Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 24, 1953, Page Four, Image 4

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Sweifzer Gets Honor
Ken Sweitzer, guard, is the
winner of the 1953 Hoffman
award, presented annually to
the football team's outstanding
senior. He is a two year letter
man from Pasadena, Calif.
Sweitzer received the award
last night at the Oregon Club’-s
football banquet in the Veter
ans Memorial building, which
officially brought the ’53 grid
iron season to a close.
Sweitzer was picked for the
Lettermen Meet
Order of the “O”, lettermen’s
club, will hold its regular meet
ing Wednesday noon at the Sig
ma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. In
itiation will be held for all in
coming -members and a group
picture will be taken, weather
permitting. Lettermen should
wear their blue sweaters, ac
cording to Hon'' Hedgepeth,
president- -
FOUND—a baby shoe near educa
tion building. Contact Mitsugar
Sakihara, Cherney Hall.
Repair your own car. Self-service
garage. J. & J. Motors. 3880
West 11th avenue. Phone 5-3902
SPECIAL—Nov. 23, 24, 25. Free
Delivery on orders over $2.00
from the Hamberger Inn. REG
ULAR Delivery 35c on orders
under $5.00. Over $5.00 Free.
FOR RENT— One bedroom house
furnished or unfurnished. Phone
4-0538. 23-30
REWARD for red purse left at
Rod Taylor’s. Urgently need
glasses and I. D. No questions
asked. Call 4-0638 after 4 p. m.
honor by a vote of the entire
varsity football squad. Vernon
Hoffman, former letterman who is
now a Eugene businessman, made
the presentation of the trophy.
Was A Fullback
The 192 pound guard was one of
the most improved members of the
team. When he came to Oregon
three years ago from Pasadena
JC, he was a fullback.
He was soon switched to an of
fensive line position, however.
Then along came the one platoon
system and he had to learn his
Theta Chi Wins
Bowling Crown
Theta Chi walked off with first
place in the Student Union frater
nity league bowling tournament,
according to the final league
Delta Upsilon was 1% games
behind. In third place was Phi
Kappa Sigma, 314 games off the
Leo Naapi, Theta Chi, turned
in the high net series, 613.
Final Standings
Theta Chi
Delta Cpsilon
Phi Kaps
Lambda Chi ..
Pi Kaps .
Sig Ep
W L.
. 20 8
.... 18*4 0*/2
. 16 *4 1114
. 16 12
.13*4 14*4
. 11 17
. 10 18
. 6*4 21*4
Pi Phi's, DG's Nab
WRA Alley Titles
Pi Beta Phi and Delta Gamma
will roll off after Thanksgiving for
the Women’s Recreational asso
;iation bowling tournament cham
The Pi Phi’s earned a berth in
:he finals by copping the title
n the Tuesday league tournament.
Delta Gamma, likewise, took first
n the Thursday league.
High net series in the Thursday
:ompetition was rolled by Babs
Sorenson, Zeta Tau Alpha. Her
ligh mark was 455.
Pi Phi . 10 2
Kappas . 11 5
Gamma Phi . 8 8
Alpha Phi I . 2 14
Delta Gamma . 12 4
A O Pi . 11 5
Chi Omega . 8 8
Zeta Tau Alpha . 6 10
Alpha Phi H .. 3 13
guard duties all over again.
Sweitzer made the changes
smoothly, though, and was a “60
minute ironman” as the season
ground to a close.
Third Guard Winner
Sweitzer is the 12th man to re
ceive the award since it was
started in 1939. He is the third
Past winners are: 1939, Bob
Smith, halfback; 1 9 4 0, Dick
Horne, end; 1941, Curt Mecham,
halfback; 19 4 2, Ryold Rhea,
guard; (No award was given from
1943 to 1945.) 1946, Duke Iversen,
quarterback; and 1947, Jake
Leicht, halfback.
Other winners include: 1948,
Brad Ecklund, center; 1949, Wood
ley Lewis, halfback; 1950, Ray
Lung, guard; 1951, Dick Patrick,
center; £i)d 1952, Monte Brethau
er, end.
Grid Experts'
Have Bad Day
Everyone took it on the chin in
last week’s Emerald football pre
dictions. The best mark last week
was recorded by Jack Roche, as
sistant football coach, who guess
ed four correct and four wrong.
The athletic department, which
furnished the guest pickers each
week, came up with the top won
lost average. They won 61 and
lost 23 for a .726 percentage. The
best “regular” record belonged to
Buzz Nelson, who was right 65
times and wrong 28, for a .699
season’s average.
Other figures were: A1 Karr,
63-30, .667; Jim White and Sam
Vahey, 61-32, .656; and Norm
Steen, 52-33, 612.
Phi Delfs, Hale Kane, Nestor Hall
Wrap up Intramural Champoinships
Three league titles were decided
in intramural volleyball action
yesterday while two more remain
to be determined today. Phi Delta
Theta B, Hale Kane B and Nes
tor hall A teams all wrapped up
respective league championships
by downing Sigma Phi Epsilon B,
Phi Kappa Psi B and French hall
A, respectively.
Victories by Campbell Club B
and Phi Gamma Delta A over Chi
Psi B and Kappa Sigma A and a
double forfeit by both of Susan
Campbell’s B teams completed the
day’s schedule.
Phi Delts Grab Crown
The Phi Delt's clinched League
2-B by dumping Sigma Phi Ep
silon in three sets, 11-15, 15-13 and
15-5. In the initial game the Sig
Ep volleyballers broke an 11-11 tie
by tallying four straight points to
win. But the Phi Delts bounced
back to take the second game and
completely dominated play in the
final and deciding sel by building
up a 10-3 lead and coasting to
In the League 1-A playoff, Nes
tor hall squeezed past French hall
in another three set match. French
started strong to win the first
game, 15-2, with only two services
needed; Ed Luedtke and Jerry
Jones scoring ten and five points
I each. „ „,
Nestor hall recovered, however,
to win the second game, 15-9, and
then proceeded to take the decid
ing set, 16-14. With the score tied,
12-12, Nestor grabbed two quick
counters only to have French tie
it up again. After several services,
Nestor hall finally broke through
French’s defense for the final two
Phi Gamma Delta came from
behind, picking up nine points in
a row to clip Kappa Sigma 15-10,
and continued its prolific scoring
ways with three separate spurts
JM Action Nears End
In Volleyball Leagues
The championships of only two
leagues remain in question today,
as the playoffs get underway in
intramural volleyball.
In League 7-A, Phi Gamma
Delta and Sigma Phi Epsilon are
fighting it out for the title. In
League 4-B, Campbell Club and
Theta Chi are still in the running.
There is no question in the other
11 divisions, however. Respective
championships in the A leagues
belong to Nestor hall, Hale Kane,
Campbell Club, Phi Delta Theta,
Alpha Tau Omega and Sigma Nu.
In B competition, French hall,
Phi Delta Theta, Hale Kane, and
Sigma Alpha Epsilon have league
crowns under their belts.
Standings include Monday's game.
Nestor hall . 5 1 .833
French hall . 4 2 .667
Susan Campbell II . 2 3 .400
Stitzer hall . 2 3 .400
Susan Campbell I . 2 3 .400
Merrick hall . 1 4 .200
W L Pet.
Hale Kane . 4 0 1.000
Phi Sigma Kappa . 3 1 .750
Alpha hall . 1 3 .250
Sigma hal . 1 3 .250
Gamma hall . 0 4 .000
Campbell Club . 4 0 1.000
Barrister Inn . 3 1 .750
Dorm Counselors . 2 2 .500
Philadelphia house ..-.. 1 3 .250
Legal Eagles . 0 4 .000
Phi Delta Theta . 4 0 1.000
Beta Theta Pi ..'.. 3 1 .750
Sigma Chi . 2 2 .500
Lambda Chi Alpha . 0 4 .000
Alpha Tau Omega . 4 0 .1000
Sigma Alpha Epsilon . 3 1 .750
Phi Kappa Sigma . 2 2 .500
Pi Kappa Phi . 1 3 .250
Tau Kappa Epsilon . 0 4 .000
Sigma Nu . 4 0 1.000
Delta Tau Delta . 3 1 .750
Phi Kappa Psi . 1 3 .250
Pi Kappa .Alpha . 1 3 .250
Delta Upsilon . 1 3 .250
Phi Gamma Delta . 4 1 .800
Sigma Phi Epsilon . 3 1 .750
Kappa Sigma . 3 2 .600
Theta Chi . 1 3 .250
Sigma Alpha Mu . 0 4 .000
French hall . 4 0 1.000
Nestor hall . 1 3 .250
Susan Campbell I . 0 4 .000
Susan Campbell II . 0 4 .000
Stitzer hall . 0 4 .000
Phi Delta Theta . 4 0 1.000
Sigma Phi Epsilon . 3 1 .750
Phi Gamma Delta . 1 3 .250
Delta Upsilon . 1 3 .250
Phi Kappa Sigma . 1 3 .250
Ilalc Kane . 4
Alpha Tau Omega . 3
Pi Kappa Alpha . 1
Phi Kappa Psi . 1
Campbell Club . 3
Theta Chi . 2
Chi Psi . 2
Sigma Xu . 0
Sigma Alpha Epsilon . 3
Beta Theta Pi . 2
Kappa Sigma .. 1
Sigma Chi . 0
in the following game to win 15-8.
Kappa Sigma, with tnll Jack Mur
ray smashing spikes, took a fair
ly safe lead at 10-0, but the un
impressed Fljls rallied, taking ev
ery point from then on.
Three scoring outbursts by the
Fijis clinched the final set. Six,
four, and five point streaks off
set the efforts of Murray, who not
only spiked well but was success
ful in faking smashes and placing
the ball across the net to fool the
Campbell Club Triumphs
Campbell clun outplayed Chi Psi
in two straight sets, 15-5 'and 15
10. After gaining the first set
win in easy style, the Campbell
Clubbers found the opposition
stronger and fought back from a
1-6 deficit, climbing to a 9-7 lead
in the second and were never
headed after that. From a 14-7
lead, the Campbell volleyballers
faltered slightly but finally gar
nered the fifteenth point.
Hale Kane won the league 3-B
title the easy way when the Phi
Psi's forfeited to them.
Shaw, Pheister On
Radio Star Team
George Shaw and Ron Pheister,
who were listed Monday on the
Associated Press Ail-Coast team,
were named again today to the
All-Coast squad selected by Tide
Water Associated Oil company’s
radio broadcasting crews.
The "pride of the coast" foot
ball squau included Sam Morley
and John Steinberg, Stanford,
ends; Mario De Re, USC, and Jack
Ellena, UCLA, tackles; Milt Bo
hart, Wash., and George Timber
i lake, USC, guards; Pheister, ccn
| ter; and Bob Garrett, Stanford,
Paul Larnon, Cal, Paul Cameron,
UCLA, and Shaw, backfleld.
Special Readings
for Students
— Open Daily —
4410 Franklin Blvd.
• Shirts
• Sox
• Sweaters
• Cashmeres
• White Stags
• Pendletons