PCC STATISTICS Oregon On Way To Two Records LOS ANGELES — Throe teams shared offensive honors in the weekly football statistics released by the Pacific Coast Conference Commissioner’s of fice — UCLA, Stanford and Cali fornia. The UCLA Bruina have gained their spot on the ground, with an average of 247.0 yards a game rushing, and a big bulge over Cal ifornia's 193.5 and Southern Cal ifornia's 188.9. Stanford’s superi ority is through the air where the Indians have averaged 181 yards a game. Nearing Records Their completion mark of 56.8 per cent and their 14 touchdown passes place them within range of the Conference season records of 57.3 per cent (Washington, 1950) and 16 TDs (UCLA, 1946, and Washington State, 1951). Califor nia ranks second in passing with 166.1 and Washington third, 143.1. California's combined rushing and passing totals give them a good lead in total offense with a game mark of 359.6 yards. Stan ford is second, 325.4, and UCLA third, 313. Docks Up High Three teams also shared defen sive honors — Southern California, Oregon and UCLA. The Trojans have given up but 114.5 yards rushing to 121.9 for UCLA and 144.3 for Washington. Oregon’s pass defense has al lowed hot 57.1 yards and their totals of 30 completions allowed for 457 yards give them a chance at two I’CC season rec ords. Montana allowed but 5S completions In 1946 and Southern California gave up but 668 yards last year. Ranked next in pass defense are UCLA, 79.1, and Stanford, 95.5. UCLA's total defense average of 201 is the best in the PCC, follow ed by Oregon, 231.3, and Southern Cal, 240.7. UCLA also leads in punting, 40.6, and is tied with California for Interceptions, each having stolen 17 enemy aerials. Washington State leads in kick runbacks, 17.1 yards on punt re turns and 21 yards on kickoff re turns. All teams have two games re maining. This weekend: Washing ton State-Oregon State at Cor vallis, Oregon-Califomia at Berke ley, Washington-UCLA at Los Angeles, San Jose-Stanford at Stanford and COP-Idaho at Mos cow. Southern California is idle. Rush Offense CCLA Calif'trnia Southern Cal Oregon . Wash. State .. Stanford . Washington . Idaho Oregon State TCB ...348 . 364 .375 .339 366 ... .353 .365 266 .281 Net 1733 1548 1511 1311 118Q 1155 1152 729 609 247.6 183.5 188.9 163.9 147.5 144.4 144.0 104.1 87.0 Offense PA PC Yd* Sta nford California Washington 182 Southern Cal 125 Oregon 136 Wanh. State 136 Idaho 126 Oregon State 116 IX LA 89 176 100 1448 151.,. 71 1329 86 1105 57 62 56 43 42 36 802 781 756 582 506 458 Pet .568 .470 .447 .451 .456 .411 .341 .362 .405 Ave 181.0 166.1 138.1 100.3 97.6 94.5 83.1 72.3 65.4 Ttl. Offense Play* Total Ave California . Stanford . . CCLA . Southern Cal Washington Oregon . Wash. State . Idaho . Oregon State .515 .529 .437 500 : : 7 .475 502 .392 .397 2877 2603 2191 2312 2257 2092 1936 1311 1115 359.6 325.4 313.0 289.1 282.1 261.5 242.0 187.4 159.3 Rush Defense Southern Cal . CCLA . Washington . Oregon .. California .... Stanford . Wash. State . Idaho Oregon State TCB .334 .303 .329 - ..424 — .361 .356 .344 __349 . .if,7 Net 916 853 1154 1393 1305 1437 1564 1593 1686 Ave. 114.5 121.9 144.5 174.1 163.1 179.6 195.5 227.6 240.9 Pa** Defense Oregon CCLA Stanford Oregon State Idaho California Southern Ca! Washington Wash. State PA PC Yds Pet Ave 78 30 457 .384 57.1 116 52 554 .448 79.1 154 46 764 .364 95.5 132 57 687 .437 98.1 120 57 766 .475 109.4 153 67 954 .437 1 19.3 150 67 1010 .447 126.3 150 72 1098 .473 137.3 167 88 1284 .526 160.5 Total Defense CCLA Oregon Southern Cal Stanford Washington California Jdaho Oregon State Wash. State Rush 853 1393 916 1437 1154 1305 1593 1686 1564 Pass 554 457 1010 764 1098 954 766 687 1284 Total Ave 1407 201.0 1850 1926 2201 2252 2259 2359 2373 2848 231.3 240.7 275.1 281.5 282.4 337.0 339.0 356.0 Cal Boss i COACH ‘PAPPY” WALDORF Prepare* for Duck Reason Ducks Stay In Condition Coach Len Casanova isn't going to let his Oregon football eleven get out of shape for the University of California game this Saturday at Berkeley. The Ducks have won their last three games, the longest win streak since the 1948 Cotton Bowl season, and “Cas" isn't going to let his boys become overconfident. After a giant-killing effort against USC two weeks ago, the Webfoots had It easy for the Idaho game. Casanova’s job this week is to harden the Oregons up for the always tough Bears of Coach •'Pappy” Waldorf. The locals went through their second day of heavy practice Tuesday afternoon beneath wet, drizzly skies, the type of weather that isn’t expected for the Cali fornia contest. The Ducks came out of the Idaho clash in good physical condition, and minor leg bruises are not ex pected to slow down Don Hedge (Please turn to page four) WAPPA YA KNOW No Forfeits Reported in IM Games; Fijis; Phi Delfs, ATO's Victorious ,i in intramural action Tuesday, all of the games were held as scheduled, a feat that has been ac coplished only four times since the start of the volleyball season. In the first game, Phi Gamma Delta had to go to three games to gain their win over the Delta Up silon team. All three of the games were fairly close, with the Fijis winning the first, 15-12, the D U’s the second, 15-13, and the Fijis finishing stronger, 15-8. Both teams played a good brand of ball, with many fine saves. Phi Delts Take It Easy .. Phi Delta Theta had an easy time of it as they roiled over the Phi Kappa Sigma team in two successive games, 15-0 and 15-8. The Phi Delts showed a tremen dous net game as their spiking added many of the points to their score. ATO Drops Delts Twice In Tuesday’s final game, Alpha Tau Omega took both of the games played from the Delta Tau Delta squad. The scores were 15-5, and 15-12. In the final game, A T O had quite a time in keeping out in front of the Delts, but closed fast to grab the win. Sr Yesterdays action affected only the, second place standings in the "B” leagues. A win for the Fijla upped them into a second place tie with the team that they defeat ed, Delta Upsilon, in league 2-B; and the Alpha Tau Omega victory gave them undisputed title to sec ond place in league 3-B. Ho Hum, Irish Top AP Gridiron Poll NEW YORK