The Oregon Daily Emerald la published Monday through Friday during the college yea* from Sept. IS to June 3, except Wot. 16, 26 through 30, Dec. 7 through 9, 11 through Jan. 4, March 8 through 10, 12 through 29, May 3, and 31 through June 2, with iaauea on Nor. 21, t.„ 23, and May 8, by the Student Publication* Board o* the University of Oregon. En tered as second el.«« matter at the post office, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rates: $S per *Ck0^iIk« «£L£ri’'on the editorial page are those of the writer md do not pretend to renresent the opinions of the ASUO or of the University. Unsigned editorials are written by tee editor; initialed editorials by the associate editors. AL KARR, Editor BILL BRANDSNESS, Business Manager PAT G1LDEA, ELSIE SCHILLER, Associate Editors KITTY FRASER, LAURA STURGES, Editorial Assistants JACKIE WARDELL, Managing Editor JOE GARDNER, News EditorSAM VAHEY, Sports Editor Chief Makeup Editor: Pam Keefe Chief Night Editor: Anne Hill Chief Copy Desk Editor: Gloria Lane Asst. Spovts Editor: Rob Robinson Asst. Managing cantors: nen caivcn, coo Patterson Asst. News Editors: Dorothy Her, Gordon Rice, Sally Ryan Could This Be Washington? “Boy, I’d hate to be going into THAT locker room!” Mo Phi 50th Year Celebrated Today Mu Phi Epsilon, national pro fessional music sorority, will cele brate its 50th anniversary today with a regional celebration. It was founded in 1903 at the Cincinnati conservatory. Nu Chapter on the ■University campus was the eighth chapter, with a charter issued in 1811. It is now the fifth oldest existing chapter. A regional celebration honoring the founders is planned for this afternoon and evening in Portland. Similar celebrations will be held throughout the nation. Members of the honorary are chosen on a basis of musicianship, Scholarship and personality. The purpose of Mu Phi Epsilon is to provide a harmonious atmosphere for musical presentation by the members. ASUO Senate - * (Continued from page one ) for the team. All but two members of the rally squad were going to the California game, it was stated in the report. ASUO Vice Pres. Eton Coliin re ported on the freshman election, mentioning in particular that there was still some misunderstanding of the preferential voting system. He said a publicjexplanation of the, ballot counting procedure will be held later in the year. Dick Bruce and Elsie Schiller volunteered to meet with Donald DuShane, director of student af fairs, to discuss the possible for mation of a University housing committee which would be in charge of arranging housing for the various conferences- held on campus during the year, particu larly those for high school student. Annual Fall Shop Slated The annual fall term Panhel lenic workshop will be held this evening and Saturday morning in the Student Union. Attending will be members of the Panhellenic executive council, house presi dents, rush chairmen and Mrs. Goyda P. Wickham, associate di rector of student affairs and ad viser of the organization. The program for this evening, which is to start at 7 p. m., in cludes a rush week evaluation by Sally Thurston, Panhellenic presi dent; a standards discussion led by Sally French, standards chair man, and a discussion of alumnae relations. Saturday morning sessions start at 9 with discussions on scholar ship led by Jeanette Kimball; dor mitory relations, Mary Ann Herron; pledge training and Jun ion Panhellenic, Barbara Rubin, and a commentary by Mrs. Wick ham. A luncheon will be held from 12 noon to 1 pjn. Brouwer Math Speech Scheduled For Today L. E. J. Brouwer, professor of mathematics at the University of Amsterdam, will speak at 4 p. m. today in Deady 102 on the topic “The Order in the Continuium.’’ Brouwer, who is currently on tour through American and Cana dian universities, was a guest lec turer at the Canadian mathema tics seminar congress at Queens university in Kingston last August and September. Jliiteninp On ' ...On KWAX 6:00 p. m. Sign On 6:03 Piano Moods 6:15 Guest Star 6:30 News Till Now 6:45 Entertainment Guide 7:00 New French Writers 7:30 Broadway in Review 7:45 Payne Award Show 8:00 Your Star Time 8:15 UN Story 8:30 Ways of Mankind 9:00 Kwaxworks 10:50 News Headlines 10:55 Tune to Say Goodnight 11:00 Sign Off SUNDAY 2:00..p.m. Sign On 2:03 Muslcomedy Favorites 2:30 Comedie Francaise 4:00 Sunday Opera 6:00 Sign Off Patronize Emerald Advertisers. TV at Rod Taylor’s? “CRAZY!” quacked the Oregon duck. "This ttuff it real George dad," taid hit mete at he put hit wing around her ducky thouldert. Thit duck got to be a real bop* tier when he templed theta cool beveraget and watched tome of that gone TV to he made up hit mind to celebrate again thit weekend at... ROD TAYLOR'S on tho Glenwood Strip SHUNS RUNS from single! thread snags SHUN it UN is a misty sheer stocking that magically shuns runs. Wonder Knit, exclusive with Strutwrar, Mends Gossamer sheer nylons into flatteringly beautiful Shun Run. 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