21. TW On|M Daily Emerald It ptfbllihm Monday through Friday dortni the eotlete year from Sent. 15 to June 3, except 1Nov. 16, 25 through 30, Dec. 7 through 9, 11 through Jan. 4 March S through 10. 12 through 29, May 3, and 31 through June 2. with iaeue* oa Nm ' J“- 23, and May t, by the Student PubHeationa Beard of fared at aarond data matter at the goat aiae, Kui aehool year; 32 per term. Opinion* eapremed on the editorial page are thoaa of the writer and do not pretend to .*■? A8F° orof ,he U«Wtralty. Unalgaed adkoriala are written by Iho editor | initialed editorial* by the aaeodate editor a. Unieanity of Oregon. En Oregon, lahacriptlaa ratea: |I per AL KARR, Editor BILL BRAN DSN ESS, Bnaiaeaa Manager PAT GILDEA, ELSIE SCHILLER, Auociate Editor* KITTY FRASER. LAURA STURGES, Editorial Aiaiatanta JACKIE WARDELL, Managing Editor JOE GARDNER. New* Editor SAM VAHEY, Sport. Editor And Just Before Finals... V7i • Petitions for sub-chairmen for the YWCA Sophomore Skip Day, which is to be held this spring, are due Monday at 5 p. m„ according to Hanna Sue Hansen and Betti Fackler, general chair men for the event. CAMPUS BRIEFS • Petition* are now being call ed for chairmen of publicity, vot ing, decorations, tickets, refresh ments, promotion and coronation for the YWCA-sponsored Heart Hop, according to Joyce Noeth, general chairman. Petitions will be due Thursday at 5 p. m. at the Chi Omega house. « • Petitions for chairmen of programs, arrangements and pro motion for the Sophomore Skip Day are due Monday at 5 p. m. at the YWCA office, according to Hanna Sue Hansen and Betti Fackler, general co-chairmen. • Items for the Campus Mer ry-Go-Round must be turned in at the Emerald quonset by 4 p.m. Monday, Lucia Knepper, living or ganizations editor, has announced. • Pledged recently during women's open rush were Nancy Garrison, Chi Omega, and Mari anne Grove, Alpha Gamma Delta. • At the annual meeting of the Philological Association of the Pa cific Coast conducted recently at Stanford university, F. G. Black, professor of English, was elected to the executive committee. Pa tricia Gathercole, instructor in Ro mance languages, was appointed chairman of the French group for 1954. 0 The deadline for entering a quartet in the Barber Shop Quar tet contest has been set for 5 p.m. today, according to Lucia Knep per, chairman. Entry blanks are to be turned in to the Student Union music committee in the SU. 0 Amphibians, women’s swim ming honorary, will hofd its last meeting of fall term Monday at 7:30 p.m. in Gerlinger hall. All pledges will be required to com plete the 22 qualifying laps and to pay a 50 cent fee, according to Sally Stadelman, president. Music Honoraries Give Group Carols Sunday Mu Phi Epsilon, Phi Beta and Phi Mu Alpha Sinphonia, musical honoraries, will unite to present a Christmas Prelude at 4 p. m. in the school of muic audi torium. The program will be directed by Dorothy Pederson, senior in music. The narration will be done by Judy Ellefson, junior in speech. Campus Calendar 8:00 Franchise Com 315 SU 4:00 Fri at 4 Fishbowl SU 6:00 SU Bd Din #H3 SU 6:30 Mortar Bd *111 SU Sig Delt Chi 334 SU 7:30 Psi Chi Panel 214 SU 7:45 Fri Eve Cof Hr 210 SU 9:00 Mixer Fishbowl SU Oh ...Oh KWAX 880 kc—89.3 me FRIDAY 6:00 p. m. Sign On 6:03 Piano Moods 6:15 Guest Star 6:30 News Till Now 6:45 Entertainment Gtrtde 7:00 New French Writers 7:30 Broadway in Review 7:45 Payne Award Show 8:00 Your Star Time \ 8:15 UN Story 8:30 Ways of Mankind i 9:00 Kwaxworks 10:50 News Headlines 10:55 Tune to Say Goodnight 11:00 Sign Off SUNDAY 2:00 p. m. Sign On 2:03 Misicomedy Favorites 2:30 BBC Theater 4:00 Sunday Opera 6:00 Sign Off SUCurrents "Fagan origins of Christmas' will be the topic discussed at the Friday evening coffee hour to I night at 7:30 in the Student [Union rowsing room. The speaker will be Dr. Paul B. Means, head of the department of religion. Coffee will be served af ter the lecture. • • • The last Sunday movie of fall term, ‘Topper,” will be shown this Sunday at 2:30 and 4:30 p. m. hi the Student Union ballroom, ac cording to Barbara Wilcox, SU movie committee chairman. * • • ‘‘Who Are the Troubadours?" a concert-lecture by C. L. Johnson, associate professor of romance languages, is scheduled for 7:30 p. m. Tuesday in the Peter Ben son Howard music listening room, of the Student Union, j Johnson will try to clarify in his lecture ideas about the trouba dours by discussing who they were, where they lived, what they wrote, about and their importance to poe try and music. He will read sev eral poems written, by them and will also use some records with his lecture. Dad's Day Petitions Due Tuesday at 5 P.M. Petition deadline for Dad’s Day sub-chairmen has been set at . 5 p. m. Tuesday, Phil Lewis and Mary Wilson, general co-chairmen, have announced. Petitions are to be turned in at the ASUO petition box on the third floor of the Stu dent Union. Chairmen are needed for the fol lowing six committees: promotion and publicity, reception and hos pitality, sign contest, special events, hostess selection and lunch eon. Dad’s Day will be held Jan. 23. In 1902 Tommy Leach of the Pittsburgh Pirates led the Na tional league in home runs with six. ^ How the I sT stars got t ' started... I Tyrone Power uys: “I had it tough bucking ‘tradition’ to get into movies. First, a famous great-grandfather actor, same name. Grandfather and Dad, too — both big in the theatre. I was barker at a Fair before anyone gave me a chance. Then, bit player, understudy, hard work and eventually I made it!” "l TRIED CAMELS FOR 30 DAYS. THEY have THE MILDNESS I WANT AND THE RICH FLAVOR THAT SUITS ME TO A T I THEY'LL SUIT YOU, TOO 1 * Start smoking Camels yourself Smoke only Camels for 30 days and find out why Camels are first in mildness, fla vor and popularity! See how much pure pleasure a cigarette can give you! For Mildness and Raw C^AMELS AGREE WITH MORE PEOPLE thanj any other, cigarette i CHO\C& Q&MATf