J-Dinner Ticket Sales to End Today Ticket sales for the journalism family dinner, to be held Tuesday at 6 p. m. in the Student Union ballroom, will close today at 5 p. fn. The tickets may be purchased for $1 at the journalism quonset next to Commonwealth hall. "All students interested in jour nalism are invited to come,” said Gordon A. Sabine, dean of the r (school of journalism. The dinner is informal and those attending are advised to wear old clothes. The evening’s entertainment will include a talk on the new journal ism building by Sabine and skits by the faculty and students. Patronize Emerald Advertisers. Campus Calendar 9:00 School Pit Pin Conf Info Lobby 2nd FI SU 11:45 Recpt Comm 111 SU 12:15 St. Bd Lunch 110 SU 3:00 Homecg Registration Lobby 2nd FI SU 4:00 Int Aff-Com 315 SU 6:30 Sign Judg 315 SU 7:00 St. Bd Banq Ballrm SU Oregano Schedule Stales Two Dorms ana mentor halls will lave Oregana living organizations Jictures taken at Kennell-Ellis to Jay from 9 a. m. to 5:15 p. m., lanet Eell, living organization edi- '< :or, announced. The dress will be suits and ties. Sugene freshmen who are pledges md living off campus may check heir fraternity as their living or ganization. All other pledges and independent men will appear on the dormitory page, Miss Bell said. Off-campus Eugene independent men who are affiliated with a haH but not living in it may also have their picture taken and appear on the dormitory page, Miss Bell stated. Monday’s schedule is Stit zer hall from 9 a. m. to 5:15 p. m. .. .and give thanks yon live in America! This thanksgiving as you bow your head to express your gratitude for your private blessings, remember to give thanks for one you share with over 150 million other people: The blessing of living in America. Nowhere else in the world are your personal rights * so well guarded, and your work so well rewarded. The average American wage, for instance, is $3100 ... the Russian but $720. The American gets an average of 323 pounds of meat per year...the Russian gets only 33 pounds. The American has an average of 38 pounds of sugar to sweeten his life yearly... the Russian just 18 pounds. The American spreads a minimum of 18 pounds of butter and margarine on his bread in a year. The Russian gets but 4.2 pounds. Authority for these Russian production figures? Georgi Malenkov, Premier of Russia. These are his own statistics in his official speech to his Deputies. He gives no figures for the production of cars, tele vision sets, refrigerators. Eight years after the end of World War II the Russian is apparently getting almost none of these things. Such unwitting testimony for the free American way of life —from the one who would destroy it—should give us pause this November 26th. Pause to express our thanks for the gift of American citizenship, and the inalienable rights this gift bestows* Pause to determine to protect this way of :life for our selves and our children’s children... against any odds! UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Incorporated in California, October 17,1890 MANUFACTURERS OF ROYAL TRITON, THE AMAZING PURPLE MOTOR OIL