C A We^ PUS - - 1/Qound By Lucia Knepper Kmrral Living Organization*! Editor At Alpha Chi Omega Recently married wan Yvonne “nine to Dick Potter, Beta from OSC. Newly pinned is Virginia Johnson to Jim Casper, Chi Psl. New pledges are Carol Hillis, Lu Ringuette, Cecily Ley, Janis Glea ,»on and Carol Bestful. At Alpha Delta Pi Recent pinnlngs include Gloria 'Everta, a pledge, to Russ Cowell, Campbell club and Carol Baldwin to Nick Nickila, Kappa Sigma. ‘Activities being planned by the -house include their house dance and a dessert with Pi Kappa Alpha -next Wednesday. New pledges in clude Jean McLaughlin, Janet Ferris and Barbara Ream. .At Beta Theta Phi Recent pinnlngs include Jim .Duncan to Mickey McEUigot, Kap pa pledge and Dick Buren to Betty Dobler, Theta pledge. Engage ments announced Include Doug Thompson to Paula Smith of Bend, and Norm Forbea to Ann Lewis. Jim Ward was married to Donna Blum, former Chi Omega. At Kappa Kappa Gamma Married last summer were Shari 'Long to Malcolm Marsh, Beta, Ann Chambers to Marty Hankin son, ATO and Sally Palmer to Jack South worth, Beta. Judy Woodcock married Gordon Badley, ATO from OSC. . Summer engagements announc ed at the beginning of the term were Dorothy Pederson to Clyde -Fahlman, Sigma Chi, Margie Wil liams to Bill Johnson, SAE and .Valerie Cowls to Mel Govlg of Harvard last year and now a Phi .Psi pledge. Joan Renner announced 'her engagement Tuesday night to ‘Don Dunne, law graduate and SAE. Pinnlngs include Pat Jones to Art Greisser, Phi Delt, and Mari lyn Knapp to John Walker, Pi Sigma Nu from SOCE. At Pi Beta Phi Marriages last summer includ ed Janet Woods to Jim Livesay, Phi Delt;. Joan Blakely to Don Strand, ATO; Andy Freidle to Pat .Dignan, SAE; Janet Kregness to Don Almy, Theta Chi; Carol Lee Tate to Dick Morse, Phi Delt, and Margaret Dickey to Jim Miller, SAE. Recent pinnings include Mary Jo Carlson to Stan Russel, Phi Delt from OSC, Cprlene Warren to Gus Kahn, Theta Chi and Diane God dard to Jack Pyle, Beta. Pinnings In the pledge class include Marcia Cook to Ron Walters, Sigma Chi 'and Shirley . Gerhardt to Dave .Ballash, Chi Psi. Jackie "Densmore is engaged to Lee Jackson. At Phi Gamma Delta , Pinnings include John Bowles to Darlene Klaus of Eugene; Clarke Miller to-Shirley Ott, Eugene; Lar *,ry Pitzenberger to Janice Beeley ®nd Bob Goodwin to Joan Honey >well Theta. The Fijis arc planning a dessert with the DG’s next Wed nesday. ’At Sigma Chi * Recently married were Dick Ruchdesul to Mary Stone, DG; ’Jack Patera to Sue Bennett, Alpha Phi; Dick Petzoldt to Fayana Nel son from Klamath Falls; Don ■Sloan to Marcia Eagleson, DG; Don Siegmund to Cathy Tribe, Alpha Phi and Fred Turner to Margaret Powne, Alpha Xi Delta. Among the pinned are John El liot to Kay Perrin DG at Willam 'ette, Bill Brandsness to Sharon Gienger, Alpha Phi pledge and ‘Dick Barker to Hanna Sue Han ,sen, Alpha Delta Pi pledge. Engagements include Lloyd Powell to Nikki Trump Tri Delt and Bob Giersdorf to Sue Pendle ton of Portland. At Gamma Phi Beta Nu chapter entertained Oregon State Gamma Phi’s and Eugene alums on Founder’s Day, Nov. 11. A turkey buffet supper was held for 119 persons at the chapter house. An Informal songfest was the feature of the evening with each chapter singing its favorite songs. Recent pinnings include Sally Lyman to Don Stark, Fiji; JoAnn Erickson to a University of Wash ington Beta, John Simmons; Nor ma Stewart to Bob Hazel, Phi Psi, and Sally Cummins to Marv Young, Sig Ep. Rosamond Fraser, now working In San Francisco, is pinned to Ralph Schlegle, Sigma Nu from Oregon State. At University House Della Springer is engaged to marry Tom Sloan, graduate in psychology. The wedding will take place Dec. 27. Pat Me Hill in, freshman in ar chitecture and allied arts, was re cently married to Tom Rowley, a freshman in architecture. At Alpha Xi Delta Summer marriages include Do lores Parrish to Howard Smith, PW Psi; Margaret Powne to Fred Turner, Sigma Chi; Jane Wiggen to-Fred Promen, U. S. Navy. Aud rey Lefauer announced her en gagement to Harold Miller of Springfield at a Halloween fire side. A January wedding is plan ned. Recent initiates include Jose phine Hicks, Dottie Norstad, Janet Lee Schultz Sylvia Sommerer and Nolene Wade. They were treated to dinner by their "big sistet#." Religious Notes By MITZI A8AI Emerald Religious Editor Christian House Open house will be held at Chris tian house all weekend for Home coming visitors especially. A group will meet tonight to see “Martin Luther” together. Sunday at 9:15 a.m. the regular Donut Hour will be held, followed by a "class for spiritual growth.” Evening program and worship at 5:30 p.m. will feature a theme re lated to Thanksgiving. Refresh ments will be served. A social ac tion fireside will follow evening 6:00 p. m. Sign on 6:03 Piano Moods 6:15 Guest Star 6:30 News TUI Now 6:45 Entertainment Guide 7:00 New French Writers 7:30 Broadway in Review 7:45 Payne Award Show 8:00 Your Star Time 8:15 UN Story 8:30 Ways of Mankind 9:00 Kwaxworks 10:50 News Headlines 10:55 Tune to Say Goodnight 11:00 Sign Off Groups Hoar Morris Portland Mothers and Dads held their annual joint meeting Wed nesday night. Speaking to the large group were Victor Morris, acting president of the University, W. J. Bowerman, assistant direc tor of athletics, and K. W. On thank, associate director of stu dent affairs. Patronize Emerald Advertisers. Homecoming (and corsages; too) Eugenes Flower Home 5-3112 13th & Patterson J ■•ALLTHE « delicacies For Your HOMECOMING PARTY)! • Party Accessories • Party Foods • Ice and Beverages Come in and see our complete party service. We'll help you plan a “TAILOR MADE PARTY" ORDER WHAT YOU NEED NOW FOR AFTER THE GAME! BEAN’S BASKET GROCERY 34 E. 10th Ave. Phone 4-0231 church services at 9 p.m. Christian house members are urged to attend the University Re ligious council-sponsored Thanks giving service Tuesday in Gerling er hall and to hear T. Z. Koo, Uni versity lecturer. Westminster Foundation Tonight after the noise parade and variety show, there will be a “Quiet Party” with refreshments and lancing at Westminster. Sunday morning at 9:00 coffee and doughnuts will be served, fol lowed by a Bible study class on the Book of Isaiah led by Rev. Thom Hunter. The vesper service at 6 p.m. will be led by Gail West and Lynn Husband. An exposition entitled, “Fitting the Jig-saw Puzzle Together,” will be present ed by Mr. Hunter. The regularly scheduled Wed nesday fellowship supper is can celled for this week because of the Thanksgiving holidays, but will re sume on Wednesday, Dec. 2. W The SU and You This week’s “SU and You” Win ner is Ron Juniper. He is entitled to two free tickets to the SU Sun<|jj movie. iNDRTHiEHDmw 'Jy/lpje Ut fyeatne Ends Saturday In Technicolor "Million Dollar ..i.i” mcrmgia with Esther Williams, Victor Mature, Walter Pidgeon Plus "Murdor Without Craig Stevens and Joyce Holden Hamburger Inn Your Super Burger headquarters just 3 blocks off campus Our HOMECOMING SPECIAL ,'*.J£°1unc* °* rea* around beef, served on e big toasted bun with lettuce and tomatoes and a special delicious super burger dressing. Regular 40c And our delivery charges are the very lowesH Just 35c on any order under $5. Free Delivery on $5 Orders Phone 5-9545 1290 Patterson for the gay of heart... just .50 plus ta* Here's Angelique's joyful trio for the vivacious Co-ed . . . with a sentimental side to her young heart. An enchant ing combination of cologne, bath soap and powder ... in your Angelique fragrance favorite . . . Black Satin, White Gold, or Gold Satin. 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