Ducks Head South For California Tilt ' - (Continued from page one ) Veekend. * Larson's counterpart at qtiar Terback for Oregon will be George Shaw. General George has not set any passing records this season but he has been the Webfoots’ leading player all year long and j.n several Saturday’s has been nothing short of terrific. - In their final home practice session Thursday afternoon the -Dueks worked mainly on shar pening up their offensive forma -tions. Several players are report * ed on the Injury list but most of ■them are expected to see some action against the Bears. . Casanova will probably open .with the following line-up Satur . gay: John Reed, left end; Hal Reeve, left tackle; Ken Sweitzer, "left guard; Ron Phelster, center; Jack Patera, right guard; Keith Tucker, right tackle; Dick Mob Iry .right end; George Shaw, quar terback; Dick James, lett half back; Walt Gaffney, right half -back; and Cece Hodges, fullback. SPORTS FARE Friday, November 13 VOLLEYBALL •D'0, Court 40, Beta Theta Pi A v«. Chi -Pm A. Court 4,1, Phi Delta Theta A vs. £»gma Chi A. 4 :3S, Court 40. Alpha Tau Omega A vh. "Pi Kappa Phi A. Court 4.1. Sigma Alpha J£p»iion A vi. Tau Kappa Epul-.n A. 5:15. Court 40, Pi Kappa Alpha A v*. ‘Delta '1 au Delta A. ('ourt 4.1, Sigma Xu A vi. Delta I’piiWm A. iNORTHi nn / / utemp. Sunday thru Tuesday 5000 Fingers of Dr. T. with Peter Lind Hayes and Mary Haley plus Carson City Starring Randolph Scott Both Features in Color Show starts at 6:00 p.m. STARTS SUNDAY „ Uh#VttSAl JWTftNATlONAt Pr«w«H « JEFF CHANOLER ,JmI MARILYN MAXWELLS^ ANTHONY QUINN SUZAN BALL ‘JOHN SUTTON-JAY C.FUPPEM 2nd TOP HIT W M-G-M presents * * * * * * iSSSfif! rop STARS OF SHOW BUSINESS* & ZMOWIlWMtTft tfkm 4.4152 me DRIVE-IN THEATRE PACIFIC COAST CONFERENCE W ......5 .5 . 4 .2 .2 .2 . 2 Stanford . I ( LA . I SC . California . Wanhimrton u se . Oregon Oregon State Idaho . L 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 3 T 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Pet. .833 .833 .800 .500 .500 .400 333 .107 0 .000 CASANOVA This week’s guefit selector is Head Football Coach Len Casa nova. The guests still have the best advantage with a 51 right. 16 wrong record, a percentage of .761. Buzz Nelson boasts the best per centage for the sports writers with .747, compiled from a 56-19 mark. Campbell Club Scores Volley Win Campbell Club’s "A” team i downed Philadelphia House Thurs day in the only volleyball game played. The other two games ended in forfeits, with Hale Kane “A” winning over the Legal Eagles “A” won by a 15-11 score. Campbell Club had to go to a third game to win their contest with the Phils, but they played very fine ball all the way. Jim Katakura and Larry Eeckius were the individual stars for the Camp bell Clubbers, Beckius being es pecially hot on his serving, and Katakura showing fine all around play. The victors won the opening game easily, 15-8, but in the sec ond game seemed to run into a solid wall, as Philadelphia House won b ya 15-11 score. This Week’s Predictions GAME Percent . Oregon-Cal. OSC-WSC . Wash-UCLA.. Mich St. Mich. LSU-Miss St. ... Army-Penn . West-1 m3... III.-Wise.____... Xcb.-Colo..... Price-Yale .. Casanova 5116 .761 Nelson 56-19 .747 osc UCLA Mich. Miss. St. Penn Indiana Cal 1913 WSC 20-12 UCLA 2014 Mich. St. 21-7 Karr 54-21 .720 White 53-22 .707 Oregon 26-20 WSC 19-7 f Iregon 20-17 OSC 13-7 UCLA 28-13 I f LA 27-6 Mich. St. 13-7 Miss. St. 13-7 Miss St. 21-0 2L2U N West. 27-26 Army N 'West. 14-7 111. Colo. Yale III. 13-0 n-12 Yale 7-0 III. 27-14 Neb. 19-14 Yale 20-6 Mich. St. 22-6 LSU 34-14 Penn 13-12 X'West 27-7 111. 28-6 Colo. 26-14 Yale 13-0 Steen 45-21 .682 Vahey 51-24 .680 Cal 28-13 Cal 14-13 WSC 21-0 WSC 19-13 UCLA 21-7 UCLA 28-14 Mich. St. 19-14 LSU 21-7 M ich. St. 19-12 Miss. St. 21- 7 iV-T/ Army 19-6 X'West. 20-13 -V West. 14-0 111. 21-7 in. 34-7 Neb. 35-14 Colo. 14-13 Prince. 14-13 Yale 7-0 The third contest cinched the! match for Campbell Club, as they i rolled over the Phils, 15-4. ! Sports Staff Desk Editor: Bob Robinson. Staff: Sam Vahey and Bruce Tennant. REAL CHINESE FOOD THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL COMPLETE DINNERS • Chicken Chow Yuk 9 Beef Curry Rice Includes; Soup, Dessert, Beverages Well deliver your order OPEN: FRIDAY £ SATURDAY 12 Noon to 3 a nt. SUNDAY to THURSDAY 12 Neon to 1 a.m. CLOSED: MONDAY East from the Post Office 33 E. 6th Ave. . Dial 5-2012 < < < < < < * < i i * t * ( * < < * < < t < < < < Here ore two points to remember when you buy a car!'... of any line in its field f ft JrSv« it, and you'll know that H alono brings you all thoso features of highest* priced cars at the lowest prices and with such outstanding gasoline economy I Yes, you get more car for less money in Chevrolet! 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