall
<4) .G. (11) Tyerman
Hample (0) .G.. (g) Henderson
Subs—Pi Kapa Alpha: Walter, Each, Hei
den (1), .Swtnnts, Sietds. Pi Kappa Phi:
; French ban B (22) (30) Shtry Be.3 *
j Olsen (5) . F
1 Barker (0) . F
: GtMerfTcvc (4) ...... ('
I Ryan M) . r;
l Shepard (4) . , .
I Sobs-- French hall: Plata (4), Stctnm
I Yo,mtr- Sherry Foes: Weeds, Straus W.Un
McKenny. '
Ol) Stoner*
-^2; Stan ten
HI) Davl*^
(6) Bond
(0) Ftjginaga.
! Chi Psi A (21)
| Reves (15) .
< Wriffht'on fG) ...
I Morris (2) .
Lovell (2) ...
Stonroad 03) .
Subs Chi Psi: 1,
(37) Beta Theta Fi A
• P . <4) Carre5*
F . ... (10) Fern ton,
C - f2) Woifarr.
G (10) Forty*
G. (11) Labh; e
<1arbhi.l1. Beta Theta Pi:
Winter Swim Schedule
Afternoons 2 to 6
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Nights 7 to 30
Wednesday, Thurs., Fri., Sat.
4 mi. No. of Junction City
on Highway 99 West
Phene Junction City 8-2826
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