Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 04, 1953, Page Six, Image 6

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    Christmas Boxes Due Saturday
Christmas boxes for the annual
AWS tea should be at Gamma Phi
Beta by Saturday noon, according
to Sally Ryan, general chairman.
Any living organization that can
not deliver its box may arrange to
have it picked up by calling Miss
Ryan at Alpha Chi Omega.
Toys, games, clothing books,
non-perishable food and other gifts
may be included in the boxes. In
dividual gifts should be wrapped
and labeled with the name of the
cecepient. Miss Ryan advised.
Bach Christmas box must be label
ed with the number of the family
that will receive the box.
The boxes will be displayed at
the tea, to be held at Gamma Phi
Beta from 2 to 4 p. m. Saturday.
After the tea the boxes will be
taken to the Red Cross office for
distribution to needy Eugene area
hostesses for the Christmas tea
will be members of the AWS cab
inet, AWS congress and the tea
committee chairmen. All univers
ity women students, women facul
ty members and faculty wives
have been invited to attend.
Flying speeches publicizing the
tea will be presented in living or
ganizations this noon and evening
by pledge classes from Alpha Chi
Omega, Chi Omega, Delta Gamma
and Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Swimming Group
Schedules Shew
The annual water show presen
ted by Amphibians, women's ]
swimming honorary, will be held ,
Feb. 18 and 19, rather than this
month as originally scheduled, ac
cording to Sally Stadelman, presi
A general circus theme will be
featured in the show with the
exact name as yet undecided.
Religious Notes
Newman Club 1
The Newman club will have a
lay of recollection Sunday at |
Saint Mary's church. The one-day |
retreat will begin with a com
nunion breakfast In Saint Mary's
;rade school cafeteria immediately
following the 9 a.m. mass. '
Newmanites may attend the 7 i
i.m. mass each morning of the <
veek and confession every Satur
iay between 5 and 5:30 p.m. at i
Sacred Heart hospital chapel. i
Christian House
Regular doughnut hour will be
fln at 9:15 a.m. Sunday, followetl
>y a Bible class) taught by Victor
Horria, acting president of the
Jntversity. Worship and fellow
ihip is at 5:30 p.m. with a panel
liscussing "Is the American
Christmas Christian?”
There will be a class and pro
gram at Christian house the Sun
lay of closed weekend.
What does an inventor look like?
In 1850/ Samuel Kier built a one-barrel “tea
kettle" refinery in Pittsburgh. There, through
his own genius, he first distilled petroleum and
became America's pioneer oil refiner. But how
times have changed.
Today/ a new product is rarely one man’s crea
tion. The better products get, the harder it is to
improve them. Now, many men of many skills
must work together in research centers on proj
ects planned long ahead.
For example: two years ago we saw the need
for a new kind of motor oil that would fully meet
the demands of precision-built, high-compression
automobile engines. Among other things, this
special oil must flow with full pressure at zero
temperature—yet give full protection at 400
degree heat.
One man would never have the skills, time,
devices or money to cope with such a complex
problem. But at our Brea research center a team
of Union Oil engineers solved it. And Union was
the first to give the West this better lubricant.
Naturally we're proud to add new Royal
Triton 5-20 motor oil to our many firsts. We
think this new Union Oil product is one more
proof that the best progress comes from an
economic system that gives the best incentives.
American free, competitive enterprise provides
these incentives as no other system ever has.
27us series, sponsored by the people of Union
Ou Company, is dedicated to a discussion of
how and why American business functions. We
hope you’ll feel free to send in any suggestions
or criticisms you have to offer. Write: The Presi
dent, Union Oil Company, Union Oil Building,
Los Angeles 17, California.