Richard II Tryouts Meet Wednesday All women who have read for parts in Richard II are to meet in Villard 201 Wednesday at 4 p. m., according to Mrs. Ottilie T. Soybolt, who will direct the Shakespearean history. . Mrs. Seybolt urges all readers to bring copies of the play, if pos sible, since some final readings may be held. The production will be presented the last part of win ter term and will be the Univer sity theater’s fourth presentation of the current season. Miller Interviews Students for HE William Houston Miller, West Coast field representative of the Institute of International Educa tion, will be on the campus Dec. 11, 14, and 15 for the purpose of interviewing each foreign student placed at the University by his or ganization. Each IIE-related student should contact K. S. Ghent, foreign stu dent advisor, at Ext. 262, or Hen na Shaw, student affairs secre tary, at Ext. 255, to make an ap pointment for an interview. Any U. S. students wishing in formation concerning opportuni ties for study abroad, or any for eign students not related to the HE, are also welcome to arrange for an interview with Mr. Miller by calling Miss Shaw at the of fice of student affairs. Don't roly on reindeer Don’t employ a sleigh t lust speed your - season's greetings in the very nicest way No matter wliat else you do...say cMirttof &i/uiima&! by TELEGRAM WESTERN UNION Student Music Recital Scheduled Thursday The second student recital of the year by music students will be held Thursday, at 8 p. m. in the school of music auditorium. Gary de Broekert, tuba, and Ronald Spicer, accompanist, will play “Introduction et Serenade” by Barat. Julia Detrick, soprano, accompanied by Shirley Hardy, will sing “Ah Non Creda Mirarti” by Bellinin. Glenn Benner, trom bone, accompanied by Bill Walk er will play “Romanza Appassian ata" by Von Weber. “Sonatine” by Ravel will be played by Kathleen Harris, pianist. Clarissa Berning, flute, and Don na Brewer, pianist will play “Son ata for Flute and Piano” by Han del. Patricia Taylor, soprano, ac companied by Jean Badoerek, will sing “Agnus Dei” by Bizet. A trombone quartet composed of Raoul Maddox, Glenn Benner, Gary Donnell, and Don Adamson will play “Hertzengesang, Opus 5” by Carl Pfleger. Douglas Stobie Japanese Ukiyo-e Paintings Shown Japanese ukiyo-e paintings are now on exhibit in the Oriental art museum. The display will remain in the museum until the end of the term. Wallace S. Baldinger, associate professor of art and curator of thg museum, explains that this form of art was started bf Jap anese people of a “middle-class state of mind.” He said, “People who make their living amid pro saic surroundings of the shop or counting-house relish this kind of picture which tells a story or evokes memories of an outing. Through it they escape the hum drummery of existence.” Most forms of modem art, such as impressionism, cubism, ex pressionism, and surrealism were found through the study of ukiyo-e according to Baldinger. This form of Japanese art teach es the Western artist to “eliminate the pictorial relief effects tradi tional in Western painting, to vi talize his pictures by asymmetri cal balancing against expanses of open space and to draw the ob server into creative participation by their deliberately suggestive understatements,” he said. J£ute*U*uj. 9*t ...On KWAX 6:00 6:03 6:15 6:30 6:45 7:00 8:00 8:15 8:45 9:00 10:00 10:50 10:55 11:00 p. m. Sign On Piano Moods Guest Star News Till Now Surprise Package Campus Classics Public Health Series Journeys into Jazz Hairnet Kwaxworks Campus Request Show News Headlines Tune to Say Goodnight Sign Off SELL IT THRU THE WAN V ADS Repair your own car. Self-service garage. J. & J. Motors. 3880 West 11th avenue. Phone 5-3902 FOR RENT— One bedroom house furnished or unfurnished. Phone 4-0538. 23-30 FOR SALE — ’39 Pontiac $145. Good motor, body, rubber, radio. See 11th and Hillyard."* 12-4 Save Steps! Save Time! Use the Oregon Daily Emerald “Classi fied convenience feature,” Place your WANT ADS at the Stu dent Union lobby desk. bass, accompanied by Joyce Sin ner will sing an aria from "The Messiah,” "But Who May Abide the Day of His Coming," by Han del. Leon Erickson, pianist, will present two number, "The Maiden and the Nightingale" by Granados and “Toccata" by Ravel. ASAAA Sponsors Yuletide Art Bazoo Annual Christmas sales of the ASAAA arts bazaar, featuring work of art students, will be held Dec. 11, in th egallery'of the school of architecture, according to Bob Oringdulph, ASAAA president. Materials for the sale, including sculpture, ceramics, drawings, paintings, weaving, jewelry and lithographs, will be collected in the art school gallery on Dec. 8, 1 to 4 p. m., and Dec. 9, 2 to 4 p. m., and 7 to 9 p. m. Persons interested in booths for large amounts of materials should see Oringdulph in the east wing of the architecture drafting room. Social Calendar Wednesday Desserts Yeoman — Zeta Tau Alpha Sigma Chi — Kappa Kappa Gamma Delta Gamma — Phi Gamma Delta Alpha Hall — Pi Beta Phi Wednesday Dinners Rebec House Preference Dinner Gamma Phi Beta — Phi Sigma Kappa, OSC Friday Firesides Pi Kappa Phi Saturday Firesides Pi Beta Phi Saturday House Dances Delta Gamma Alpha Gamma Delta Phi Sigma Sigma Alpha Delta Pi Alpha Chi Omega Orides Two Music Groups Give First Concert The orchestra and choral union will present their first concert of the year Dec. 10. “Choral Fantasia” by Ludwig van Beethoven will be presented by the combined groups. This num ber features W. C. Woods, instruc tor in piano, da pianist as well as the orchestra and the choral union. “Symphony No. 1 in B flat Ma jor” by Robert Schumann will be presented by the orchestra. Today's Staff Makeup editor: Len Calvert. Consultant: Gordon Rice. Night Editor: Bob Kelly. TYPEWRITERS 4 SOLD ... AS LOW AS $9.95 PER MO. *jfeNTED ... AS LOW AS $5.00 PER MO. *REPAIRED ... BY AN EXPERT. GOOD AS NEW. Brooks Office Machines 30 E. 11th Ph.4-8035 New Frequency For KWAX FM KWAX is pow back on the air for listeners outside Carson and John Straub halls who have FM radio sets, according to E. A. Kret slnger, faculty adviser for the campus station. FM broadcasting was suspended this fall when the former fre quency was found to interfere with Channel 6 TV, and has been await ing a frequency change okay from the Federal Communications com mission. Broadcasting, which be gan Monday, is now on 89.3 mega cycles. The changeover also involved a reduction in power which will make the reception range a little smaller, but listeners on and near the campus are assured of recep tion, says Kretsinger. AM transmission over the direct lines to Carson and Straub will also continue in addition to the FM. 1954 Fun Fesf Head Chosen Betti Fackler, sophomore in ed ucation, has been named general chairman for the International Fun Fest to be held on Jan. 22. George Lo, freshman in liberal arts, will be vice-chairman. Miss Fackler has called for pe titions for the following chairman ships: Invitations (local,) invita tions (off-campus), entertainment, j decorations, panel discussion, hos- j pitality, housing, transport, din ner, and publicity. Petitions are due Thursday and may be handed in at the YWCA office in Gerling er hall, or at Chi Omega. The International Fun Fest is an annual event when foreign - American students from all col leges in Oregon get-together. This year's Fun Fest will be held as part of Dad's Weekend. High School Visitations End The fall schedule of high school visitation by representatives of all colleges in the state system will end Dec. 10, with the same work to be resumed in February and March, according to Donald Du Shane, director of student affairs. Two different groups from the University, were in the Portland schools during the past two weeks. The first group was composed of L. E. Anderson, administration as sistant; Mrs. Golda P. Wickham, dean of women, and K. S. Wood, associate professor of speech. The second group included An derson; C. T. Duncan, professor of journalism; Carl Moore, associate professor of English, and E. G. Eb bighausen, associate professor of physics. Si Ellingsen, counselor for menj will spend Monday and Tuesday visiting the high schools in Toledo, Taft, Newport, Florence, and Reedsport, while Thursday will be spent in Drain, Cottage Grove, and Junction City. » " Senate, Officials Discuss Millrace A meeting of ASUO senate members and University and Eu gene officials to discuss problems of the Millrace will be held at 7:30 this evening in the Student Union, ASUO Pres. Tom Wrightson has announced. ADVICE ON ALL MATTERS Special Readings for Students FORTUNE TELLER — Open Daily — 4410 Franklin Blvd. Glenwood CONTMCNTAl TtAllWA VS LOOK AT THESE LOW FARES Sacramento ___$ 9.40 phoenix __ 22.35 San Diego____ 15.95 Albuquerque _*__ 31.60 A" r*4. 23 traveling *fays *Wj Christmas