Hale Kane Boys Keep on Winning V Phi Deits, Sig Eps Post Final Triumphs ' There has been only on** day of intramural volleyball finals, but one thing already seems apparent. |Iale Kane, independent men’s •ilorm which hasn't lost a volley . ball match in the last four years, is certain to throw its weight ".around in the 1953 playoffs. . Both A and B Hale Kane team -'tfccnt up against tough competi tion Monday, and both squads (tune out on the long end of the • set scores. The Hawaiian A club » easily disposed of Nestor hall, kingpin of the frosh dorm league, • 15-5 and 15-5; and the B sextet • came from behind to dump Theta . Chi, 12-15, 15-7, and 15-11. Elsewhere on the mural scene, . X’hi Delta Theta eliminated Sigma N\i in two straight; and Sigma • Phi Epsilon edged past Alpha Tau 'Omega, again in two games. This leaves today's A slate as follows: Slg Eps vs Phi Delta at 4 . and Hale Kane vs Gamp . bell Club at 4:45 p.na. • The Hale Kane-Nestor game Monday afternoon was a runaway for the Hawaiians from the start. . The winners started slow, but huilt up steam to win both sets . easily by the same score, 15-5. Martin M^gi, Ray Colye, and * Wilfred Watarmbe were the big men up front for the winners, and some fine setups came from Bob Takano, Bob Kanada and Don Hanaike. , . The Sig Ep-ATO- clash was a little closer. The first game was 1 tied 9-t>, when the winners sud denly spurted away to win before the ATO'a could score another point. Alpha Tau Omega looked like it was going to take the second battle and was • coasting along, 13-8. But, led by the fine spikes of Don Kupp, Chuck Turbyfill and "Don Sullivan, the winners pulled up to a 13-13 tie. ATO went ahead by two points, but the Sig Eps tied . jt up once more. Two more spikes put the victory in the hands of the ■millrace house. Phi Delta Theta eliminated "Sigma Nu by scores of 15-8 and . .15-10 in a semi-final A contest. Attempting to do the impossible, ' ‘the Sigma Nu spikers rallied eight . .points after the Phi Deits had built up a 14-0 lead. ■ • The Phi Deits finally knocked over the winning counter but not before they had had a scare. In the second encounter, the Phi Deits broke a 7-7 tie, reaching 13 . before Sigma Nu could score. With the count standing at 13-10 the .. Phi Delta took the final two points to win. Hale Kane bounded into the semi-finals of the B league, com ing frbm behind to take the last two sets from Theta Chi after a ‘35-12 loss in the frist set. Storm ing back in second contest with nine straight markers to be vic torious 15-7, Hale Kane found the opposition to be stronger. Theta ' Chi, leading 9-8, fell behind 11-12 ■ and then Hale Kane put on the * pressure to win 15-11. Club Sponsors PE Gym Night [ All physical education majors, minor s, graduate students and fac f ulty are invited to participate in t a sports night, Wednesday, 7:15 ^ p. m., in the Men’s P.E. building, according to Bernie "Averill, pro gram committeeman. * The men’s P. E. club is sponsor ing the affair, which will includl volleyball, handball and basketball. (Refreshments will also be served, 1 says Averill. SPORTS FARE ► Tuesday, December 1 VOLLEYBALL SEMI-FINALS 4:00 p.m., Court 40, Sigma Phi k, Epsilon vs Phi Delta Theta. 4:45 p.m., Court 40, Hale Kane vs Campbell Club. Trotters in Town BOID BUIE, one armed court magician, |* one of the top drawing attraction* for the world-famou* Harlem Globe Trotter*. Bold, who handle* the ball like a marble, played for the Kan*a* City Stars before moving up to the Globe Trotter*. Football Prospects Meet with Coaches Although football season is barely over, the coaches are get ting ready for the 1954 team. All prospective members of next year’s varsity squad are asked to see Head Football Coach Len Cas anova or one of his assistants sometime this week. Hoop Clinic Slated University students and the pub lic in general are invited to at tend a basketball clinic Wednes day night at 7:30 p. m. in McAr thur court, sponsored by the Ore gon club. Patronize Emerald Advertisers. LEARN TO DANCE W hy miss out on the fun any longer because you feel shy and awkward? We can understand your hesitation as some of our upuils have said, “It’s worse than going to the den tist,” the first time they come in—but after one les son they are amazed at how simple and easy it is to become a good dancer. Come in this evening for a guest lesson and dance analpsis. There is no charge or obligation • FOX TROT • WALTZ • SWING • TAP • RUMBA • SAMBA • TANGO • BALLET • MAMBO Hoars Monday Thrn Friday — 10:00 A. M. — 1C .00 P. >1 Saturday, 10:00 A. M. — € P. M. j Dance Studio 24 West 7th Ave. Phone 4-5621 LATEST COLLEGE SURVEY SHOWS LUCKIES LEAD AGAIN ku «\V* „,^>r r C.N-V* Last year a survey of leading colleges throughout the country ^showed that smokers in those colleges preferred Luckies to any other cigarette. This year another far more extensive and comprehensive survey —supervised by college professors and based on more than 31,000 actual student interviews — shows that Luckies lead again over all other brands, regular cr king size...and by a wide margin! The No. 1 reason: Luckies taste better. Smoking enjoyment is all a matter cf taste, and the fact of the matter is Luckies taste better —first, because LS./Mf.T. Lucky Strike means fine tobacco. And second, Luckies are made better to taste better. So, Be Happy —Go Lucky! , n Mi