Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 18, 1954, Page Four, Image 4

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    Joyce Bearden
Is Moonlight Girl
Joyce Bearden, sophomore in
psychology, was named Moonlight
Girl of Phi Sigma Kappa at the
Phi Sig house dance Saturday eve
Miss Bearden was sponsored by
her living organization, Alpha Phi.
Other candidates and their spon
sors 'were as follows: Sally Phil
lips, Delta Gamma; Barbara Bea
ver, Hendricks annex; Marilyn
Berry, Carson hall and Molly
Moore, Tri Delt.
Petitions Due For
2 Court Vacancies
Petitions to fill two vacancies
on the student traffic court have
been called for by Court Chairman
Don Rotenberg. Petitions are due
at 5 p. m. Thursday in the ASUO
office, Student Union 304.
Rotenberg especially urges
sophomores to petition for the po
sitions. The vacancies occurred
when Carl Weber resigned, and
when Dick Gray failed to return
to school this term.
Today Is Deadline
For Class Changes
Today is the last day to register
or change classes without paying
a penalty fee, stresses the regis
trar’s office.
Course - changers will be charg
ed $1 after today. This includes
students who add, drop or change
any course or section after the
registration card has been filed.
A course-change card to be offic
ial must be signed by the student’s
adviser and instructor and then
filed with the registrar's office.
6:00 p. m. Sign On
6:03 Piano Moods
6:15 Guest Star
6:30 News Till Now
6:45 For For a Quarter
7:00 Showtime
7:30 Chicago Roundtable
8:00 Campus Recital
8:30 University Radio Forum
9:00 Kwaxworks
10:50 News Headlines
10:55 Tune to Say Goodnight
11:00 Sign Of
ii'tfit/ "i
and there’s just
time to have it made
for Valentine’s Day!
Phone for your
I If L appointment now.
On The Campus
Ph. 4-3432
Water Show Needs
Committee Heads
Deadline for the submission of
petitions for Amphibian’s annual
water show, “Under the Big Top,"
is today at 5 p.'m., Sally Stadel
man, president, has announced.
Petitions for master of cere
monies, costumes, publicity and
promotion, tickets, music, decora
tions and program chairman may
be turned into Miss Stadelman at
Delta Gamma or to Marian Perry
at Gerlinger hall. Dates of the
show have been set for Feb. 18
and 19.
Today's Staff
Make-up Editor, Jim White;
Night Staff Editor, Anne Hill
Students May Miss Eclipse
Oregon students probably will
not get to view the total eclipse
of the moon today according to a
weather bureau prediction of
mostly cloudy weather.
The eclipse will begin soon after
with the moon reaching the cen
ter of the earth's shadow at 6:17.
Petitions Called For
By Senior Prexy
An urgent call for seniors to pe
tition for the various Senior Ball
chairmanships has gone out from
Paul Lasker, class president.
Chairmen are needed for public
ity and promotion, chaperones,
decorations and tickets. The dead
, line for petitions is Thursday. Pe
I titions are to be turned in at the
ASUO office. Student Union. 304.
The moon will begin to come into
sight again at 6:47.
No optical aid will be necessary
to sec the eclipse providing the
sky is clear. An eclipse of this
type occurs two or three times a
Campus Calendar
8:00 HE Wk Pastors & Fac
110 SU
RE Wk Sprs - Cmll2 SU
Noon Yeomen 112 SU
Spanish Tbl 113 SU
7:30 ADS 113 SU
Why borrow A typewriter?
Rent Your Own
All Makoi — All Modal*
$5.00 for one month
30 E. 11th Ph 4-3035
"I smoke REGULAR
Chesterfield," says
Mary Healy
Chesterfield," says
Peter Lind Hayes
No matter which size Chesterfield
you buy you get the same premium
quality cigarette, and all the flavor
and. mildness that goes with it! You
get the world’s best tobaccos, selected
by Chesterfield buyers with*the help
of our research ekemists . . . and
proven, by actual tobacco tests, toTje"
highest in quality.
Before we buy tobaccos for Chester
fields, our laboratories take samples
from all over the tobacco country
and analyze them for low nicotine
content. The extra care pays off! In
- reeent “tobacco tests,” the six leading
-r brands-ef-cigarettes were chemically
analyzed. The findings: of them all,
Chesterfield is highest in quality —
low in nicotine.
the TASTE and
you want
A group of Chesterfield smokers have been ex
amined by a doctor every two months for almost
two years. 45% of them — on the average — have,
been smoking Chesterfield for well over 10 years.
The doctor’s examinations show ...
nu uuuerse errecis to
the nose, throat and
sinuses from smoking
Consider Chesterfield’s rec
ord with these smokers —
with millions of other
smokers throughout Amer
• lca- t-nange to Chesterfield
and enjoy the taste and mildness you want —
highest in quality—low in nicotine—best for you!
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