Letters to the Editor .Student Court's Stand Emerald Editor: Much has been written about the Farris-Student Court dispute which has now overflowed into the Eugene Register-Guard. Va rious speculations are that the attacking law student is having fun, is a publicity hound, or that lie is deadly serious (his own public contention). An incident at Wednesday night’s court meeting may have been reveal ing. One of the court members called Farris’s attention to the old style post card notice of ■ violation which this year’s court Junked because if Its text which in effect said, “You set tle your traffic ticket right away, or else!” The court (and . its advisors) felt that the new . card (which Farris call* “ex tortion”) would be less offen sive to the personal dignity of . the individual student receiv ing such a notice, and was -more in keeping with the de sired positive and constructive approach to the whole campus parking problem. “How would you have liked to have received this card?” Far ris was asked.. His answer was that the old card was “legal.” This appears to me to pret ty much sum up this brilliant law student’s approach to hu - man problems. HI* apparent SU Sunday Movias "TOPPER" A Zany Comedy starring CARY GRANT CONSTANCE BENNETT SU Ballroom 2:30 - 4:30 Dec 6 Adm. 30c A Merry Christmas J NOTHING PLEASES ^ LUCE that only you can give. May we make your appointment today? . An exceptionally fine portrait for your Christmas giving can be made from your Oregana Sitting Price—Extremely Low criteria Is “letter of the law” and go ahead and insult (while protesting impersonality) the efforts and dignity of all other persons who seek to solve hu man problems on a less mech anical basis. It may be that certain techni cal features of the present stu dent court operation are not le gal. I join with Farris in desir ing an opinion by the Attorney General (which neither he nor I may directly request). But there is no question in my mind as to the desirability of the ends which the court seeks. Any person who criticizes the means being used has an obligation to point out the alternatives, partic ularly when the evil which would result from the use of nomeans at all would be heater than any harm which may be occurring under present means. This is not Farris’s approach. His is the comparatively easy task of at tempting complete destruction of a part of student government and of university disciplinary machinery without ever once having answered the question, “How do you propose that park ing discourtesies should be hand led?” This is the ancient story of “I demand my rights, and ac cept no responsibilities.” It Is not surprising, there fore, that the members of the 'court, who have looked to their responsibilities first, and who have consciously worked to preserve the individual dignity of all persons appearing before the court, have become highly disgusted with showman Far ris. It would be a mistake for any lon) tetaoineto pre-hav -ma- co one (including the administra tion) to underestimate Farris’s legal ability and tenacity; the greatest mistake in estimation, however, (in my personal opin ion) is being made by Farris himself in his appraisal of his net value to society. Carl E. Weber Chairman, Student Traffic Court SAMMY AMATO and ERNIE PILUSO present TONIGHT AdvMct Hckrt ulti start Nav. 21, at Ttmmpian's Mimic stora. Eugone Armory Dancing 9 p.m.-l a.m. Read Emerald Classifieds OfHHA'S PALACE UEStAUUAMf I For a taste tempting dish, combine the best in sea foods with our fabulous Chow Yuk Iand you have our weekly spec ials. _ • Shrimp Chow Yuk I • Scallop Chow Yuk 14/so, this week • Fried Wun Tun ]And when you're doing that last minute studying, call us for either Chinese or American 1 Food. Now Thru Finals FREE DELIVERY East from tho Post Office 33 E. 6th Avs. Dial 5-2012 Student Church Directory I ,, ,i. ■■■■ i ■» ■ ■ ■■■"l » i First Congregational Church 490 13th Avenue East TWO SERVICES - 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Sermon: "What Is My Reward?" Wesley Goodson Nicholson Minister Weston H. Brock way Director of Music Sunday Service—8:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Sermon: "The Gloriousness of Christ's Second Coming" Holy Communion will be observed in both services Bible Class: 10 a.m. Dr. E. S. Wengert, Leader Welcome! Grace Lutheran Church East 11 th Avenue pt Ferry Street W. B. Maier, Pastor Arthur Wright, Assistant First Assembly of God 710 W. 13th St. (about 1V2 miles west of the university) 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Divine Worship Service 6:30 p.m. C.A/'s Youth Service 7:45 p.m. Evangelistic Service E. Elsworth Krogstad, Pastor Norman Campbell, Assistant First Church of Christ, Scientist A Branch of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts 14th and Pearl Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Sermon: "God the Only Cause and Creator" Nursery Facilities During All Services . . . Reading Room 86 West Broadway ... Organization at University of Oregon Tuesday 7 p.m. First Floor Gerlinger 11 a.m. 'THOU SHALT CALL HIS NAME JOHN" KASH Broadcast Bill Bright of Campus Crusade will also speak 7:30 p.m. 'THOU SHALT CALL HIS NAME JESUS" Special Music 9:45 a.m. Bill Bright will teach the University Class First Baptist Church Dr. Vance H. Webster, Pastor Brdwy. at High First Methodist Church 1185 Willamette Two Services — 9:45 and 11:00 a.m. Sermon: "What Shall the Owner Do?" Ministers: Berlyn V. Farris, S. Raynor Smith, Dorothy Harding, Kenneth W. Peterson First Christian Church 1166 Oak Phone 4-1425 Dr. Carroll Roberts, Minister TWO SERVICES 10:50 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. 9:15a.m. Donut Hour and Bible Class 5:30 p.m. Fellowship and Discussion 9:00 p.m. Fireside Hour Students are invited to sing in our Student Choir on Sunday evenings CHRISTIAN HOUSE-OUR STUDENT CENTER-736 E. 16th Ave. oCet & Go to Ghurch \