Oregon Sharpens Offense As Oregon State Game Nears With Saturday’s all-important football game with Oregon State only two days pway the Univer sity of Oregon grid squad concen trated mainly on sharpening offen sive plays Thursday afternoon. Len Casanova's Ducks showed lots of spirit during the workout I f TED ANDERSON Duck Left Half and seemed very determined to «core their first win over the Heavers in five years. Shaw, Holland Sparkle The Webfoots looked surpris ingly sharp on their offensive pat terns considering the sloppy con dition of the field. George Shaw -and Barney Holland were throw ing passes with remarkable ac curacy and the mud did not seem to bother them much. If the ir== Ducks are able to keep their strong aerial game clicking on the wet gridiron which is bound to prevail Saturday it could cause OSC plenty of trouble. On the receiving end of Shaw’s and Holland’s tosses Walt Gaff ney, Ted Anderson, and Dick Mobley looked especially good. James I»st Oregon had all their fears of the past week confirmed Thursday when it was found that halfback Dick James’ bad ankle still hadn’t responded to treatment and it is very doubtful if the Duck “mighty mite” will see any action in Sat urday’s tussle. James’ presence in the Oregon backfield will be sorely missed. The Grant’s Pass speedboy has been the leading ground gainer for the team all year long and will be very hard to replace. Anderson May Start Being groomed to fill In the left halfback position left open by James’ injury is shifty Ted An derson. Anderson, who was a reg ular last year, will have his hands full if he is to adequately fill the position. Anderson is probably the fastest back on the Pacific Coast and if he has a good day could give the visiting eleven of Kip Taylor lots of problems. The disappointment of the James injury was partially re lieved Thursday when it appeared as though fullback Dean Van Leauven may be recovered from his plane crash of two weeks ago enough to see some action against the Beavers. Van Leuven hasn't had too much time to get back in condition but he could prove to be a definite asset as a depth man for the fullback position. Outside of James the team seemed to be in near perfect shape for the Civil War battle. Don Hedgepath, Emery Barnes, and Chuck Laird, who have been on the injury list for some time now, appeared to be about ready for ex tensive duty once again and will probably all make their presence felt in the season finale. Sig Eps Capture Volleyball Tussle Yesterday’s intramural volleyball play had a definite bearing on at least one of the volleyball leagues, as the Sigma Phi Epsilon team moved into a three way tie for the title in league 7-A, as a result of their win over Sigma Alpha Mu. Sigma Phi Epsilon showed a fine scoring punch as they rolled over Sigma Alpha Mu in the most im portant game of the day. The scores of the match that placed the Sig Eps in a tie for the league leader ship were 15-3 and 15-9. il We’ll persuade you with SUEDE^j Suede takes first place in every self-respecting wardrobe The suede jacket sketched is fitted in an easy-going way an dcut to be a joy over any skirt. Sizes 12 to 20 ... 6 colors to choose from Winsum Shop, Mam Floor Roche Tries Crystal Gazing Jack Roche, assistant football coach, takes a turn gazing into the gridiron crystal ball this week as the guest selector. Since this is the last week of the poll, it looks like the athletic department will walk off with the top percentage mark. Tiie guests have picked an average of three out of every four games for a .750 record. Uaroe Percent Oregon-OSl' UCLA I SC Cal-Stan Wash.-WSC Jeorgia Tech-Luke Mich.-Ohio St. .750 Nelson 61 23 .726 UCLA 12-10 Cal 33-21 Wash, 33-0 Tech 20-13 Oregon 13 0 CCLA 13 7 Stan 2119 Karr 59-25 .702 ()regon 32-0 UCLA 14-10 Stan 2H 27 Wash. 28-7 Tech 14 13 Wash. 21-0 White 58-26 .689 ()regon 39-0 ^7 27 .679 ()regon 16 i CSC 17-13 UCLA 14 7 Cal 7-6 Wash. 26-12 Stan 27-20 Wash. 53-20 Duke 21-30 Tech 27 7 Tech 14 13 Ohio St. 30-13 Ohio St. 21-13 (>hio St. 19-14 ()hic» St. 4 4-0 ()hio St. 20-14 48*28 .632 ()i egoti 20 7 CCLA Cal 21 7 Wash. 19.0 Tech 21-20 Ohio St. 20-19 Fenn.-Kcnt. Tenn. 7-0 1 7^0* Kent. 7-6 27-12 Tenn. 13-0 Kent. 14-13 Mat yland-Ala. Mary. 20-6 Mary. 20-13 Mary. 21-13 48*7j Mary. 32-31 *27-14 Baylor-SMU Bavlor 13-7 Baylor 7 6 Bavlor 146 Baylor 19-14 2*1-17 SMC 21 20 Harvard-Vale Vale 20-6 Vale 13-0 Vale 20-6 Vale 26*6 V'alc 7-6 Vale 20 13 For those special people on your list, like Mother and Dad, your swell husband or wonderful wife, the friends that are very dear to you... for whom just another gift never seems appropriate—your portrait id j»-« the perfect answer. So make your appointment now. You’D S'i be glad you did! ] An exceptionally fine portrait for your Christmas giving can be made from your Oregana Sitting Price—Extremely low