Cmtfavte? SELL IT THRU THE WANTAPS Repair your own car. Self-service garage. J. & J. Motors. 3880 West 11th avenue. Phone 5-3902 FOR SALE — ’39 Pontiac $145 Good motor, body, rubber, radio. See 11th and Hillyard. 12-4 DEAR FRIEND — Please return my billfold. Please! Margie Har ris. Ph 5-9177. WANTED — Girl to share house with two others. Call 4-0638. 12-10 FOR SALE — '42 Pontiac; good mechanically, classy paint, R & H. $200. Phone Ron, 4-1964 12-10 FOR SALE — Remington type writer $30.00. Call Art, 4-8381 after 5 . 12-10 Two girls want ride to Portland, 10-11 a. m., Dec. 18, Phone Ruth McLean Ext. 479. Man’s gabardine topcoat at nom inal price. New condition G. E. automatic dial control iron. Ph. 4-7643 after 3 p. m. '41 Merc, convert. $195.00. New 48 motor, original black paint, W.W. tires, very clean interior. Phone 5-6866. FOR RENT — Nicely furnished study room with separate sleep ing room for one or two stu dents. $15. 750 E. 16th. Would like ride to Midwest. Ph 4-1043. • Accompanist wanted for Univer sity dance classes. Call 5-1511, ext. 226 for appointment. Want to save $582 or $291 per term ? Wife earn board and room for herself and her hus band by helping with housework and children — or single girl help after classes. Call 5-0768. Siamese kittens. Hold for Christ mas. Ph. 5-7383 or 4-0659. Will the girl who borrowed my copy of "The Caine Mutiny” please return it —* Helen Bersie 8 Noted Religious Leaders Will Speak for RE Week Several outstanding religious leaders in the United States will be-brought to the campus January 17 to 21, as speakers for Religious Evaluation Week. Following the theme, “Religion and the Individual,” the eight speakers will participate in the an nual campus event which is de signed to evaluate religious be liefs. The speakers will include Mar tin Harvey, dean of students at Southern university, Baton Rouge, La.; Otto A. Bremer, executive di rector of Lutheran Student Foun dation of Northern Calif.; Robert E. Fitch, dean of the Pacific Applicaitons for Scholarships Due Students who have urgent need for scholarship help for next term must get their applications in im mediately to the office of Karl W. Onthank, chairman of the com mittee on scholarships and finan cial aid. All applications will be consid ered at one time by the committee during the Christmas vacation or at the very beginning of winter term, Onthank said. Both those who have already had some help but found it inade quate and those who have receiv ed no assistance whatsoever from the committee may apply, he said. No especially large sums will be awarded, but some funds have been made available by withdraw als, and some are kept always in reserve for students in real need. Campus Calendar 11:45 Phi Beta Cab 111 SU Noon Spech Dept. 110 SU Arch & Arts 112 SU 3.00 RE Wk Sun Din 319 SU 6:30 Chaplains 112 SU 7:30 Prop Cl 111 SU H5ZH52HSKHHXXH5iSe*: Hobby Supplies Artist Supplies Framed Pictures Copper Tooling Block Printing Oils Water Colors Paint Sets i Beautiful Lasting For the Home J Musical Instruments Sheet Music GRAVES 1 "the friendly record store" - 2 1235 Willamette Ph. 4-9252 School of Religion at Berkeley, Calif. Schedule Listed Earl Cranston, dean of the j school of religion, University of i Southern California: T. Z. Koo, : professor or Oriental studies, Uni versity of Iowa; Rabbi Joshua Stampfer, spiritual leader of Con gregation Ahavai Sholom, Port land, and Rev. Thomas P. Jones, prefect of religion, University of , Portland. > Included in the four-day pro gram for RE week wil be personal conferences, fireside discussions, chapel meditations, no-host lunch eons, a Sunday night dinner, class room sessions and a book display plus addresses by the speakers each day. A new feature this year will be the "skeptics hours,” Mon day and Wednesday of RE week from 4 to 5 p. m. Chairmen Named General chairman of the event is Barbara Swanson, senior in so-1 ciology. Vice-chairman is Pat Ad kisson; Jean Peterson holds the! position of secretary. Bob Hast ings is in charge of finances. Working as sub-chairmen for i RE Week are Dick Brown, ar-1 rangements; Easton Cross and | Doug Hunt, assemblies: Shirley j Soble, book display; Pat Hartley, | classroom; Gail West, firesides; i Janet Wick, luncheon; Jane Berg strom, personal conferences; Son ia Edwards, hospitality; Rosa lund Lowrance, promotion; Doro thy Iler, publicity; Phyllis Pear son, Sunday dinner, and Bill Wal ker, worship. Jk await Mrs. Antoinette F a a b o r g, housemother at the Alpha Xi Delta Sorority will head the J. D. Howard college tour for women to Hawaii on the Ore gon campus for the 1954 tour. Mr. Howard, who originated the Hawaii summer tours for stu dents, has conducted them for six consecutive years and draws his groups from all over the country. Over two hundred young women attended the Uni versity of Hawaii Summer Ses sion last year under his direc tion. The Howard tour groups are housed at the University campus in a new fireproof dor mitory or at a slightly higher cost at the famous Waikiki area in the delightful cottage section of tlje edgewater Hotel. Mrs. Faaborg, who has been asked to head the Oregon group was a newcomer to the campus last year, having come directly from Honolulu where she had lived for fourteen years. These years in the Islands, working with young people at two of Hawaii’s outstanding private schools especially qualifies her for such leadership. She has a rich understanding and appre ciation of Hawaii’s people and of Hawaii. Because of this knowledge she is able to offer to her group an interpretation of the Islands that only one who knows them can give. Travel is by air or the return trip may be made on the luxury liner “Lurline.” The basic cost for travel, housing and many enjoyable special events is low, $519.00 for the dormitory plan and $538.00 to live at Waikiki. If return is on the “Lurline,” the cost will be slightly higher. Call Mrs. Faaborg at 23663 for information and an appoint ment to discuss this delightful low cost summer of vacation and study. Watch for further announcements after the holi days. 3 UO Seniors Interviewed For Scholarship Candidacy Sprague. Paul Means, head of the University's religion department, Karl Harshbarger, Mark Patter son and William O. Walker, sen ors in speech, history and physics •espectively, appeared Wednesday jefore an interview board in Port ROTC Hosts Guests At Inspection Visit The Army ROTC Transporta :ion corps unit was host Wednes iay to two visitors here for in spection visits. Col C. L>. Whittle, >th Army T-C Chief, visited from :he Presidio, San Francisco, and Ut. Col. George Reynolds represen ted the - Office of the Chief of transportation, Washington, D. C. Lt. Col. Reynolds was on a reg ular liaison tour to the Northwest listrict. The purpose of hia visit ivas to discuss policy with the T-C faculty, informing them of new procedures and learning their sug gestions and criticisms. Their visit was concluded Wed lesday afternoon by a coffee hour reception in the Student Union Dad's lounge where the T-C senior radets were invited to talk with die two men. land with five other students from other universities as part of the screening procedure for the Rhodes scholarships to Oxford uni versity. Head of the interview commit tee was Ex-Governor Charles served as one of the committee members. Two finalists from the group of seven will be selected to compete in Spokane on Saturday for the Northwest district selection. Four students will be chosen from the Northwest, and will go, together with 28 other U. Sh«> students, to Oxford, in England. KWAX Marks Last ' Fall T erm Broadcast KWAX will complete its' last broadcast for fall term tonight, according to Station Manager Paul McMullen. Broadcasting will resume Jan. 11. A meeting for all students inter ested in working on KWAX will : be held Jan. 4 in Studio A Villard, ! at which time openings for staff I positions will be announced. beau-bail... the exciting “in or outer” blouse shirt Sweet simplicity Itself . . . these saucy man-tailored blouses designed expressly for feminine figure flattery. Wear them "In or out” as you please ... they have that he-man appeal that rates you "beau-bait" at first glance. W\J3& $498 Other (mart blouse* styled by Mac Shore $2-98-6-95 eUai&usir Choice of several fashion right stylos In provocative stripes, In exclusive sanforixed woven shirting. Vented sides . . . ocean pearl buttons . . double yokes . , . full neckbands. In softest blues, grays, Ians. They're adorable I WILLIAMS 10 15 WILLAMETTE ST. MAKE WILLIAMS DEPARTMENT STORE YOUR SHOPPING CENTER FOR GIFTS FOR YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY!!