: FIVE WAY TIE Division Teams Divide Close Weekend Series It games so far are any indi cation of things to come, then bas ketball fans along the Pacific coast can look for one of the clos est races in history in the North ern Division. < )nly six games have been play ed in the still young pennant fight but already every one of the five teams has at least one loss to its credit. At the present writing Ore gon, Oregon State. Idaho, Wash ington, and Washington State are in a five way tie for first place. Over the past weekend the OSC Idaho and the WSC-Washington series were both split and so no1 one team was able to gain the upper hand in the conference standings. Vandals Surprise At Corvallis, Idaho’s Vandals surprised the experts by upsetting Slats Gill's favored hoopsters in one out of two games and thus be- i ND Big Five Halbrook, OSC Bennick, WSC Hal berg, O Morriso#,. I Anderson, O G fg ft tp Ave 2 22 16 60 30 2 13 15 41 205 2 12 13 37 18.5 4 21 21 63 15.8 2 10 7 27 13.5 came a serious threat to the Beav ers’ title plans. Lad by their big center. Dwight Morrison, Cuck Finley’s quint took an early lead over a very cold OSC five and held it all the way to defeat the "Big Berthas" 70-65 in their Friday night encounter. Morrison tallied 22 points for the Vandals which was second only to Swede Halbrook's 32 point effort for the losing Beavers. Halbrook had a big night, hitting on 11 of bis 19 shots but his scoring antics were not enough to turn the tide against the determined Idahoans. On Saturday night it was an entirely different story as the Cor vallis bombers came back strong to even the score with their oppon ents by chalking up a 65-60 vic tory. Halbrook was once again the big gun for the Orangemen as he dumped in 28 counters. Harlan Melton and Bob Garrison topped the Vandal scoring ledger with 12 apiece. Cougars Stop Parsons In the Washington-Washington State games at Pullman it was much the same story as the Cou Duck Grapplers Fall in Opener The University of Oregon staged their first wrestling meet Satur day at McArthur Court and al though the Ducks were thoroughly trounced, 36-0, by Oregon Tech, the. affair furnished some very in teresting moments for about 720 spectators. Oregon's grapplers, showing a Jack of experience, pot up a spirit ed fight in every match and show ed that they are determined to learn the wrestling game. In * preliminary match the Ore gon Frouh were defeated by Klam ath Fall* high school, 29-6. Neil Butler and Dave Newland scored wins for the Frosh. Restilts: Vanity; U3—OTt, forfeit. 13&-OTI, forfeit. 137—Earle, OTI, pinned William., O. It*— Sweila, OTI, def. Shirley, 0, 3-0. 157—Stepper, Oil, pinned Wilaon, 0.. 167—Schmili, OTI pinned Heid, 0. 177—Crawley, OTI, pinned Woyat, 0. Unlimited—Pierce, OTI, def. Barker 0, 9-4. f rouh: 123—Connor, KF, dec Lovett, 0. 130— L. Draring, KF, dec Nice, 0. 137—Butler, 0 dec Baggett; KF. 147—Newland, 0, dec J. Dear, inf, KF. 147— Laconia, KF, dec Backen, 0. 157— Brrhm, KF, dec Jones, 0. 167—Omjalis, KF, dec Lninatt, 0. 177—Matthews, KF, pinned Dnnchok, 0. Unlimited—Lawyer, KF, pinned Dijon, 0. Un limited—Uimelwrieht, KF, dec Kesey. 0 IT PAYS TO PATRONIZE EMERALD ADVERTISERS Kars bounced the defending cham pion Huskies 56-48 on Friday eve ning only to lose to the Washing tonians by a 54-44 tally in their Saturday evening fracas. I-— | First IM Games Set For Today Intramural basketball season opens this afternoon with three “A” division basketball games. All will be played on Court 40 In the men’s gym. Kules for Intramural basket ball will be. the same as those governing intercollegiate basket ball with the following excep tions : 1. A forfeit may be declared if a team is more than five min utes late. 2. No postponements are permitted. 3. Periods will be five minutes long, with 'two min utes between halves. 4. Instead of the three minute rule, two foul shots will be awarded during the last two minutes of play. Tricky forward Ron Bennink was the big scoring leader for WS C in their opening game win as he flipped in 22 points. This plus the Cougars’ ability to put the stop pers to Dean Parsons’ high scor ing ability was too much for Tip py Dye’s outfit to cope with. Par sons managed to score only nine points, far below his 18.3 average for the whole season. Parsons was stopped again on Saturday evening but forward Dan Tripp took over the pointmaking reins for the Seattleites and tossed home 21 counters to pace the Hus kies to their first win of the year.' SHOES IN BAD SHAPE? come iee we (or the beet ‘-Invisible Resoling * Refinishing * Repairing * Dyeing PROUTY'S Shoe Service K. » 970 Oab Street f'ovty Eugene, Oregon PCG Standiogs NORTHERN DIVISION Idaho t__ T OREGON _| Or.ron Kate_ J Wa.hington .. 1 W»«h. State ___1 SATURDAY RF.SLTT9 frfahn, 60, at Oregon State, 65 Wnhiogton, 54, at WSC 44 SOUTHERN DIVISION t.'alifornia_ Stanford _ Southern Cal UCLA _ -2 -1 -0 L 2 1 1 1 1 Pet. .w mo .500 .500 1.000 .500 .5(:0 .000 SPORTS FARE \ BASKETBALL Monday, Jar,. Vl 2 Z0 Court 40: Phi DrJta Theta A vs Chi Psi A. 4:35, C*urt 40: Bet* Theta A vs Pi Kapp*. Phi A 5:15, Court 40: Alpha Tau Omega A v» phi Gamma Delta A Sports Staff Sports Editor: Sam Vaney.■' Staff: Bob Robinson. FENNELL'S 860 E. 13th END OF YEAR SALE! PRICES CUT 10% to 50% Lucky Student No. 625 If your registration card has the lucky number, cctne in for a free necktie. Watch the Emerald for future lucky numbers! FENNELL'S 860 E. 13th END OF YEAR SALE! PRICES CUT 10% to 50% 31,000 ACTUAL STUDENT INTERVIEWS SHOW COLLEGE SMOKERS PREFER LUCKIES TO ALL OTHER BRANDS! In 1952, a survey of colleges throughout the country showed that smokers in those colleges preferred Luckies to any other cigarette. 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