Susan Campbell Residents Have Pictures Taken Today Susan Campbell hall will have Oregana living organization pic tures taken today from 9 a. m. to 5:15 p. m. at Kennell-EUis, Janet Bell, living organizations editor, announced. Eugene freshmen who are pled ges of fraternities may check their fraternity as their living organi zations. .They will appear on the fraternity-page-as Eugene fresh men, the same policy which is used for sororities; Miss Bell said. . All other dormitory students and pledges must check their dor mitory as their living organiza tion; and_Will appear on their dor mitory page. Off-campus independent Eugene men who are affiliated with a dor mitory but not living in it, may also have their picture taken and appear on the dormitory page, stated Miss Bell. Campus Calendar Noon Theater Exec Bd.llO SU - Asbiy co2» riu StC Econ- Dept ■- 112 SU Art GUT;- 'Z 313 SU 4:30 Homecg Lunch--* HO SU 6:30 Yng Demos 111 SU *- -Football Movie Blrm SU . T^QS Christian Sci Ger 1st fl • 7:30 Alpha -Phi Omga 110 SU „ i : IKL 334 SU - - Phi Eps Kap Ger 2nd Fl S:Wl.Hui O Attire will be suits and ties, and Miss Bell urges all men to check all activities they are affiliated with on the activity envelopes at Kennell-EUis. Wednesday's schedule will be Gamma hall, from 9 a. m. to 5:15 p. m. Thursday, Merrick and French halls will have pictures taken, also from 9 a. m. to 5:15 p. m. ^ The sub-committee on pro motion for the Homecoming dance wil meet today at 2 p. m. on the third floor of the Student Union, according to Don Bonime, chair man. Jluienititj. 9ft ... Oft KWAX * jf:00 p. m. Sign On - vw$.;03 Piano Moods — Four for 'alQukrter News-Ttll-Now - 6:45*. Sports" shots . . 7:0© French Musie Festival 8:00 Joan Klinger Show 8:15 UN Story 8:30 Voices of Europe 9:00 Kwaxworks 10:50 News Headlines 10:55 Tune to Say Goodnight 11:00 Sign Off MjMt? SELL IT THRU THE WANT ADS FOR RENT—One bedroom unfur nished house. $55 month. Phone 5-2176. 11-13 LOST—6 months old Labrador. Black with white marks on chest. Return to Delta Upsilon. 4-0711. Reward. 11-16 Private party has mahogany Les ter Spinet piano for sale. Ex cellent condition. $450. Phone 5-0216. 11-16 FOR RENT—large, cheery, com fortable rooms, $5 per week. Old Pi Kappa Phi house, 1385 Frank lin Blvd. Phone 3-2828. 11-17 Anyone interested in a 6-week non-travel agency European Tour, see Mitzi Asai, Carson hall pr call 5-9345 11-16 SIAMESES kittens. Deposit will hold for Christmas. Phone 5 7383 or 4-0659. 11-16 FOUND—a baby shoe near educa - tion building. Contact Mitsugar Sakihara, Cherney Hall. Repair your own car. Self-service gdrage. J. & J. Motors. 3880 West 11th avenue. Phone 5-3902 % Homecoming luncheon com mittees will meet today at 4:30 p. m. in the Student Union. All committee members are urged to attend. CAMPUS BRIEFS • A meeting of the Emerald night staff will be held at 4 p.m. today in the Emerald shack, ac cording to Anne Hill, chief night editor. • Application blanks for Christmas work in the Portland Post Office may be picked up in the student employment office in Emerald hall. • Deseret club, Latter Day Saints student religious organiza tion, will meet in the Student Union today at noon. Members at tending are to bring lunches, ac cording to W. D. Richins, adivser of the group. • Alpha Phi Omega, men’s service honorary, will hold a busi | ness meeting tonight at 7:30 in j the Student Union, announced to | Pres. Jerry Froebe. 0 The urconil rehearsal of the Homecoming variety show will be held at 3 p. m. today in the Stu dent Union ballroom, according to Judy Morse, co-chairman of the show. —■ - -■■■■■■ —■ — ■■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■■ I've got something to crow about, I'm learning to Fly at... McKenzie Flying Service 1300 28th St. Ph.7-2366 I 30 E. 11th Eugene RENTALS ALL MAKES - ALL MODELS $5.00 Per Month $12.50—Three Months Brooks Office Machines Ph. 4-8035 CHOICE OF YOUNG AMERICA =FOR THE ///W STRAIGHT YEAR - CHESTERFIELD /S THE LARGEST SELLING CIGARETTE IN AMERICA'S COLLEGES ... by a 1953 survey audit of actual sales in more than 800 college co-ops and campus stores from coast to coast. Yes, for the fifth straight year Chesterfield is the college favorite. CHESTERFIELD IS THE ONLY CIGARETTE EVER TO GIVE YOU PROOF OF LOW NICOTINE, HIGHEST QUALITY The country’s six leading brands were ana* lyzed chemically—and Chesterfield was found low in nicotine—highest in quality. This scene reproduced from Chesterfield’s famous ‘center spread” line-up pages in college football programs from coast to coast.