MDA Campaign Starts This Week Coin collecting canniaters for the 1953 Muscular Dystrophy fund Campaign were distributed this week to University living organi zations. Members of Alpha Phi Omega, men's service honorary, placed the cannisters to assist the local chapter of the Muscular Dystro phy Association of America. MDA is seeking funds to fin ance research aimed at developing a cure for a disease that is now considered always fatal. More than 200,000 Americans, better than half of them children, are afflicted by this malady. Crash Injures Oregon Frosh Robert Gast, freshman in liberal arts, and Robert Lucas, special student, were seriously injured in an automobile accident Wednes day afternoon just south of Junc tion City. Gast and Lucas were in a north bound car driven by Denny Holmes, freshman in liberal arts, when it collided with a car driven by Richard Klemm, Eugene. Klemm was also reported serious ly hurt and was hospitalized. Both cars were totally demolished. Gast, wfio was thrown through the windshield of the car, is at Sacred Heart hospital, suffering from a lacerated forehead and fur ther complications. Lucas, also at Sacred Heart, had a broken collar b o n e and fractured kneecap. Holmes received no injuries other than bruises and shock. The three students were headed for Corvallis to pick up Gast’s car, according to Bill Denman, coun selor at Merrick hall, where the men live. Homecoming Events (Continued from page one ) two teams will be introduced. An after-game reception will be held in the SU. Climax of the weekend’s acti vities will be the Homecoming dance from 9 p. m. to midnight Saturday evening in the SU ball room. Featured orchestra is Dick Schwary. During intermission, Druids and Friars, junior and senior men’s honoraries, will tap new members and the Homecom ing queen will be crowned. If Sign Deadline SetForTonight Deadline for all living organiza tions to put up their signs in or der to be eligible for competition in the Homecoming sign contest is 5 p. m. today, Ann Gerlinger and Ann Bankhead, co-chairmen of the sign contest, have announc ed. The six judges WUo will judge the signs between 7 and 8:30 p. m. are Brownell Frazier, associate professor of interior design; V. Anne Collins, secretary of the school of architecture and allied aits; Virginia Kempston, counsel or for women; E. G. Ebbighausen, associate professor of physics; Sidney Claypool of Claypool’s drugstore and Ted Baker of the Eugene Register-Guard. Impressiveness, originality, ef fort and adherence to central theme will be the point stressed by the judges. Also considered will be lights, music and moving parts. The judges will pick first, sec ond and third place winners from both the men’s and women’s living organizations. The first place win ners will be announced at the Homecoming dance Saturday night and will be presented their rotating trophies by the Home coming Queen. The second and third place winners and their prizes will also be disclosed at this time. Delta Tau Delta and Delta Delta Delta received the trophies last year. All campus living organizations are eligible to enter the contest. The contest rules include a price limit of $35 for each sign, a fin ancial statement and a plan of the sign which was to have been turned into the co-chairmen Wed nesday, and the signs to be finish ed by 5 p. m. today. Those failing to follow these rules will be dis qualified. TWO ROMANS WERE standing in the Forum. One whispered to the other, Pss-t, they’ve got “Julius Caeser” at GRAVES 1235 Willamette an M-G-M Album $4.85 1 Blitz the EAVERS...f/>en ^ into FORD'S Drive-In mam*** and make % of yourself over a . . Beaver urger FORD'S Drive-In "Where 13th meets the highway" Registration Planned For Alumni at Downtown Hotels Living organizations should en courage their returning alumni to register for the weekend at the Student Union or the Osbura and Eugene hotels, Sally Ryan, Home coming hospitality chairman, has announced. A trophy will be awarded to the living organization with the largest number of alumni registered. The registration booths will be open from 3 p. m. this afternoon IHC Prexy, Veep Resign Positions Conflicting loyalties was the reason given for the resignation of Bill Deatherage and Leo Nutt man, second year law students, as president and vice-president res pectively of the Inter-hall council at the council meeting last Tues day. Deatherage represents the ad ministration as head counselor for John Straub. Nuttman, who is in charge of student help in the John Straub kitchen, also felt that his position with the administration would prevent him from properly representing the students in IHC. Election of the new IHC presi dent and vice-president will take place at the regular council meet ing Tuesday. CmtiUttt? SELL IT THRU THE WANTADS FOUND—a baby shoe near educa tion building. Contact Mitsugar Sakihara, Cherney Hall. Repair your own car. Self-service garage. J. & J. Motors. 3880 West 11th avenue. Phone 5-3902 Large and clean 2-room apart ment with bath, furnished. Pri vate entrance and utilities. $55. Ph 5-1260. 19-21 r until 10 p. m. this evening and from 9 a. m. Saturday to 1 p. m. Saturday afternoon. Members of Kwama and Skull and Dagger will register the alumni. Last year’s winner of the regis tration trophy was Delta Delta Delta, with Beta Theta Pi and Alpha Tan Omega aa runners-up. Alpha Tau Omega won the trophy in 1950. It was not awarded in 1951. Patronize Emerald Advertisers. tftcCaqtuw. Day* COLLEGE CORDS For Young Men of All Ages ✓ WE GIVE GOLD ARROW STAMPS • - | mutnn utfitters 61 E. Broadway t WE REDEEM GOLD ARROW STAMPS campus queens look their loveliest in budget-balancing It takes a smart gal to know how to get the most for her money. That s why more and more coeds are now putting in their season’s supply of these price-pleasing Larkette nylons. Here are fashion-lovely, long-wearing stockings with luxury styling and smooth top-to-toe fit. The taper slim heel and low-cut V-shaped toe make them prom perfect. All this—in costume flattering colors—at prices that pamper your allowance. 15 denier', 51 gauge dress sheers 15 denier, 60 gauge long-wear sheers, dark seams ’ $1.65 Pr $1.35 pr OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P. M. WILLIAMS 1 o 1 5 w MI A M E T T E S T.’ OPEN FRIDAY TIL 9 P. M.