Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 04, 1953, Page Five, Image 5

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    Webfoot Hoopers Ready
For San Jose St Series
Week-end Games
Rate as Toss-ups
fty Bob Robinson
Auhtinl Sport* Editor
The University of Oregon bas
ketball team wil play their first
home game of the season tonight,
Friday, when they match baskets
with the San Jose State Spartans
at MacArthur Court at 8:00 p. m.
Coach Bill Borcher’s Ducks will
be shooting for their second win
of the season when they take the
floor against the Californios. Ore
gon downed Portland U. 79-72
last Tuesday evening in their open
The Webfoota will have no easy
time if they are to score a victory
over the visiting San Jose squad.
The Spartans have nearly their
whole team back from last year
which placed third in the Califor
nia Intercollegiate Conference be
hind Santa Clara and the Univer
sity of San Francisco. They won
their first game of this season by
a 70-55 score over San Francisco
State and looked very sharp in do
ing it.
Most of the Spartan scoring
punch is,centered in their two lit
tle guards, Carrol Williams and
Buster Burgos. Williams, a tiny
■ 135 pounder, specializes in speedy
movements to tally most of his
" counters and Burgos is noted for a
. deadly jump shot. Against San
Francisco State Burgos racked up
* 22 points and Williams was close
.ibchind with 17.
Spartans Seek Revenge
Coach Walt McPherson's visit
ing quint will have added incentive
;to win against the Ducks since the
(Spartans still well remember the
beating they took from Oregon in
1 football this fall.
, In their final workout of the
week, Thursday afternoon, Bor
cher's hoopsters worked mainly on
.offensive formations. The Oregon
head man was fairly well pleased
with his team's performance
‘against Portland and because of
this he plans to stick with the
same starting line-up as he used in
that game. This would put Ed Hal
berg and Bob Stout at the forward
plots, Max Anderson at center, and
Ken Wegner and Barney Holland
at the guard posts. Also due to
ee plenty of action is senior guard
Bob Hawes. When Hawes goes into
the game, Wegner will probably
move to forward and Stout will
come out.
Good Bench Strength
Other Duck players who will no
doubt play important roles in the
games this week-end are Ray Bell,
Kent Dorwin, Jerry Ross, and Ho
ward Page. All have looked pret
Hammer Starts
Wrestling Drills
j Thirty-five prospective wrestlers
turned out Monday, November 23
to commence the wrestling season,
practice is held every night at
3:45 in the wrestling room in the
PE building. According to the
coach, Bill Hammer, there is room
for more bone benders. Experience
is not needed and those interested
should see Hammer or Bill Den
There will be freshman and var
sity teams and both have sched
uled teams such as Washington
State and Oregon State. The
weight divisions are respectively:
123, 130, 137, 147, 157, 167, 177,
and Unlimited. Contenders are
needed in the lower weights espe
The matches will open at 2:00
in Mac Court Saturday, January
i, when the varsity will wrestle
>TI, and the freshmen grapple
Klamath high school.
ty good In practices to date and
are expected to add much needed
reserve strength for this year’s
Oregon team.
After this week-end's games, the
Ducks will begin practice for next
Wednesday’s home encounter with
Gonzaga university.
On both Friday and Saturday
nights the Oregon JV’s wil play
j KENNY WEGNER, aggressive
guard, Ha* named on the North
i ern Division All-Star team last
year. He usually picks up his
share of fouls, but makes up for
it in point 'totals.
Hale Kane Wins
Volleyball Titles
Hale Kane, independent men’s
dorm, made a clean sweep of both
the "A” and ’’B" league volleyball
finals Thursday afternoon as they
downed the Phi Delta Theta “A”
and “B” teams in two games each.
Yesterday’s victories cinched, for
the tfale Kane six, their fifth
straight “A” title, and their fourth
straight ‘‘B’’ championship in vol
The Hale Kane “A’s” got off to
a very fast start in the first game
of the day, as they bowled over
their opponents, the Phi Delta
Theta six, a score of 15-5. Hale
Kane scored six fast points to
open the game, but the Phi Delta
stopped this spree momentarily by
striking twioe for scores of their
own. After that, Hale Kane scored
the nine points needed for the win
while allowing the Phi Delts only
two more.
In a direct contrast to the first
game, the second one saw the Phi
Delts come out strong and out
score Hale Kane for a while. At
the 7-7 mark; the hard playing
started, both teams matching point
for point up to a 14-14 tie. During
that time many fine saves off the
net were displayed by both teams,
and the all-around play was some
of the finest of the whole volley
ball season. Hale Kane won the
game, 16-14.
In “B” league action, Hale Kane
again showed their superiority by
downing the Phi Delts’ “B" team
in two straight games. The first
of the two games was a very see
saw battle all the way. Phi Delta
Theta’s “B” team also went ahead
in the second game, and ran up
five counters to one for Hale Kane.
Hale Kane then went on a ram
page and took the lead, 8-5, before
the Phi Delts could get possession
of the ball.
preliminary tussles before the var
sity tilts. Friday the Junior Ducks
take on McChord Field and on Sat
urday they take the floor against
Sand Point Naval Station. Both
these frays will get underway at
5:45 p. m.
Frosh Improve
With the opening of their season
not far off coach Don Kirsch’s Ore
gon Frosh basketball sqaud has
been working very hard during
the past week in preparation for
their first encounter.
The Ducklings, as a result of
their becoming more familiar with
the Oregon system, are improving
steadily and appear to have the
potential for a fairly strong team.
Kirsch ran his team through
screening and passing drills Thurs
day afternoon with much emphasis
on good ball handling.
From the practice sessions so far
several boys have looked outstand
ing and appear to have the inside
track in gaining starting positions
on this year's team.
At the forward positions the
leading candidates seem to be Bill
Moore,, the rangy hook-shot artist
from The Dalles, and Larry
Barnes, a 6' 4” stalwart from
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
Looking the best among the cen
ters have been Gregg Lininger, a
strong rebounder and fair shot
from Ashland, and Frank Werner,
a fine player from Spokane, Wash
At the guard positions the
Ducklings have more strength
than anywhere else. Two all-sta
ters from last year's Oregon High
School State Tournament lead the
way on the list of standout guards.
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