Shaw Named All-American NEW YORK UFI — Two great Midwestern halfbacks, Johnny lAttner of Nortre Dame and Paul Giel of Minnesota, occupy the spot light on the 1953 Associated Press AU-American football team. Lattner and Giel are the only repeaters from last year and were 4wo of the outstanding backs — twth offensively and defensively — An the first year since the return of the one-platoon system. The team was selected on the recommendations of boards of ra 'Surprised' Says Shaw George Shaw, Oregon’s quiet mannered quarterback, who was named to the Associated Press All American third team, was “really surprised” last night when the Em erald notified him of the honor, after the bulletin came in on the paper's wire service. George was studying at his fra ternity, Alpha Tau Omega, last night when he got the word. “It is really an honor to be chosen on an All-American team,” he told the Emerald over the phone. He stated that the rest of the team had a lot to do with the selection, considering its fine sup port through the season. “This is just as much an honor to the coaches and the squad as It is to me.’’ George commented that the As sociated Press selections were “dif ferent” than a lot of the other all star teams.’’ Shaw’s running mates in the mythical backfield are Alan Ameche, Wisconsin; Jackie Parker, Mississippi State, and Dick Clasby, Harvard. Bill Bowerman, assistant ath letic director, stated that it was a “tremendous thing for George” to be selected on the team. He also praised the 1953 football -sqaud for the fine job it di»>-—-—> TRADE % MARK SHUTS • TICS • UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS —— When you pause...make it count...have a Coke -i BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY. COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF EUGENE, Eugene, Oregon COltl> '* ° rt,9r'lef,id *fode mark. © , 953 THg COCA-COLA COMPANY