Sponsored by Eric's Barber Shop Conveniently Located 11th and Alder Hilyard Street Market Hi lyard Associated Station Ad Walder 649 E. 11th Ph. 4-0161 Snack Grill Chicken Dinners $1.00 L858 E.13th 4-9242 Pennywise Drug 2 Convenient Locations 363 E. Broadway * 769 W. 6th Ave. Hogan's Grocery Wayne's Market 543 E. 13th Tel. 4-6209 The Lemon 'O' Alums—Make Wiltshire's Your Kodak Dealer Hendershott's For the Sportsman This Ad Sold by Donna Hill and Jean Sandine Stevens Typewriter Co. Exclusive Dealer of Olympia Portable 112 East Broadway Ph. 4-911S: Ed Robertson Union Service 1917 Franklin Blvd. Westgate Shoppe J. B. Donovan Heme of the Knabe Piano, Wurlitzer Organ 441 Pearl Ph. 3-3514 Prouty's Shoe Service Campus Shoe Repair Vic Bogner 843 E. 13th Fountaine's Cafe Rib Steak $1.25 1927 Franklin 4-8838 Gambles Western Auto Supply Home of Coronado TV Geo. Myrmo & Sons Blacksmithing • Machine Work • Electric Welding • Mettalizing 1937 Franklin 5-3373 University Jewelers l S49 E. 13th Ph. 4-4611