Millrace Has Chance Accordina To Committee There seems to be hope for the millrace. That was the conclusion of Wednesday night's meeting to dis cuss the problem attended by Uni Co-op Alums Meet at UO Mrs. Arthur Burke, Portland, was elected president of the Uni versity's Coed Cooperative Alum nae association at its annual meet ing here. Frances Dunn of Eugene was elected vice president, and Mrs. Mike Negron of Portland will serve as secretary for the coming year. Lois Sharkey, Portland, will be treasurer. Plans for the group include a $165 fee scholarship for incoming freshmen, to be sponsored by the Portland group, with money raised by an annual rummage sale. The Eugene branch of the state organization will sponsor a spag hetti feed for the graduating sen iors this spring, and also scholar ships for students with the highest grades at the three co-ops. This money will also be raised by a rummage sale. The Portland alumnae group presented a 60-cup coffee urn to the houses. versity and city officials, and in terested members. The immediate problem as phrased by Kieth Fennell, of the Eugene Millrace association, was to keep the race full of water to within six inches of the top in order to improve its looks. City Manager Robert Finlayson agreed to study the problem with the ob jective of doing so. The second point, brought up yb Sydney Little, dean of the school of architecture and allied arts and chairman of the Univer sity planning commission, was en couragement of use of the race for canoeing. Chemical Club SchedulesToui A tour of the Springfield mill ol the Weyerhauser Timber company has been scheduled for Friday b\ the Student Affiliate of the Ameri can Chemical society. A sign-up list for students in terested in seeing the Weyerhausei plant has been posted outside the chemistry department office, Sci ence 121. The group will assemble in the Emerald hall parking lot at 12:2( p. m. Friday and will leave for the tour at 12:30 p. m. (antdm (t? SELL IT THRU THE WAN?ADS Repair your own car. Self-service garage. J. & J. Motors. 3880 j West 11th avenue. Phone 5-3902 FOR RENT— One bedroom house furnished or unfurnished. Phone 4-0538. 23-30 FOR SALE — '39 Pontiac $145. Good motor, body, rubber, radio. See 11th and Hillyard. 12-4 DEAft FRIEND — Please return my billfold. Please! Margie Har ris. Ph 5-9177. WANTED — Girl to share house with two others. Call 4-0638. 12-10 Need a ride home? Or have room in your car for another passen ger? Get a ride or happy carful through Emerald WANT ADS. 12-10 Night Staff Make-up Editor: Paul Keefe Assistant Makeup Editor: Janet Farris. Night Editor': Valera Vierra. | Night Staff: Joanne Johnston. Save Steps! Save Time! Use the Oregon Daily Emerald "Classi fied convenience feature," Place your WANT ADS at the Stu dent Union lobby desk. rOUND — A fountain pen near vet’s dorms. Owner identify. Ph 7-2630. 12-4 I'OUND — Ladies’ wrist watch, luring noise parade. Ph 5-8116. Dppliger. 12-4 FOR SALE — '42 Pontiac; good mechanically, classy paint, R & H. $200. Phone Ron, 4-1904 12-10 LOST — Nov. 17. Brown rimmed glasses Blue case with name. Phone 6-8423 afternoons. Ur gent. 12-4 FOR SALE — Remington type writer $30.00. Call Art, 4-S381 after 5 . 12-10 .:-***,i announces SUNDAY DINNER 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. featuring SPAGHETTI & SPARE RIBS_I-!-$2.25 SPAGHETTI AND MEATBALLS-$2.00 HALF FRIED CHICKEN_$2.00 SPAGHETTI AND RAVIOLIS_._$1.00 Dinners include: soup cr Shrimp Cocktail, Salad, Garlic Bread, Dessert, Choice of Coffee, Tea, Milk. SUNDAY, DEC. 6, 1953 YOUNG AMIRICA GOES CHESTERFIELD , FOR THE fttTH STRAIGHT YEAR CHESTERFIELD IS THE LARGEST SELLING CIGARETTE IN AMERICA'S COLLEGES ... by a 1953 survey audit of actual sales in more than 800 college co-ops and campus * stores from coast to coast. Yes, for the fifth straight year Chesterfield is the college favorite. CHESTERFIELD IS THE ONLY CIGARETTE EVER TO GIVE YOU PROOF OF HIGHEST QUALITY-LOW NICOTINE Change to Chesterfield today — get smoking pleasure all the wayl "At tho colleges and wherever we play, I find more and more young men and women going for Chesterfield.'7 CHESTERFIELD BESTFOffyOff