Ducks At Home; Face Washington Coach Bill Borcher ran hia var sity reserves through an hour of offensive practice Monday and then wutched the freshmen drill as both teams prepared for week end basketball clashes. The varsity regulars got a day of rest but will work hard the rest of the week to get ready for the invading University of Washing ton Huskies. The freshmen will make their season’s debut Friday against the OSC Rooks and con tinue against the Philco AAU team from Poitland on Saturday. Scare Aggies Washington will come to Eu gene with a team that has won but a single contest this year — and that against WSC. However, the Huskies are rated anything but pushovers and last week very nearly upset the highly touted Oregon State team in a pair at Seattle. In the first game the Eeavera pulled away in the fourth quarter for a 61-49 win and held on in the second contest to squeak through 54-51. An interesting feature was that Dean Parsons, 6'7” Wash ington center who prepped at Eu gene, outscored Swede Halbrook in both contests and it was only the hook shooting of Tony Vlas telica that saved the Aggies from defeat. Dinky Shines Parson, though not of the sta ture of Bob Houbregs, has been filling in very capably for | "Hooks." Prior to the OSC series Big Dean had averaged over 18 points a contest, had over a .500 shooting percentage from the field and was way ahead of the rest of the Huskies in snagging rebounds, j Other Huskies to watch are Cap-, tain Don Tripp, one of the two seniors on the squad; Carl Vocg tlln, a 6’4” hoph who has added Mural Bowling Begins Tonight Intramural bowling swings into high gear tonight at 6:00 p. m. on the Student Union alleys when the 1 Tuesday night bowling league has its first round of competition. Opponents tonight are: Sigma Chi vs Phi Kappa Sigma Alpha hall vs Lambda Chi Hale Kane vs Betas DU vs Chi Psi. Two other leagues have been formed for Wednesday and Thurs day nights. There are three vacan cies open in the Thursday night league, however, according to Lou Bellisimo, recreational director. Forming the Wednesday night division are: Tau Kappa Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Mu, Pi Kappa Alpha, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Phi Delta Theta, Merrick hall, Susan Camp bell, and Delta Tau Delta. So far, the Thursday night league consists of: Theta Chi, Al pha Tau Omega, Phi Psi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Yeomen. •- Classifieds LOST—Lady -Elgin gold wrist watch with engraving Tuesday evening near Library or Ger linger. One Bedroom furnished duplex for rent. Suitable for faculty couple or graduate student. Phone 4-8525. tf LOST: Red-Black cape left in 48 Chev fleetline parked on 14th near Alder 11:00 p. m. Friday. Phone Ext. 386, Larry King. LOST: One Shaffer pen and pencil set in or near library. Ph. 4-1557 1-21 LOST: Friday, somewhere on cam pus — black rimmed glasses. Phone 5-5672. 1-21 FOR SALE: Siamese kittens, also bred cat. Ph. 4-0659 or 5-7383. 1-21 LOST: Parker ’51 gold sealed pen, between the library and Com monwealth. Ph. 5-2470. 1-20 a spark to the Washington club lately; junior guard Jerry John son, and sophs Bob Bryan, Don Olsen, Ron Patnoe, and Doyle Perkins. Up until thi3 season Coach Tip py Dye’s Washington teams had won 79 while losing but 15 for a percentage of .840, including 11 of 12 from Oregon. They figure to have the tables reversed this year though and if the Huskies could manage to wind up in third place, Dye will have done a remarkable job. « ' V,,,'SS..-?«.-/sssjvs.. DEAN PARSONS, two-year let terman from Eugene, will handle the pivot for Washington when Tippy Dye's Huskies face Oregon in a two game set this Friday and Saturday. Parsons stands 6’ 7”, weighs -225, and sports a size 17 shoe. SPORTS FARE Tuesday, Jan. 19 BASKETBALL 3:50, Court 40, Nestor hall B vs Susan Campbell B 3:50, Court 40, Hale Kane B vs. Bar rister Inn B 4:35, Court 40, Legal Eagles B vs Camp- ! bell Club B | 4:35, Court 43, Sigma Alpha Epsilon B vs. Kappa Sigma B 5:15, Court 40, Beta Theta Pi B vs Delta Upsilon B 5:15. Court 43, Sigma Phi Epsilon B vs Sigma Nu B HANDBALL 4:00, Courts 42, 44, 46, Sigma Alpha Mu | vs Nestor hall SWIM Winter Swim Schedule Afternoons 2 to 6 Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Nights 7 to 10 Wednesday, Thurs., Fri., Sat. BENTON LANE NATATORIUM 4 mi. No. of Junction City on Highway 99 West Phone Junction City 8-2836 i Grapplers Win From Pioneers Oregon’s wrestlers, although still lacking some of the finesse of the mat trade, nevertheless show ed a world of agressiveness and improvement last Saturday in slip ping past the Lewis and Clark Pio neers, 20-18, McArthur court. Oregon got in a hole as the match began, forfeiting the first two events to the Portland foes. Oregon retaliated with a forfeit of its own, however, and then went way out in front on three consec utive pins by Bob Shirley, Roland Wilson, and Bob Reid. Oregon lost the last two events, but the Pioneers couldn't catch Coach Bill Hammer’s boys. Actually, Oregon pinned Lewis and Clark thrice, while going down only once. The Webfoots further delighted the afternoon turnout by taking the three exhibition matches. Ken Kesey, Neil Butler and Bob Wil liams won the “non-counting" events. The Ducks were much improved over their last performance, when they bowed to the Oregon Tech grapplers without scoring a point. Results: 121 pound* — Don Swelling, LC, Jorfeit; 130 — Jim Bowen, LC, forfeit; 137 — Bob Wiliams, O, forfeit; 147 — Bob Shirlev, O. pinned Coy Coward. LC; 137 — Roland Wilson, O, pinned Vern Xolfnd, LC; 167 Bob Reid, O, pinned Howard Eirley, LC; 177 — Ralph Staley, LC pinned John Woyat, O; Unlimited — Mike Clock, LC, defeated Dick Barker, O, 5-2. Sig Eps, Merrick, Chi Psi, Triumoh Three basketball games made i up the intramural .sports scene Tuesday, as Delta Tau Delta met Sigma Phi Epsilon, Phi Kappa Sigma vied with Chi PSj, and French hall played Merrick hall. Sigma Phi Epsilon rolled to a fourth quarter 17-14 victory over Delta Tau Delta in a very close game. The game started out vei-y slowly, with the first quarter score being 2-3, and the halftime scor6 being opped to only 4-4. In the third quarter, both teams again scored the same amount of points, ending the period tied at 8-8 a - - - Lettermen Meet Order of the “O,” lettermen s club, will meet Wednesday noon at the Beta Theta Pi fraternity. President Don Hedgepeth asks that all members wear white shirts and lettermen’s sweaters, since pictures will be taken. low third quarter total. The fourth and final period definitely told the tale as far as the Sig Eps were concerned, with the Blue and Gold scoring nine counters to the Delts six for a final total of 17-14. In the second contest of the afternoon, PM Kappa Sigma maintained a commanding lead ; for most of their game with CM Psi, and came oat on top of the pile with a 13-9 win. This game also got off to a slow start, with the first quarter and halftime scores being 4-3 in favor of the I hi Kaps, and tied 3-3. In the third quarter, the Phi Kaps moved quickly to a commanding six point lead while holding their opponents scorless. The fourth period saw a rever sal of the first quarter score with Chi Psi adding four points to their score for a total of nine while Phi Kappa Sigma scored only three, for a final total of 15. High point honors for Chi Psi went to foui* different players, each scoring two*. counters. Phi Kaps high scorer’ was Waslier who dumped in a total of five points. The final game saw two fresh man teams playing in what proved to be the smoothest going game of the day. Merrick hall and French hall battled to a 23-15 final, with Merrick emerging the victor. Tho scores went 3-7, 5-13, 9-17, anrf 23-15, with Merrick being in com mand all of the way. As the scores plainly show, the Frenchmen wer<* outplayed throughout the game, and couldn't hit from the floor at all. Mark Anderson was the high point man for the game, having four field goals to his credit for a total of eight points. Bob Shep herd scored six points for French. ad A JdodteAA can didate Barbara Altman t:i£ BARBARA KEELEN ALTMAN sponsored in downtown Eugene by CLOTHES FOR HEN AND WOMEN “ — 20S0-10S8 WILLAMETTE DIAL 5-2212