Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 15, 1954, Page Two, Image 2

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The riifiii Mir TTwrall It published Handay through Friday darise the college jnr
from Sept. 15 to June 3, except Nov. 16, 25 through 30, Dec. 7 through 9, 11 through Jan.4
"llareh 8 thresh 10, U through 29, Mar 3. and 31 through June 2, with luaes on Nov. 21.
Jan. 23. and Mar 8. hr the Student Publications Board of the University of Oregon. En
tered as —data natter at the peat eftce, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rates: $5 per
school jmr; $2 par term. p
Opinions expressed on the editorial page ate those of the writer and do not pretend to
represent the of the ASUO or of the University. Unsigned editorials are written hr
the editor; initialed editorials by (he esaociete editors.
AL KARR, Editor
DICK CARTER, Business Manager
JACKIE WARDELL, Managing Editor
DONNA RUNBERG, Nat'l Adv. Mgr.
JOE GARDNER, News Ed., SAM VAHEY, Sports Ed., DON WENZL, Class Adv. Mgr.
Chief Makeup Editor: Paul Keefs
Chief Copy Desk Editor: Gloria Lane
Chief Night Editor: Anne Hill
Asst. Sports Editor: Bob Robinson
Bus. Special Promotion Mgr.: Donna Hill
Asst. Managing Editors: Len Calvert, Uob
Asst, News Editors: Dorothy Her, Dick
Lewis, Gordon Rice, Sally Ryan
Circulation-Manager: Carl Carlson
-A Day at the Zoo
Social Notes Show Proof
Of A Gay Vacation
by BobFunk
Emf »ld CalrniniM
From the Gutteral, Oregon,
Argosy - Importer, under the by
line of Mrs. Virginia “Gingie"
Van Dammit, Sumpump Valley
correspondent: “Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Schnozzlehalter of our
valley had a brighter ornament
in their home over Christmas
than the ones on the tree.
Of course, that means that
their daugh- _________
ter, pretty
Snulvia Sch
nozzlehal t e r,
spent the Hap
py Hoi i d a y s
with them.
Snulvia is
studying at
the University
of Oregon in
Eugene, and is
getting along
fine, according
- to a report given by her grand
mother, Grandma Schnozzlehal
ter. It se^ms like only yesterday
to This Correspondent that pret
ty Snulvia was playing -Gretel in
the Sumpump Valley Union
Grade School fall dramatic.
While here, Snulvia was feted by
her old school chum Lthceel Ban
terspasm. Presents were the
msrs. and msdmes. Bill Banter
spasm, Robert Schnozzlehalter;
Grandma Schnozzlehalter; little
Billy-boy Banterspasm; Miss
Luthceel Banterspasm; and the
guest of honor who is attending
the Oregon University in Eugene,
pretty Miss Snulvia Schnzzlehlerl
From the San Francisco,
California, Morning Monarch
Malingerer, under the by-line *
Bardelp linger party at the
truce Umper, who SPUN home
from the University of Oregon
at Corvallis for a sparkling
Holiday social whirl. With' her
was suave AND sweet Agnes
Camelclank, one of Bed’s Pi
Belch sorority SISTERS at
school. .
From the Portland, Oregon
Democrat - Republican, Decem
ber 24 iff): “An explosion of a
gas stove in the Jasper Ruble
tummy home at 394059 N. E. Taj
Mahal yesterday evening started
, the holiday season off on a som
ber note.
Mrs. Seldom Thumbel, who
was lying in her bed in her home
next door to the Rumbletummy’a
was injured when shrapnel from -
the exploding stove burst
through her bedroom wall. She
was rushed to Good Heavens
hospital. Another occupant of the
ThumfaeB home, a small dog
named Fred, suffered only minor
injuries and trauma.
“The holocaust stemmed from
an attempt by Albert Rumble
tummy, Jr., to cook hunter’s
stew on his mother’s stove. He
explained that “in my camp
cookery class at the University
of Oregon, where I learned this
recipe, we never learned nothing
about gas, see?”
“The occasion of Mrs. Thum
bel’s being in bed at the early
hour was a case of ptomaine poi
soning brought on by a lunch
which her daughter, Salomi, 20
year-old home economics major
at Oregon State College, had pre
pared earlier in the day.
“A neighbor residing at 394061
Taj Mahal, Louis Conchshell, fil
ed a complaint against both the
Theumbel and Rumbletummy fa
milies, accusing them of disturb
ing the peace. The two families
met outside after the explosion,
and, in Mr. Conchahell’s words,
“loudly disputed the AP poll rat
ings of Oregon State College."
Conchshell is a graduate of Stan
From the Atlanta, Georgia,
Peacbblossom - Alarum: “Po
lice were called out early this
morning to quell a distrubance
caused by three professors at
tending the convention of the
American Society of Scientists
and Passers-by. The three dele
gates, members of the faculty
of Oregon State University at
Spokane, Oregon, were booked
at the Atlanta Police Station
on charges of distrubing the
“One of the delegates started
the near-riot by tarting down the
fire escape of the Ol’ Gene Tal
madge hotel stark naked. This at
tracted a small crowd below,
which began to snarl late traffic.
Upon passing a fifth-floor win
dow, the professor reassured a
screaming woman that “this is
nothing to what you might see
every day in biology lab.” She
then fainted.
“The other two professors
emerged from the nearby Peach
Juice Bar to join the throng ob
serving the fire escape escapade.
They somehow managed to lead
the crowd in a rendition of a song
later identified as the Oregon
State University Pledge Song.
At a line beginning “Now un
covered swears thy every son,”
they were overcome with mirth
at this obvious reference to their
colleague on the fire escape, and
retired into the Peach Juice Bar,
where they were later apprehend
ed in the company of a woman
called Mabel whom they declared
was “a true scientist and a grand
girl besides.” This woman was
also booked.
“This noon the trio was re
lease^ upon the assurance of the
National Secretary of the Ameri
can Society of Scientists and
Passers-by that the Oregon dele
gates would soon be going home.
It is reported that the woman
known as Mabel will return to
Oregon with them.”
Walker, Onthank
Attend Y Meeting
Russell Walker, University YM
CA director, and Karl Onthank,
associate director of Student Af
fairs, attended a meeting of YM
CA representatives in Portland
Jan. 7.
Walker and Onthank attended
the meeting with Ed Espy, nation
al executive for student YMCA’s.
Espy addressed the group, which
was composed of representatives
from all over the Northwest.
A Place for Everyone
--- —^
“On the other hand it’s good to have a student like Worthall, in
class—It completes the other end of the ’curve.’’
Campus Calendar
Noon Music Educ Lhn 110 KU
Italian Tbl 113 su
Asbly Comm 114 su
3:00 RE Wk Prog 319 KU
4:00 Int Af Sb Cm 315 RU
FrI at 4 Fishbowl SU
9:00 Fishbowl Mixer
F* 595
Pretty New Designs
Wide Flare Styles
Beautiful Colors
Japanese Art Is
Coffee Hour Topic
“The Art of the Priest and the
Gentleman in Japan’’ will be the
subject of tonight’s coffee hour in
the Student Union browsing room
at 7:30.
Jiro Harada, a staff member of
the Tokyo National museum, will
speak in conjunction with the Per
ry Centennial conference on Far
Eastern studies held this week on
campus. Harada's appearance is
sponsored by the browsing room !
committee, according to John \
Wells, chairman.
Harada received an honorary
doctor of literature degree in 1936
from the University of Oregon. He
spoke on campus before World
War II on the topics of Japanese
art and culture.
• The phone number of Phi
Sigma Sigma has been incorrectly
listed in the Pigger’s Guide as
5-0281. The number should read
0 The YWCA - sponsored Waf
fle Breakfast, originally scheduled
for Jan. 16, will be held Saturday
morning, Jan. 30, according to Ei
leen Lindblatt, YW executive dir
• Tryouts for “All You Need is
One Good Break,” radio show to
be presented next week by KWAX,
will be held today from 3 to 5 p.m.
in Studio C. Roles for both men
and women are open.
0 Petition deadline for sub
chairman of the Sophomore Skip
Day are due at 5 p. m. today to
Hanna Sue Hansen or Betty Fack
ler, general co-chairmen, at the
YWCA office or 'Jhi Omega.
• The tea honoring graduate
students has been postponed from
this Sunday to Jan. 24. Sponsored'
by the Faculty Wives club, the
tea will he held from 3 to 5 p. m.
in Gerlinger hall on the later date.
Les Baxter conducts
his original composition
featuring Bas Sheva.
A High Fidelity Adven
J ture ... on Capitol.
"the friendly record store"
1235 Willamette
Mr. Frederick Hcidcl, formerly instructor in
painting at the University of Oregon, and now
teaching at Portland State, has requested the
ROBERT PRESCOTT CO. to find, if possible,
a university family to whom he may pass along
the very beautifully designed contemporary
house which he built at 2220 Hawkins Lane.
This is primarily a house for a scholar, a
painter, or a musician. It is set back from the
road among oaks and firs. Downstairs there are
two bedrooms, living area with fireplace, kitch
en, and bathroom. The entire upstairs consists
of studio space with light from the north. It
would, however, make a most desirable music
room or library.
This property includes city water, nearly one
and three quarters acres, and very likely as
much privacy and natural beauty as can be
found hereabouts.
The present tenants are friends of the Ileidels
and do not wish to be disturbed.
Price: $13,750.
Inquire ROBERT PRESCOTT CO., phone
4-9113 or 4-9002.
JAN. 13-19
We are privileged to present the story of
one of the great men of our time!
20th Century Prophet
NlfMfti by
Quentin Reynolds