Campbell Club, French, Chi Psi Take IM games Intramural volleyball action ^Wednesday consisted of three for • feits and three games in which 'Campbell Club, French hall and • Chi Psi A teams scored victories ‘over Barrister Inn, Merrick hall, ^andd Lambda Chi Alpha, respec tively. Winning via the forfeit route were Phi Sigma Kappa A, . Nestor hall A and Kappa Sigma B. . Campbell Club’s volleyballers .won the third and deciding game . to defeat Barrister Inn, 15-13, 12 J5 and 15-10. In the final set, . Campbell Club built up a 11-8 lead when Barrister Inn closed the gap • with a four point splurge. But •Campbell Club stopped dthe brief rally and dmatched it with one of its own by taking four straight . points to ice the game. . French hall dealt Merrick hall , two identical losses, each 15-7 in .their volleyball fray. Merrick, shorthanded with ouly three play ers, fought valiantly but In vain as French just had too much man power. In each game however, “Merrick held deads of 7-6 and 7-4 • but seemed stymied to go any far •ther while French kept increasing • their score to win. . Chi Psi outspiked Lambda Chi . Alpha in each set of their contest, .the first ending 15-9 and the sec . ond, a runaway at 15-2. Holding a slender 9-6 margin in the initial battle, Chi Psi gathered scoring momentum to win 15-9. By the ‘second set they were at top form, knocking home 11 consecutive ‘counters after a 4-2 score. . Mat Team Meets; So Do Managers The flmt meeting of Uni ver ily of Oregon’s wrestling team • will be held this afternoon In FB 114 at 4:15 pan., reminds Coach Bill Hammer and Assis tant BUI Denman. Both fresh . man and varsity prospects are asked to turn out. A meeting of all prospective wrestling managers will also be held later on this evening In the Student Union. The time Is 7:00 - p.m. and the room number will - he posted on the lobby bulletin board. Hammer states that the man ' agers will get to take all the road trips along with the team, besides picking up valuable In - formation while working with the squad. Sports Staff ♦ Desk Editor: Buzz Nelson. Staff: Doug May, Don Kupp, Sam Vahey. Webfoots Defense for OSC; Eight Game Captains Elected Oregon’s Ducks went through another practice session of offense and defense Wednesday afternoon as they continued to prep for the Saturday Homecoming dash with the Oregon State Beavers. The usual Wednesday routine was followed with the defense consisting of the third team run ning OSC plays at the first two units and some dummy offense JOE FULWYLER, OSC’s senior center, will be n pain in the neck for Oregon’s Docks when the two cross state foes clash at Hayward field. He was the “Iron Man” for OSC last year, playing 326 minutes. Mural Office Seeks Entries The intramural office is calling for entry blanks for the four win ter sports, bowling, handball, A basketball and B basketball. Al though deadline for the entries is January 5, the IM directors would like the blanks in early. Paul R. Washke, director of in tramural sports, states that cam pus organizations should enter only as many teams as they will guarantee to actively suport in the program. The mural program this year has been handicapped by organi zations that would enter a team just to get the entry points, and then forfeit all the games. Washke says that this isn’t fair to the teams who want to play, but whose opponents never show up for the games. Cameron Top Rusher; Shaw Fourth Passer LOS ANGELES — Paul Cam eron, Bob Garrett and Sam Morley have strangleholds on their res pective rushing, passing and re ceiving crowns but every other - statistical battle is wide open as Pacific Coast conference teams head into their final full weekend of play. Figures released by the PCC Commissioner's office showed Cameron with 618 yards rushing and a lead of more than 100 yards over Aramis Dandoy, Southern California, and Dick James, Ore gon, 479. Garrett has completed 106 " passes for 1506 yards and but five interceptions for a commanding margin over Sandy Lederman, Washington, 80 completions, Paul Larson, California, 72, and George Shaw, Oregon, 47. Three TD Passes Garrett threw three TD passes Saturday to run his total to 16, thereby smashing the old PCC sea son mark of 15 (Bob Burkhart, WSC, 1951). He has a completion . mark of 59.6 percent and an out side chance to crack Don Hein rich’s record 60.9 percent set at Washington in 1950. Morley has 39 receptions for 506 yards and five touchdowns. Following him are two teammates, John Steinberg and Ron Cook, with 29 and 17 catches, respective ly. The PCC record of 46 was set in 1951 by Ed Barker of Wash ington State. Slim Margin In total offense Garrett has a three-yard lead over Larson, 1371 to 1368, with Lederman third, 998. In TD responsibility, Garrett has 17 to Cameron’s 16 and both have a chance to equal the record of 20 set by Russ Saunders of Southern California in 1929. The other statistical races are wide open. Cameron leads A1 Tal ley, California, in scoring, 66 to 60, with Cook third, 54. Cameron and Flip Kleffner, Idaho, have 40.9 punting averages with Dan doy a close third, 40.6. Garrett has a slim lead in pass interceptions, with seven to six for Oregon State’s Ralph Carr. Dandoy has 222 yards on punt runbacks to 205 for Cameron, and Carr has 272 yards on kickoff returns to 223 for Idaho’s Jay Buhler. work to round out the drill. The squad had to drill without Dick James, who is still out of commission with a leg injury suf fered in the California game. Along with linemen Chuck Laird and Don Hedgepeth, it is unlikely that he will see much, if any, ac tion this weekend. Elected game captains were the eight seniors who will be play ing their last game. The eight named are Ted Anderson, Emery Barnes, who is also the season’s captain, Len Berrie, Chuck Green ly’ Cece Hodges, Barney Holland, Chuck Laird, and Ken Sweitzer The Beavers will be coming down to Eugene with two units m their last three games — 19-0 over Idaho, and 7-0 over WSC sandwiched around a 34-6 loss to Michigan State. Currentiy top ground gainer for Kip Taylor’s charges is 5’9’’ 180 pound Ralph Carr, a returned ser viceman. Against the WSC Cou gars, he gained over 100 yards and averaged over five yards per car Top QSC linemen are Joe Ful Outstanding Honor Goes to Clement Doug Clement, middle distance man on Oregon’s track team, has been picked as the outstanding amateur track and field performer in Canada. Clement is from Van couver, B.C. He read of his selection in a news release from Montreal, Can ada. In addition to this honor, he wil 1 receive the J. W. Davies trophy. Clement is a two year letterman for the Webfoots, running the 440 and 880 yard dashes. He also held a position on the 1952 Canadian Olympic team which placed fourth in the finals for the 1600 meter relay. r wyler, senior from Vale, and La verne Ferguson, senior from Parm, Idaho. Ferguson is the team cap tain. As a constant reminder of the fact that the Heavers have beat Oregon four straight, the Duck coaches have posted cartoons and newspaper clippings in the dress ing room. “Beaver stock soars up ward’’ and “Taylor predicts vic tory” are samples. LAVERNE FERGUSON, a guard, is the captain of Coach Kip Taylor’s 1953 gridders. He’s from Parma, Idaho, and weighs 205 pounds. SPORTS FARE | Thursday, November 19 VOLLEYBALL 3:50, Court 40, Phi Kappa Sigma A V4 PI Kappa 1'bi A 5 :35, Court 40, PM Kappa Fsi A vs Delta fan Delta A 5:15, Court 40, Sigma Phi Epsilon A vs Sig __jrkii_A]vhA Mu A SELUTTHRU I HE WANT ADS FOUND—a baby shoe near educa tion building. Contact Mitsugar Sakihara, Cherney HaU. Repair your own car. Self-service garage. J. & j. Motors. 3880 West 11th avenue. Phone 5-3902 LOST—6 months old Labrador. Black with white marks on chest. Return to Delta Upsilon. 4-0711. Reward. 11-16 Anyone interested in a 6-week non-travel agency European Tour, see Mitzi Asai, Carson hall or cal] 5-9345 11-16 Large and clean 2-room apart ment with bath, furnished. Pri vate entrance and utilities. $55. Fh 5-1260. 19-2t - * Quick...| WHICH WAY TO McKenzie Flyincj] Service I've got to learn to fly., Bui FAST .1300 28th St. Ph. 7-2300 ON SUNDAY NIGHT You'll like the cafeteria menu at the SU for something different in Sunday evening eating. Enjoy good food at low prices this Sunday. £j, We,no,iJ STUDENT UNION