Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 19, 1954, Page Four, Image 4

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0 Winter term assignments will
be issued at the Emerald repor
ters’ meeting to be held at 6:30
p. m. today in the Shack, News
Editor Joe Gardner has announ
• All Heart Hop chairmen will
meet today at 4 p. m. in Gerlinger
hall, according to Sharon Isaming
er and Anne Hill, co-chairmen.
^ Theta Sigma Phi, national
professional fraternity for women
in journalism, will meet today at
noon in the Student Union. All
members and pledges should be
present, according to Kitty Fraser,
^ All pre-nursing students
have been invited to attend the
meeting of the White Caps, Wed
nesday noon in the Student Union,
according to Judith Pederson, vice
president of the group.
a Psi Chi, psychology honorary,
will meet in the Student Union
today at noon. Topic for the meet
ing will be “Choosing a Graduate
m The Hawaiian club will meet
today in the Student Union at 8
p. m.
0 The Student Union Friday at
4 committee will meet in SU 313
today at 1 p. m., according to Dick
Baronvich, committee chairman.
0 United Independent Students
will meet today at 1 p. m. in the
Student Union, according to Loris
Larson, secretary.
0 Associated Greek Students j
will meet at 4 p. m. today at Kap-1
pa Alpha Theta, according to Dor
othy Kopp, secretary. All repre-;
sentatives should be present, Miss
Kopp said.
0 Caption writers and persons
interested in working on the cap
tion staff of the Oregana will
meet today at 1 p. m. in Student
Union 308, according to Laura
Sturges, Oregana associate editor.
0 Kwama, sophomore women’s
honorary, wil meet tonight at 6:30
in Gerlinger, according to Janet
Gustafson, president. Pledges are
to be there at 7 p. m. for initiation,
said Miss Gustafson.
0 Petition deadline for chair
manships of the Senior Ball is to
day at 5 p. m., according Paul
Lasker, class president. Positions
open are chairmen of publicity and
promotion, chaperones, decora
tions and tickets. Petitions may be
turned in to the ASUO office.
Student Union 304.
Classes Adopt
Block in Japan
Classes in Far Eastern govern
ment and history under Paul S.
Dull, associate professor of polit
ical science and history, have
adopted a block of businesses and
homes in Okayama, Japan. Dull
is making plans to have the cloth
ing drive an annual affair.
They are currently conducting
the second collection drive for
clothing to supply orphanages and
families of the city. The second
shipment of clothing was ready
Saturday, Dull said.
The first shipment, 410 pounds,
is enroute to Japan. Its arrival is
scheduled for Sunday in Kobe. A
drive to raise funds for shipping
the clothing raised approximately
The clothing drive has received
mention in Japanese newspapers.
Dull has received 12 hand-blocked
cards with good wishes for the
new year made by students at the
Omoto Ryo orphanage. The cards
were made by boys in apprecia
tion of the drive.
PE Club to Elect
Confeb Representative
The men’s physical education
club will meet tonight at 7:30 in
PE 101. All members should be
present, according to George Es
tey, secretary.
The PE club will choose a rep
resentative to participate in a dis
cussion at the national convention
of the American Association of
Health, Physical Education and
Recreation in New York.
An Invitation...
... is cordially extended to all University of Oregon
Co-eds, University housemothers, and friends to at
tend a meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 19th, at 7:00 p.m.
at Sigma Kappa House, 851 East 15th.
We would like to show you Matson's film on the
Lurline and Hawaii and we'd like to answer any
questions regarding our tour.
As you know, the OREGON-HAWAII TOUR is ar
ranged especially for the co-eds at OREGON, even
though we have always had a few members from
other schools in the state. This is not a "mass pro
duction" affair but a small group of congenial mem
bers who will live in the nicest part of Waikiki
Beach, and return as a group on the LURLINE.
Our Tour leader, Mrs. Thomas Graves, of Sigma
Kappa Sorority, has proved her ability as a guide
and counselor in the two previous years that she
has lead the group. We want you to meet Mrs.
Graves, and to meet us—Tuesday night at 7:00 p.m.
Oregon-Hawaii Tour of 1954
SU Currents
Semi- Documentary
Will Be Shown
A semi-documentary mQtion pic
ture in color and sound, narrated
by Dr. Glenn Starlin of the visual
instruction department of the Uni
versity, will be shown Wednesday
from 7 to 9 p. m. in Common
wealth 138.
The film features the three-fold
function of the Oregon Higher ed
ucation system in instruction, re
search and services on the eight
campuses, experiment stations and
demonstration areas.
Music, the cast, and settings
were provided by students and fac
ulties in the State System of High
er Education and includes more
than 200 Oregonians.
* » *
Coffee Hour Features
Jazz: Dixieland Lecture
“Jazz: Dixieland," will be the
subject of the coffee hour lecture
by David Hatch, instructor in art,
scheduled for Friday, 7:45 p. m. in
the Student Union browsing room,
according to John Wells, chair
• • •
Record Lending Libe
Starts New Hours
New hours for the Student
Union record lending library are
Monday through Friday, 3 to 5
p. m. Saturday, 1 to 3 p. m.
Personnel Petitions
Deadline Thursday
Several vacancies on the Student
Union personnel committee arc to
be filled by petition, according to
John Shaffer, chairman. Petitions
may be picked up and returned at
the SU box, SU third floor. Dead
line for returning these petitions
is Thursday.
* * *
Music Room Lecture
Slated by Committee
A lecture by Mr. Kenneth Lod
ewick entitled “Ballads: what are
they?” is the first event of the
winter term scheduled by the Stu
dent Union recorded music com
Mr. Lodewick will speak today
at 7:30 in the listening room. He
will accompany his talk with rec
ords from his own collection.
Annual Heart Hop
Chairmen Named
Sharon Isaminger, sophomore in
liberal arts, and Anne Hill, sopho
more in journalism, have been
named as general co-chairmen for
the annual Heart Hop, Feb. 13,
sponsored by the YWCA sopho
more commission.
Committee heads include decor
ations, Sue French and Julie Mil
ler; voting, Joyce Bearden and
Joyce Comer; coronation, Claudia
Zorn and Jo Ann Cowart; tickets,
Deanie Hurt and Laurie Goodelf;
refreshments, Joanne Whitworth;
publicity, Nancy Hooper and pro
i motion, Alice Belt.
Petitions for committee mem
bers are now being called for and
may be turned in to Miss Isaming
er at Delta Gamma, Miss Hill at
Sigma Kappa, or the YWCA office
in Gerlinger.
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