SHOOTING POOR Vandals Pound Out Win Over Duck Five. 60.53 J'he Idaho Vandals, com pletely recuperated from Tues day night’s HI-63 drubbing by the Oregon Ducks, came back in glorious style last night to outscorc the Ducks 60-53. Chuck Finley, playing everybody but the water boy, found a click ing combination in Bob Garrison and Harlan Melton to out drive, out score the two game series with the Ducks. The Vandals jumped to a quick start opening with a jump shot by Harlan Melton with but seconds being played. The Vandals held the Ducks scoreless until after a full three minutes had been played. It was then that Holland sunk one on a driving lay in. All-in-all the ♦ ♦ ♦ Local Druggists Outclass Albany Everybody's Drug of Eugene easily outclassed the Albany Elks * 82-43 in the preliminary game to the Wednesday night Oregon-Ida bo tussle at McArthur court. The faat breaking Eugene team ran to a 20-5 first period lead and increased their margin to 35-12 at the half. From then on it was just a mat ter of time with Paul Sowers, Bob Hazel and Dale Warberg keeping the home team far out in front with their hard running style. Everybody's Drug added 23 points in the third stanza with Sowers getting the majority of his 13 points. Hazel sparked a closing 24 point splurge for the winners bringing his night's total to 19, high for both teams. Warberg had 15 points, mostly coming in the first half, and team mate John Reynolds connected with 11. Albany’s Norm Covey led the Elks scoring-wise with 14 counters. first quarter was a slow one, both teams playing heads-up defense with the score being knotted at nine all at the first quarter buzzer. Second half action speeded up somewhat, with Vandals opening with five fast points before Ore gon could drop in a score. Oregon then retaliated to tie the score at fifteen all after Bob Falash dropped in a free toss. Scoring from this point until close to the final stages of the quarter was primarily in favor of the Vandals. Holding a -marginal five point lead with tKree min utes, they saw it whittled down to one as the Ducks headed by Max Anderson and Barney Hol land tallied to close the gap to ! one point at half time. Half time | score was 27-26 in favor of the Vandals. I Third quarter action saw the Vandals controlling the jump and lolling on down to push in a quar ter opener on a long push shot by Melton. Oregon then surged ahead ' by a scant one point as Ed Hal | berg and Bob Stout pushed in con i secutive push shots. Idaho then bounced back to take over the lead again and at the half-way point ! in this quarter enjoyed a six point , edge over the crippled Ducks. ! However the Ducks once again closed the gap to one point on sev eral crowd thriller shots to trail : the Vandals 39-40 at the three ' quarter mark. j Oregon opened the fourth and final stanza with two free throws dumped in by Barney Holland fol lowed by a driving lay in, also by Holland, Idaho rallied for three quick points and then Bob Stout, the Duck high pointer dropped ; in a jump shot from the key to put the Ducks ahead once again by one point. Oregon kept pace with the Vandals up to midpoint in the quarter when the Vandals took SPORTS* STAFF: Sports Editor: Sam Vahey Staff: Doug May, Mort Harkins, Don Lovett and Bruce Tennant. The Vandals now travel to Cor vallis where they end their Wil lamette valley tour with the Ore gon State Beavers. The Ducks prepare themselves for a coming trip into the Cougar country where they will meet the Wash ington State Cougars in a pair of games. IDAHO lg ft f tp OREGON lg ft f tp Flynn. (- 3 0 0 6 Halberg. 1. 4 4 r, 12 Mellon, 1 '.SI IS Wegner. 1 2 4 3 8 Mormon, r. 2 7 4 11 Amlermn, c 3 3 4 9 : lale#li. It- 0 3 2* 3 Holland, g .. 4 2 4 10 ! (.arrlaon, g ... 7 1 5 IS I'ag.-, g_ 0 0 0 8 Hauer her, f 110 3 Slum, f-g 7 0 5 14 ! Totten, f_113 3 | Fulton, c_12 0 1 Total. 20 20 27 60 Total, _ 20 13 21 S3 •Technical foul Official,: A1 IJghlner ami John Murphy, lalaho ... 9 27 40 60 Oregon . 9 26 39 53 Bowling Attracts Largest Turnout Twenty-four teams, the largest turn-out on record, have entered the winter intramural bowling tournament, says Lou Bellisimo, SU recreational director. The 24 teams win De divided into three leagues, which will bowl on ’Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day nighta. Bellisimo urges team represen ; tatives to sign up for their pre | ference of nights as soon as pos j sible because, “first come, first served.” Girl Co-op Wins Volleyball Crown Highland house laid claim to the Women's Recreation association volleyball tournament champion ship by virtue of a win over Car son hall by a score of 37-28. The women’s co-op had entered the finals after dumping Zeta Tau Alpha, 38-15, in the top bracket semi-finals. Carson hall was win ner of the second bracket. Matmen Face OTI inis Saturday the University of Oregon’s first wrestling team since 1941 will face the strong OTI Owls in the main match begin ning at 2:30 in McArthur court. The Owls boast a strong team which is heavily manned with for mer state contenders. A tentative lineup of OTI's team is as follows: Larry Dryden or Joe Kimm, 123; J. C. Thorpe or Alden Christie, 130; Don Earle, 137; Vic Schweitz, 147; Fred Stepper, 157; Dean Shmitz, 167; Ted Crawley, 177; and Floyd Pierce in the unlimited class. The Duck grapplers will be out to spoil the hopes of OTI and they will field the following men: 123, Walt Akebi; 130, Bob Takano or Clamp; 137, Bob Williams; 147, Bob Shirley; 157, Bob Reid or Ro land Wilson; 167, Bob Erickson; 177, Cecil Enman or Erickson; and ! unlimited' class, Dave Lowe or Dick Barker. The Freshmen team grapples with Klamath Falls Union high in Mac court at 11:00 Saturday morning. Klamath finished fourth in state last year and has an equally good team this year. The Duckling team has teen working out under Coach Bill Den ; man and will probably send the : following into the mats: 123, Den. Lovett; 130, Neil Butler; 137, Bob • Nice, 147, Marty Ramp; 157, Jer ry Jones or Hal Backen; 167, Jer ry Davenport or Anderson; 177, Steve Danchok or Jerry Dixon, and in the unlimited, Ken Kesey. The freshman team will have a slight handicap because of jnex i perience. The matches will be governed by collegiate rules and will be di vided into three three-minute 1 rounds. The referee will be Mr. Piovart from North Bend. Learn To Fly In 8 Hours Piper Tri-Pacer “53” Model. Fred Savage, instructor NOW — Sign up for Our New Installment Plan • A small down-payment and you're in the air • Small monthly payments keep you there. Phone 7-2366 McKenzie flying service Springfield Airport 1300 28th Street How thet stars got started... hddie Sauter and Bill Finegan9 leaders of America’s most excitingly difTerent dance band, met in 1939 as struggling young arrangers. i'-'l had studied trumpet an drum at college, worked up to arranging for [ “name-’bands; Bill \ ba^l studied in Paris, tofS: " I'UE TRIED MANy BRANDS, BUT I GET MOST PLEASURE won a spot with tommy Dorsey. After 13 years of pooling new ideas, they formed their own band. It clicked !* 1 f» MlfdnpAA F$aA/m. teUtFiMt/jMs soys. WITH ME, CAMELS CLICKED INSTAMTLy. THE FLAVOR'S WOW I LIKE rr, THE mildness JUST RIGHT.' START SMOKING CAMELS YOURSELF! 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