Holland Sparks Ducks To Overtime Triumph The Oregon Ducks, led by the sharp shooting eye of Barney Holl and, defeated San Jose State 74 70 in a thrilling overtime pre season basketball encounter at McArthur court last Saturday. Oregon Wins; Whistles Toot The only thing that disturbed the customers' sleep Friday night was the constant tooting of the officials' whistles. A small crowd turned out to see Oregon take a slow 75-63 decision over San Jose State. A near record number of fouls kept the action at a minimum so neither team had a chance to show their ability. San Jose was respon sible for 28 infractions, Oregon 24. Three San Jose players left via the foul route. Barney Holland was tops in the scoring column for Oregon with 23 points. BUster Burgos, a speedy little guard, led the Spartans with 20. San Jow—63 Orecon—75 F41and 5 4 4 14 Burgos 5 4 5 14 Hawes 5 I 3 11 Wilms 10 7 1 27 Bell 0 0 2 0 Steintiack 2 15 5 iJorwin 0 0 0 0 Ponti 10 5 2 Page 0 0 0 0 Bondnza 0 111 Mass 0 13 1 Rapp 10 0 2 Totals 24 20 22 74 Totals 25 20 22 70 Phi Delts Hold Lead In Mural Point Race After one terra of intramural sports competition, Phi Delta Theta holds down the top spot in point totals with 334. The Phi Delts achieved their total by tak ing runnerup honors in all three of the fall term sports — football, A volleyball, and B volleyball. Hale Kane, by virtue of its clean sweep of volleyball titles, is close behind with 325 points. In football, Sigma Alpha Epsi lon beat all opposition to garner 150 points, but fell to third posi tion after volleyball action was completed. French hall, the only freshman living organization in Sports Staff Desk Editor: Buzz Nelson. Staff: Sam Vahey, Don Kupp, Bob Robinson, Gordon Rice, Jim .White, Mort Harkins, and Jim Signor. the first five, is lodged in fourth j place with 238 markers. Tied for fifth spot are Sigma Phi Epsilon and Phi Gamma Delta, each hav ing 235 counters. Intramural sports will resume after the Christmas vacation with action slated in track, A and B basketball and bowling. Juniors Bounce Back To Drop Navy Quint Oregon's newly formed J V squad bounced back from a defeat at the hands of the McChord Air Force basketball squad to dump the Bluejackets from Tongue Point naval station, last Saturday, by a 74-63 score. The J V’s had no trouble with the Bluejackets and were leading at the end of every quarter. The quarter scores were 18-23, 34-45, 51-60, and 63-74. i» When you want , good eating We take pride in serving you the finest in fried chicken, prime rib steaks, and burger baskets. Anything we have will be packed to go upon request. Stop in anytime—we're open 24 hours a day. liijol'^^When you want f& good listening V Tune in on GREGG'S PRIVATE LINE over KORE on 1450 kcs. 11:30 p. m. to 12:30 a. m. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings. Your own request program. GREGG’S DRIVE-IN ON THE GLENWOOD STRIP 1LEYBALL ALL-STABS Hale Kane I Dominates Lists? Hale Kane, intramural A and B volleyball champions, placed a to tal of eight men on the three IM All-Star teams, picked Wednesday by the mural officials, assistant IM director, and Emerald intra mural sports writers. Hale Kane had three on the first team, three on the second team, and two on honorable mention. Phi Delta Theta, runner-up vol leyball contenders, placed three men on the lists, one on the first, and two on the second team. Martin Magi, Hale Kane; Jacy Murray, Kappa Sigma; and Ray Coley, Hale Kane, were unanimous choices for the All-Star sextet. Chuck Turbyfill, Sig Ep, was named on all the first place bal lots except one. Seven men were placed on the first squad because of a tie in the voting. The three intramhral All Star squads are: First Team: Martin Magi, Hale Kane Tom Swalm, Sigma Nu Bob Wagner, Phi Delt Don Hanaike, Hale Kane Jack Murrey, Kappa Sig Ray Coley, Hale Kane Cuck Turfyfill, Sig Ep Second Team: Charlie Oyama, Hale Kane Orlando Mathias, Hale Kane A1 Mundle, Phi Delt wiirrea Watanabe, Hale Kane Dick Lewis, Phi Delt Ron Camcross, ATO Honorable Mention: Bob Takano, Hale Kane Don Sullivan, Sig Ep Bill Gardner, Beta Ken Torgeson, ATO f iMi uraDoski, Hale Kane Don Krieger, Theta Chi Bob Brittain, SAE John McIntyre, Fiji IT PAYS TO PATRONIZE EMERALD ADVERTISERS Let Us Do Your PRESSING While You Wait! INSTANT PRESSING Norm Van Brocklin in Current Film It is a rare thing when the life of a 29 year-old man still living is the basis of a movie and it is still rarer when that young man though not an actor is chosen to por tray himself. But this is exactly what happened to Elroy (Crazylegs) Hirsch, fam ous football star with the Los Angeles Rams starring in the first run picture now showing at the Eugene Drive In Theatre. In 1942, his first year on the Wiscon sin varsity, Hirsch was named All Ameri can halfback, and won*the lasting nick name, "Crazylegs." Enlisting in the Marines, ^Hirsch trans ferred to the University of Michigan, site of the V-12 training program, and again made All-American, in 1943. He also be came starting center on the basketball teem, star pitcher for the baseball nine, and leading broadjumper on the track squad. Just before reporting for active Marine service, he was honored as first man ever to win letters in four major sports in one year at Michigan. Featured in "Crazylegs" are 18 of Hirsch's teammates with the Los Angeles Rams, among them Bob Waterfield, Tom Fears, Norman Van Brocklin, Tank Young er, Night Train Lane and Larry Brink. One of the highlights of the picture, particu larly for football fans, are the game scenes. These are all from original film coverage of Hirsch making spectacular plays in games while with Wisconsin, Michigan, the Chicago All-Star Game of 1946 and Los Angeles Rams profesional contests. ^ The real life story of^ _ ,_FootbalTs Yankee Doodle Dandy”! -— —-— I L. (tM i * . . . M mk toll •Cnxytess” NHtSCM tsimtt BOB WATERFIELD TOM FEARS rAUL * I And TUUNutn DEACON DAN TOWLER NORMAN VAN BROCKLIN ai Dm VnDs CkupiM Lk Aigitas Rub plus REX ALLEN in SOUTH PACIFIC TRAIL i i _. ■ «]GEn 2860 WILLAMETTE \iPho/te 4.4152 i? J DRIVE‘IN THEATRE li